A portrait of Jaime Roldos, Ecuador's first democratically elected president, who died with his family when their plane crashed in the mountains.

Two men and two women meet and pair off (m/w x 2) during the town Festival in San Marcos. Later, weddings.

Shattered by the unexpected news of their irreversible break-up, an aspiring orchestra conductor is puzzled by his girlfriend's mysterious and seemingly inexplicable case of disappearance.

Lola Montes, previously a great adventuress, is reduced to being the attraction of a circus after having been the lover of various important men.

Woo-ri, 32, and Ja-young, 28, who both dislike being alone but have particular anxieties when it comes to dating, meet through an app.

Djuro is a Romany, he has a large, happy family, and earns a living appearing in Serbian porn films. And it's through his sarcastic perspective that we follow the story of the Croatian war veteran Martin. He falls in love with a beautiful girl who plays Little Red Riding Hood in a porn version of the fairy tale. She is also a prostitute. To be with her, Martin has to buy her from her pimp. A tragicomic story of love in a world where it seems all human values are put up for sale or destined for cynical destruction

Aline with Valentín. Miroslava with Sergio. Two couples. Two different worlds. One only destiny. Reflected upon one another, their lives intertwine in everyday's story. A story full of conflict and passion, triumph and failure. Thus, their lives get chained in beginnings and endings. For them, there's a lot to choose, a lot to start and a lot to finish. Thus, Aline and Miroslava punctuate their life with a period, and a new paragraph.

After a band of drunken thugs overruns a small Indian Nation town, killing Reverend Goodnight and raping the women folk, Eula Goodnight enlists the aid of US Marshal Cogburn to hunt them down and bring her father's killers to justice.

The semi-autobiographical story centers on the complexities of love and commitment in a family torn apart when faced with an unexpected tragedy.

Set in 1973 Spain, a struggling encyclopedia salesman and his wife take advantage of an offer to make adult films. The act turns him into an aspring legit filmmaker and her into an international sex symbol.

Harrison Ford ja Brad Pitt tähdittävät riipaisevaa trilleriä, jossa IRA:n palkkatappaja vetää amerikkaisperheen keskelle terrorismin maailmaa.

Kuuluisa teollisuuspohatta, 85-vuotias N.F. Sieger, toivoo löytävänsä imperiumilleen poikaansa Danielia paremman perillisen. Niinpä hän ottaa yhteyttä kykyjenetsijä Martin Vingeen. Martin etsii sopivia kandidaatteja, mutta huomaa ennen pitkää sotkeutuneensa paljon suurempaan valtapeliin kuin pystyi kuvittelemaankaan.

John on pankinjohtaja pienessä brittikylässä. Työelämä on miehelle tuttua kauraa, mutta rakkaus on ja pysyy mysteerinä. John päättää tehdä asialle jotain: internetissä on tarjolla jos jonkinmoista seuraa. Eräs yritys kauppaa morsiamia Venäjältä, ja John uskaltautuu tilaamaan itselleen eksoottisen mielitietyn. Nadian saapuessa John on kuin seitsemännessä taivaassa; upea kaunotar ei ehkä osaa englantia erityisen hyvin, mutta viehkeä venakko osaa kyllä pitää miehestä huolta! Nadian syntymäpäivän lähestyessä pariskunta saa pari kaukaista vierasta - Nadian karskinoloiset "serkkupojat". John huomaa pian, että Nadian sukurakkaudessa on huonotkin puolensa?

Set in 1899 Paris, a young police sergeant is chosen to infiltrate a group of anarchists, an opportunity he sees to rise through the ranks. However, he soon finds himself becoming attached to the group.

Kuvankauniin megatähti Gwenin henkilökohtaisena assistenttina olo ei ole herkkua hieman ujolle ja aralle Kikille. Mutta tilanne on muuttumassa pahasta painajaismaiseksi, kun Kiki lupautuu auttamaan legendaarista lehdistöagentti Lee Philipsiä. Tarkoitus on saada Gwen ja hänen terapian tarpeessa oleva megatähti ex-miehensä läpäisemään kunnialla viimeisen yhteisen elokuvansa lehdistötilaisuus. Aluksi suurin haaste tuntuu olevan pitää ?pariskunnan? huonot välit salassa julkisuudelta, mutta Kikin homma käy entistä hankalammaksi kun pitkäaikainen ystävyys Eddien kanssa alkaa saada romanttisia vivahteita...

Mickey, a free-spirited New York cabbie, and Francis, a materialistic Wall Street stockbroker, are extremely competitive and confused about women as a result of their father's influence. Though they disagree about everything, they have one thing in common: Mickey's ex-fiance Heather is Francis's secret love. Though both brothers have beautiful wives, Heather triggers their longtime sibling rivalry

When a new airplane that's equipped with a new computer that can fly the plane on its own, is about to have its first flight. But the son of the owner decides to upload more software, he doesn't bother to check if there are any viruses with it. And he also invites some potential investors to try it. So the plane appears to be working well but suddenly it veers off course and it can't be shut down. When the military learns of this and fears what if something happens if it's over a populated area; decides to shoot it down along with everyone on board. The man who built the computer whose wife is among the passengers thinks if he can get on board he might be able to shut it down and regain control of the plane. So the military using a new plane gets him on board. But what he didn't know is that both pilots are incapacitated so there's no one who can fly the plane.

An insurance agent, in order to save his job, leaves with his family for the trendy Egyptian resort of Sharm El Sheikh, where his boss will also spend the holidays.

San Antonio, Texas. The bodies of various drug cartel members are turning up mangled and drained of blood. Tough DEA agent Carlos Seguin discovers that the grisly murders are being committed by a pack of chupacabras, which are lethal predatory creatures of local legend. Carlos, his feisty new partner Tracy Taylor, wayward estranged son Tommy, and several others make a desperate last stand against the bloodthirsty beasts at the famous fort The Alamo.