This Oscar-winning animated short film tells the story of one man's love life as seen through the eyes of his best friend and dog, Winston, and revealed bite by bite through the meals they share.

Når Harrys navn trekkes fra ildbegeret, må han delta i en tøff kamp om ære mellom tre trollmannsskoler. Men siden han aldri meldte seg på turneringen selv, hvem var det da som gjorde det? Denne må Harry kjempe mot en fryktinngytende drage, olme vanndemoner og en forhekset labyrint, bare for å oppdage at han befinner seg i fyrst Voldemorts jerngrep.

A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.

Jack-Jack antas å være normal, uten å ha noen superkrefter som foreldrene eller søsknene hans. Men når en utenforstående blir ansatt for å passe på ham, viser Jack-Jack sitt sanne potensiale. Kortfilmen er en spin-off på 2004-filmen De utrolige (The Incredibles).

Phineas and Ferb become the galaxy's unlikeliest last hope when they must return the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance.

Ajatashatru Lavash Patel has lived all his life in a small Mumbai neighborhood tricking people with street magic and fakir stunts. He sets out on a journey to find his estranged father but instead gets dragged on a never-ending adventure.

Lilo og vennene hennes har fanget og rehabilitert alle Dr. Jumbas 625 eksperimenter. Alt ser ut til å være rolig, så Stitch, Jumba og Pleakley kan gå videre til mer rutinemessige oppgaver. Men den onde Dr. Hamsterviel hjelper uventet kaptein Gantu med å rømme fra fengsel. Hamsterviel tvinger Jumba til å utføre et nytt eksperiment, en ond tvilling til Stitch ved navn Leroy. Hamsterviel kloner også Leroy til en hel hær av onde krigere. Nå må Lilo ta alle de tidligere 625 eksperimentene til hjelp om hun skal ha noen sjanse til å beseire Dr. Hamsterviel.

Recorded in St. Goarshausen, Freilichtbuhne, Loreley, Germany 18 July, 1987. The recording, made during the first leg of the 1987 Clutching at Straws tour, documents the band at the peak of their commercial success in the mid/late 1980s. The show was attended by an audience of 20,000; support acts were Magnum, The Cult (cancelled), and It Bites. Featuring Fish on vocals, it comprises songs from the four studio albums they released up to that point, i.e. Script for a Jester's Tear (1983), Fugazi (1984), Misplaced Childhood (1985), and Clutching at Straws (1987).

June er en kreativ, liten jente, som sammen med moren har skapt en hel fantasiverden kalt Drømmeparken. Når moren blir syk, oppdager June at Drømmeparken faktisk eksisterer. Men den holder på å forfalle, og det er bare June som kan redde den.

Videospillspenning samt helt nytt eksklusivt opptak! Supermann, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern og Justice League hjelper Batman og Robin med å prøve å redde Gotham City fra Lex Luthor og Jokeren.

Unjustly accused of staging a spooky practical joke complete with ghosts, Daphne, Velma, Fred and Shaggy are suspended from Coolsville High. To clear their names, they team up to solve the supernatural mystery…and head straight into nonstop laughs and adventure.

Live concert by Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark recorded at the Hammersmith Apollo, London on Saturday 19 May 2007.

It is the story of an average, popular American teenager named Wendy Wu who discovers that in order to win the coveted crown she must first learn the way of the warrior. Wendy Wu has a one track mind, and that track leads directly to the title of homecoming queen -- no unscheduled stops, and no unnecessary detours. When a mysterious Chinese monk named Shen arrives to mold Wendy into a fearless kung fu warrior, however, her royal aspirations suddenly jump the track as she desperately attempts to juggle her boyfriend, her homework, and of course, the fierce competition to become homecoming queen. Now, as Wendy begins to train her mind, body, and spirit in the ancient tradition of the martial arts and her inner warrior gradually begins to emerge, the girl who once obsessed over popularity finally begins to put that popularity into perspective as she gradually realizes what truly matters in life.

The first wedding anniversary of Princess Odette and Prince Derek is distracted by field fires set by Knuckles. His master Clavius, wants to conquer the world, and he needs to capture a giant orb to do that. Clavius kidnaps Queen Uberta and Odette with Derek have to save her.

The bitter fight for supremacy between the three most popular girls at North Gateway High takes an unexpected turn when their classmate, Tanner, is outed and becomes the school’s first openly gay student. The trio races to bag the big trend in fashion accessories, the Gay Best Friend, while Tanner must decide whether his skyrocketing popularity is more important than the friendships he is leaving behind.

Gnomeo og Julie er et fartsfylt eventyr og en perfekte familiefilmen. I Gnomeo & Julie inviteres vi inn i den forunderlige verdenen til hagenissene, der tidenes største kjærlighetshistorie blir gjenstand for en forbløffende forvandling. I en dramatisk nabofeide som inkluderer rosa flamingoer og nervepirrende kappkjøring med gressklippere, kan det unge paret Gnomeo & Julie klare å finne varig lykke? Er Gnomeo & Julie en helt uvanlig animert komedie som hele familien vil bli glad i.

På en liten eksotisk øy bor Tirsdag, en utadvendt pappegøye, sammen sine rare dyrevenner i paradis. Men, Tirsdag klarer allikevel ikke slutte å drømme om å oppdage verden. Etter en voldsom storm våkner Tirsdag og vennene hans og finner et merkelig vesen på stranden, Robinson Crusoe. Tirsdag ser øyeblikkelig Crusoe som sin billett bort fra øya, for å utforske nye land. Samtidig skjønner Crusoe fort at nøkkelen til å overleve på øya er å hjelpe Tirsdag og de andre dyrene. Det er ikke alltid så lett i starten, siden dyrene ikke snakker "menneskespråk". Sakte men sikkert skapes et harmonisk liv på øya, men deres behagelige liv blir plutselig utfordret av to ville katter som ønsker å ta kontroll over øya.

Er du klar til å løpe vilt rundt med hundrevis av nakne studenter i en av de sprøeste collage-tradisjonene som finnes? Da vil du elske denne helt nye og sprøe biten av American Pie blir servert i ren Stifler-stil i American Pie-avsnittet: The Naked Mile!

Kindhearted Griffin Keyes is one of the best-loved caretakers at the Franklin Park Zoo, but he's more comfortable with the animals than with females of his own species as proven by his failed marriage proposal to the self-absorbed Stephanie several years ago. The animals have listened to Griffin pine over her for years and, after she reappears in his life, they decide to help Griffin rekindle the relationship and become the alpha male she wants him to be. They inadvertently reveal their secret ability to talk and, after Griffin's initial shock, teach him the rules of courtship, animal-style. Surprisingly, the animals' advice really works and Griffin is about to get everything he's ever dreamed of--or is he?

After the disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space in order to find him.