Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.

Forty years after `The Snowman' was first broadcast, the story of how Raymond Brigg's classic tale was made and became a Christmas institution in over 29 countries, spawning hit singles, a cameo from David Bowie, and a host of snowy spin offs.

Four elementary school students talk about their daily life on a pedicab. Then, they realize that today is Mother's Day.

By tracking scientists and Holocaust survivors in Lithuania, The Good Nazi tells the story of a Schindler-type Nazi officer who turned his back on his dark ideology and risked his life to save hundreds of Jews.

Alone in his kitchen in Bucharest, Dorel prepares for what seems to be a party. Actually, it’s his son’s wedding which takes place in the United States. Dorel is going to watch the wedding through a webcam, together with two of his son’s friends. On a small screen, they are about to meet the bride and her father, and witness the ceremony.

is a creative documentary-fiction film and a film that might expand your sense of reality. It is the story about a man who enters the virtual world Second Life to pursue his personal dreams and ambitions. His journey into cyberspace becomes a magic learning experience, which gradually opens the gates to a much larger reality.

A father is preparing himself for his daughters dance competition, sees a little girl about to get run over by a car so he saves her, for his good dead he is visited by The messenger and she gives him one wish.

A woman who can not walk, but aspires to unite 12 thousand people in a single embrace. Beating this record will allow her to have a wheelchair that gives back some mobility. Along the way, she will not only fight for her dream, but she will meet those who form this chain, and remind them why it's worth fighting for.

Monica, a renowned choreographer, returns to Spain after a 20 year absence to see her sick father. Upon arriving her father has already died and her mother asks her to stay to sell the family home. In delaying her return to Buenos Aires Monica rediscovers her childhood landscapes and is forced to confront the past.

In the first year of freedom after WW2, a poor family from rocky Herzegovina moves to fertile province of Vojvodina hoping for a better life. However, there they face different type of troubles following the Tito's break-up with Stalin in 1948. Destinies of individual members of this family are about to have a tragic epilogue.

Franzie is a beautiful lonely woman who hold a secret - she has little time left in her life. Emanuel is a failed writer who just lost his job as an editor for self-help books. Franzie makes an unusual proposal: she will pay Emanuel in exchange for his companionship. Emanuel accepts in order to pay for his pregnant girlfriend. Emanuel mus resist temptation when Franzie reveals her secret.

On a typical day, this small town is very peaceful. Grandmothers tell stories of biblical monsters while gently slapping the listener with a shoe. The daily routine of sunset ball play is interrupted only by the call of fresh fried sausages, or, perhaps, by the beckoning of a colorful alcoholic beverage. But this day is not a typical one. This day, the sea does not bring the usual boat engine, fish scull or metal briefcase ashore. Instead, it delivers a woman and a doll. A group of Mexican hipsters beach bums come upon this woman and her doll. Louise -- who may or may not be a disgruntled hippie dropping out, or a failed Ponzi schemer seeking solace in the ocean -- responds to her new surroundings with a coma-like stare.

A foreman’s son and his noble friend, who have voluntarily arrived from Berlin to help out with the harvest, switch their billeting coupons while on the journey, so as to play a trick on the estate owner, who is related to one of them. The wrong boy is asked to sit at the estate owner’s table, while the real relative is pushed off on the servants. And so begins a game of confusion with amusing results.

Young Aidan may have tried to follow all the rules, but in a moment of carelessness, his own crayon creation will go horribly wrong...

Mama/M.A.M.A.: Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy is the provocative investigation of Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, a perplexing psychological disorder where a mother secretly but deliberately harms her child in order to get the sympathy and praise of others and the attention of the medical community. The film -- made over the course of three years and two continents -- scrutinizes the scientific research surrounding the diagnosis of Munchausen's and, in doing so, questions the very diagnosis itself. The filmmakers document the struggles of three average families battling the charge of Munchausen's with various, tragic results.

The residents of Hope, NY come to the aid of displaced foster children after St. Jerome's Home for Children has a fire right before Christmas, and many families find the foster children complete their homes.