Based on the long running play by Jang Jin, the story is set in Korea during the Korean War in 1950. Soldiers from both the North and South, as well as an American pilot, find themselves in a secluded and naively idealistic village, its residents unaware of the outside world, including the war.

يدور حول فتى يبلغ من العمر 16 عامًا يحمل نفس الاسم ويربيه خمسة آباء إجراميين ليصبح القاتل المثالي. يتطلب الأمر الضغط على الزناد لاكتشاف هويته الحقيقية بعد أن يدرك الغموض الذي يحيط بماضيه ومصيره.

A bullied teenager who is locked up at a juvenile detention center due to an unexpected accident, meets a mixed martial arts champion to break through his own limits.

المحقق غون سو يسرع بالخروج من جنازة والدته للتحقق من أمر طارئ , وهو في طريقه يقوم بصدم رجلا فينتابه الذعر ويخبئه في حقيبة سيارته … للاسف كان هناك شخصا في الوقت والمكان الأسوأ .. سلسلة من الحوادث الشيقة المثيرة يمر بها محققنا حتى يصل الى نهاية ذلك اليوم العصيب ,

Iverson is the ultimate legacy of NBA legend Allen Iverson, who rose from a childhood of crushing poverty in Hampton, Virginia, to become an 11-time NBA All-Star and universally recognized icon of his sport. Off the court, his audacious rejection of conservative NBA convention and unapologetic embrace of hip hop culture sent shockwaves throughout the league and influenced an entire generation. Told largely in Iverson's own words, the film charts the career highs and lows of one of the most distinctive and accomplished figures the sport of basketball has ever seen.

A veteran mobster finds that not only are the police after him, but so are members of his own gang, led by a young gangster who wants to take over.

A fishing-boat crew takes on a dangerous commission to smuggle a group of illegal immigrants from China to Korea.

بروكسل، بلجيكا، 1959. يتمتع ميشيل وتشارلي كيتشكا، وهما شقيقان يهوديان، بطفولة سعيدة مع والديهما وشقيقتيهما. هنري، والدهم السري والصامت عادة، لا يتحدث على الإطلاق عن ماضيه، لذلك يتخيلون أنه عندما كان شابًا كان مغامرًا أو قرصانًا أو صائدًا للكنوز.

A box office star has to prove his action credentials in the real world when he's kidnapped and held for ransom.

In the puppet state of Manchukuo in the 1930s, four Communist party special agents, after returning to China, embark on a secret mission. Sold out by a traitor, the team find themselves surrounded by threats on all sides.

Two whimsical, aimless thugs harass and assault women, steal, murder, and alternately charm, fight, or sprint their way out of trouble. They take whatever the bourgeoisie holds dear, whether it’s cars, peace of mind, or daughters. Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, and mother confessor. She’s on her own search for seemingly unattainable sexual pleasure.

A ceramic figure of a blue mouse with long ears, stubby legs, and no tail suddenly comes to life. He is a “Manxmouse” as known in the legend. Since he is new to this world, his fearless curiosity leads him to meet a frog couple, an aviator hawk, a stray tiger, and a girl. Although he learns about his ultimate fate-to be eaten by a “Manxcat”-he decides to face this cat and challenge his destiny.

A manic-depressive mess of a father tries to win back his wife by attempting to take full responsibility of their two young, spirited daughters, who don't make the overwhelming task any easier.

North Korea's 8th Special Forces hijack a shipment of CTX, a potent new liquid explosive, and threatens South Korea as part of a plot to re-unify the two countries. Ryu and Lee, special agents of O.P., South Korea's secret intelligence service, attempt to track down the terrorists and find the CTX. Meanwhile Hee, the 8th's ultra-bad female sniper, resurfaces to wreak havoc and haunt Ryu.

When Aurangzeb recruits his trusted soldier Udaybhan to control the Kondhana fort, Shivaji's military leader Tanhaji Malusare and his army of Maratha warriors set out to recapture the fortress.

Unable to remember anything about his life, a man begins regaining consciousness in a new body every 12 hours. Now, he must piece together his identity, all while evading attacks from pursuing agents and dangerous criminals alike.

A retired British Chinese soldier, a young South Asian man, an encounter at Chungking Mansions. Coincidentally, they both offended the same gang boss. What has given them a new lease of life and how do they rediscover themselves through each other's company.

Reality and fantasy begin to blur when a teenager, alone in her attic bedroom, immerses herself in a role-playing horror game online.

This is a story about the battle for a hospital building in Grozny (Chechnya) in January 1995 between Russian Army forces and Chechen rebels supported by Arabian mujahideen and international mercenaries. Although the story is fictional, most of the characters are based on real-life prototypes and events are the compilation of true events during the Grozny Siege in the First Chechen War.

مدير عامّ لبيت الرعب في مدينة ملاهٍ يقع بكلّ جوارحه في غرام امرأة ساحرة، لكنّه سرعان ما يكتشف أنّ أسرارها أشدّ رعبًا من وظيفته اليوميّة.