Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

莱斯特(凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 饰)跟许多中年男人一样,遇到了各种各样的人生难题。他在一个广告公司工作,成绩平平,但是妻子却比他混得出色,一派女强人作风。这个平凡的男人还有一个未成年的女儿珍妮(索拉·伯奇 Thora Birch饰)。珍妮性格叛逆,被邻居偷拍裸照还觉得很好玩,满不在乎。她有一个要好的同学安吉拉(米娜·苏瓦丽 Mena Suvari 饰),当莱斯特在拉拉队的人群中看到了充满青春活力的安吉拉,一切都改变了。莱斯特陷入了阿安吉拉年轻鲜活的气息当中。他死气沉沉的心境有了燃烧的感觉。而此时,他的妻子,也和另外一个富商有了私情。当莱斯特得到了他心目中的年轻女神,枪声也随之响起……

GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?

死而复生的嗜血僵尸如瘟疫般迅速占领全城,整个城市在一夜之间成为僵尸之城。为了躲避僵尸的攻击,两个特种部队警察和一个交通记者以及他的女友,逃到了一个荒废的大型购物中心里。这四个人斯蒂芬(大卫·艾梅治 David Emge 饰)、彼得(肯·弗里 Ken Foree 饰)、罗杰(斯科特·H·雷宁格 Scott H. Reiniger 饰)以及法兰妮(盖伦·罗丝 Gaylen Ross 饰)使尽浑身解数武装自己,尽一切可能抵抗凶残僵尸的袭击。然而他们的抵抗却不敌越来越多的僵尸,好景不长,僵尸蜂拥而至。雪上加霜的是,一大群车手也发现了这个避难所。四人不但要躲避疯狂的僵尸,还要同凶残的劫匪对抗。

才华横溢,有一腔理想抱负的热血少年马克斯·费舍尔(詹森·舒瓦兹曼 Jason Schwartzman饰),在休斯敦一间贵族预备学校就读。初入名校的马克斯,却把全部的心思都投注于社团上。凭借着过人的聪明才智,他很快在各种社团里游刃有余。然而过分忽视功课的他,不久就面临着被退学的威胁。因缘际会,他与事业成功的商业大亨赫尔曼·布卢姆(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray饰)成为了忘年之交,学会了很多人生真理。然而这一切都终结在了才貌双全的女老师露丝玛丽·克罗丝(奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams饰)手里。马克斯深陷爱情的世界里,不能自拔。

  尕玉(张磊 饰)本来是个警察,为了调查藏羚羊猎杀状况,他假扮记者身份,随考察团来到可可西里——那里气候寒冷、空气稀薄,含氧量极低。就在这个人类生存的“禁区”,尕玉目睹了一幕幕人性的贪婪以及人类与环境的狂暴冲突。首先是藏羚羊保护站的巡山队员被盗猎人枪杀,接下来他们见到了悲惨的一幕:盗猎者逃走,只留下众多只剩嶙峋白骨的藏羚羊。巡山队员在恶劣的环境中追捕凶手,最终只夺回了一部份的藏羚羊皮毛。一方面要与恶劣的自然环境抗争、另一方面还要与凶残的盗猎者周旋,巡山队员和尕玉面临着生死考验。

A cheerful parking attendant considers it his job to do more than validate parking. He wants to validate the customers themselves, delivering compliments about their appearances and the inner qualities behind them. Everyone who comes up to him with a ticket walks away validated as a worthwhile human being. Soon, the parking attendant becomes so popular that people line up for validation...

A community is under siege as three Belmont Highschool coed students go missing with no trace of their whereabouts. The pressure is on the police to capture the culprits responsible. Scouring the school hallways in search of clues, undercover female detective Maggie Rawdon (Jessica Sonnerborn) enters Belmont High as a transfer student in an attempt to solve the hideous disappearance of the students. Maggie makes a few new friends, and gets invited to a private rave in the country. Just as the group begins to suspect that they've taken a wrong turn, however, the trap is sprung and Maggie finds out firsthand what fate has befallen the missing girls.

Nikki Grace(劳拉·邓恩饰)和Devon Berk(加斯丁·特奥克斯)在Kingsley Stewart(杰里米·艾恩斯饰)的新片中担任主角,所拍摄的电影片名是《On High in blue tomorrows》。Nikki过于投入到戏中的角色,导致她的生活乱得一团糟。渐渐地,她开始混淆现实生活与她所扮演的人物(Susan Blue)与男主角Devon(在影片中的角色名字是Billy Side)。电影《On High in blue tomorrows》所要讲述的故事是发生在从前的,结果因为两位主角的意外身亡而使得拍片计划半途而废。但是,对于Nikki来说却是越来越混乱。在现实生活中,她的角色(Susan Blue)变得越来越真实,甚至比她自己还要真实……

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

  故事发生在纽约长岛,大企业家亚瑟(E.G.马绍尔 E.G. Marshall 饰)和同样事业有成的妻子伊芙(杰拉丹·佩姬 Geraldine Page 饰)就居住在这里,两人膝下有子女三名——蕾娜达(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)、乔伊(玛丽·贝丝·赫特 Mary Beth Hurt 饰)和芙琳(Kristin Griffith 饰)。   身为家中的长女,蕾娜达是一位小有名气的诗人,然而,天性浪漫的她却没能拥有一段幸福的婚姻。次女乔伊嫁给了一名电影导演,虽然心中怀揣着文学梦想,但现实中,她不得不做一个跟在丈夫身后的全职太太。小女儿芙琳渴望成为一名演员,但是现实和理想的差距却让她的心中充满了焦虑。亚瑟和伊芙将三个女儿召回了家中,因为他们要宣布一件非常重要的事情——分居。

When Mac—Shannon’s new beau—first moved to Lighthouse Cove, he bought the historic lighthouse mansion that the town is named after. During renovation demolition, the bones of a teenage girl who went missing fifteen years ago were discovered. If Shannon has any chance of getting the renovation back on track, she’ll need to tackle the cold case.

Eager in spirit for a better world, an amateur rock band from bohemian Istanbul embarks on an impromptu tour to mainland Turkey, in hopes of sharing their music and love with fellow countrymen.

Pimps want to expand and conquer the world, by abiding the greats and oppressing the losers, but they lose their prostitute to some sailors.




"Ballad of Smokey the Bear" tells the story of how Smokey got his name. Smokey and his forest friends encounter a creature they've never seen before that is starting fires. Smokey finds his calling in dealing with this strange new animal.