Silvio refuses to fight for the fascists and joins the resistance with Elena. After the war, his vitriolic newspaper articles cause him to be sentenced to imprisonment.
В началото на нова световна война един човек търси начин да възстанови мира и получава съвет да принесе жертва. Каква да бъде тя – имущество, душевност или самият живот? Какво би задоволило Всемогъщия господар, ако той съществува...
В бедняшко предградие на Рим живее семейство от двайсетина души, обединени около своя "патриарх" Джачинто. Той е тиранин, похотливец и пияница, който се грижи най-вече да опази от алчността на близките си своето съкровище - 1 милион лири, получени като компенсация за това, че е наранил окото си. След като едва не става жертва на чиния отровни спагети, Джачинто си отмъщава, запалвайки бараката, а след това я продава на многочленно семейство от Калабрия.
A bureaucratic snafu sends Marco Tullio Sperelli, a portly, middle-aged northern Italian, to teach third grade in a poor town outside Naples
Филмът paзĸaзвa зaбaвнaтa иcтopия нa Чeзиpa и Aгнec, бpaтoвчeдĸи, ĸoитo живeят зaeднo. Aгнec e изĸлючитeлнo ĸpacивa и винaги пpивличa вcичĸи мъжĸи пoглeди въpxy ceбe cи, зa paзлиĸa oт Чeзиpa, ĸoятo вce ocтaвa в cянĸa. Bъпpeĸи тoвa oбaчe, Чeзиpa нe cпиpa дa вяpвa и мeчтae зa мoмeнтa, в ĸoйтo щe ce пoяви „пpинцът нa бял ĸoн“ и тя щe зaживee c нeгo щacтливo. Чeзиpa e yбeдeнa, чe тoвa щe ѝ ce cлyчи cлeд ĸaтo пoceщaвa вpaчĸa, ĸoятo ѝ ĸaзвa, чe e poдeнa в „знaĸa нa Beнepa“. Tя e peшeнa нa вcяĸa цeнa дa cи нaмepи мъж, нo дaли щe ycпee c ĸoнĸypeнтĸa ĸaтo Aгнec.
During a hot Sunday afternoon in a small Southern Italian town, a school serving as a polling place is occupied by a group of three locals and an Eritrean immigrant, all unemployed, desperate and armed.
A terminally ill teen upsets her parents when she falls in love with a small-time drug dealer.
In 19th-century Italy, Giacomo Leopardi channels his debilitating illness and isolation into poetry.
Младо момиче от проблемно семейство бяга от дома си с група продавачи, които пътуват из американските средни щати и продават абонаменти от врата на врата. Влизайки в тази банда тинейджъри, един от които е Джейк, тя бързо става част от начина им на живот – яки партита през нощта, прекрачване на закона през деня и млада любов.
Lou Andreas-Salomé, the woman who enraptured 19th century Europe’s greatest minds, recounts her life to Ernst Pfeiffer in this German film directed by Cordula Kablitz-Post. A published novelist, poet and essayist, Salomé’s desire to live a life free from convention scandalized society but spurred genius and passion in others, including Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul Rée and her lover, the poet Rainer Maria Rilke. Under the tutelage of Sigmund Freud, she became the first female psychoanalyst.
A rowdy woman is so forceful that she outdoes her husband in a loud cry against speculators who refuse poor people entrance to a block of new apartments, built after WW2. Without noticing it, she starts a people's movement, and leads a march to the capital. She returns to her village a winner, an honourable MP. Yet, she is still the same simple, fiery woman, able to get in a hair-pulling brawl with the local barmaid for the affection of her man.
Oscar dreams of becoming an actor or a stuntman. To contact a manufacturer he stages an accident and consequently injures a young actress, then tries to limit the damage by taking the girl to his home.
From his village in northern Senegal, Yao is a 13-year-old boy ready to do anything to meet his hero: Seydou Tall, a famous French actor. Invited to Dakar to promote his new book, the latter goes to his country of origin for the first time. To fulfill his dream, the young Yao organizes his fugue and brave 387 kilometers alone to the capital. Touched by this child, the actor decides to flee his obligations and to accompany him home. But on the dusty and uncertain roads of Senegal, Seydou understands that while rolling towards the village of the child, it also rolls towards its roots.
In 1914, with Italy on the cusp of joining World War I, a group of foreign artists establishes a commune on the rural island of Capri, catching the attention of young Lucia, a local illiterate shepherdess who soon falls under their spell.
At the end of the 1950s in Africo, a small village in the southern valley of Aspromonte, a woman dies in childbirth because a doctor fails to arrive on time. No road connects Africo with the other villages. In the wake of this tragedy, all of Africo’s citizens -including children - abandon their usual occupations and unite to build their own road. Giulia, the new schoolteacher, comes from the North with a mission to teach standard Italian to help bring cultural cohesion with Africo and the rest of Italy. But she will have to contend with the local mafioso Don Totó, who is determined to ensure this the town remains cut off, and thus, under his power.
Simone Segre, a renowned surgeon of Jewish origins, lives in a city in the north-east of Italy. A quiet life, an elegant apartment and no connection with his past. One day he finds himself assisting a man victim of a hit and run accident. But when he discovers a nazi tattoo on his chest, Simone abandons him to his destiny. Filled with guilt, he ends up tracing the man’s family: Marica, the eldest daughter; Marcello, a teenager plagued with racial hate; and little Paolo. The night will come when Marica knocks at Simone’s door and unknowingly asks for payback.
Raphael, a restaurant mandolin player with a limp, a father to support, and a lot of debt, accepts a job offered by his friend, Giardino, to play a serenade under an apartment window at the behest of a mysterious blonde. As he’s playing, a man high up on a balcony is pushed to his death. Raffaele is compelled to conduct his own investigation and becomes embroiled in a mystery involving a macabre secret...
Хората ги наричат ултраси - защото са винаги на стадиона, без значение какво се случва, но и хулигани - заради честите безредици, които предизвикват. Филмът проследява какво се случва със Сандро - лидерът на ултрас групата Апаче, след като му е забранено да посещава каквито и да било мачове. Действието ще се развива през последните няколко седмици на италианското първенство, когато е най-напечено, защото отборите се борят за по-добро класиране. Именно тогава обаче животът на Сандро ще се преобърне, защото запознанството му с Анджело - младо момче търсещо ментор, ще го промени.
The plot is set in 1966 when an Argentine scientist carries out a space plan to compete with the United States and the Soviet Union in the arrival to the Moon.
Джакомо, закоравял съблазнител, работи като автор на комично ТВ шоу. Джована, успешен топ треньор, е красива, желана и търсена, и използва секса като самоутвърждаване. Но зад неудържимата сексуална принуда и на двамата стои отчаяна нужда от любов.