A boy from a small town, just out of his teens, tries to find himself by revisiting his parents’ divorce, which happened when he was a child. He plunges himself into memories of the past, fantasies of what could have been, and talks openly with his mother and father, trying to find the strength to heal and forgive.
V novi razburljivi filmski zgodbi Varuhi galaksije je naša najljubša družba neprilagojenih videti nekoliko drugače. Peter Quill, ki še vedno žaluje zaradi izgube Gamore, mora zbrati svojo ekipo za obrambo vesolja in zaščito enega od svojih. Misija, ki bi lahko, če ne bi bila uspešno zaključena, pripeljala do konca Varuhov, kot jih poznamo.
Prvič v Spider-Manovi filmski zgodovini je identiteta prijaznega junaka iz soseske razkrita in odgovornosti, ki jih ima kot superjunak, so nenadoma v konfliktu z njegovim vsakdanjim življenjem zato so vsi, ki so mu pri srcu, v nevarnosti. Ko zaprosi Doktorja Strangea naj mu pomaga obnoviti skrivnost, urok pretrga njun svet in osvobodi najmočnejše zlikovce, kar se jih je kdaj spopadlo z vsemi Spider-Mani v kateremkoli vesolju. Peter bo zdaj moral premagati največji izziv doslej, ki ne bo samo za vedno spremenil njegove prihodnosti, temveč tudi prihodnost multi-vesolja.
Nedavno odpuščen in obupan nad službo, težavni mladenič po imenu Mike privoli, da prevzame mesto nočnega varnostnika v zapuščeni tematski restavraciji: piceriji Freddyja Fazbeara. A kmalu ugotovi, da pri Freddyju nič ni tako, kot se zdi.
Returning wounded from the war Maksym was overcome by self-doubt, in his physiological state. He is undergoing rehabilitation. He loses contact with his wife. He is tormented by dreams. In one of his dreams Maksym goes to the island to catch a lot of fish, as the paramedic advised him. Maksym takes a boat, net, dynamite from the best man and sails to the island.
A movie about two sisters - thirteen year old Sveta, poor and abandoned by her father, who longs to go off and be a sniper in the army, and spoilt eight-year old Dina, doted on by her gangster father...
DIVORCE IRANIAN STYLE unfolds inside an Iranian divorce court, providing a subtle and intimate look at the lives of women in a country stereotypically associated with fanaticism and oppression. Astute and beautifully observed, the film reveals the ingenuity and humour with which Iranian women negotiate the restrictions of their society.
The Fixies are little creatures that, unseen by humans, help them maintain their appliances – and generally make sure things don’t fall apart… Until an unexpected occurrence of gargantuan proportions threatens to reveal the Fixies’ existence!
Saga o Večnih, rasi nesmrtnih bitij, ki je živela na Zemlji in oblikovala njeno zgodovino ter civilizacije. Po dogodkih, ki smo jim bili priča v filmu Maščevalci: Konec Igre (2019) nepričakovana tragedija prisili Večne, starodavne nezemljane, da izstopije iz sence ter se ponovno združijo v boju proti najstarejšemu sovražniku človeštva - Deviantom.
The Man Who Saved the World is a feature documentary film about Stanislav Petrov, a former lieutenant colonel of the Soviet Air Defence Forces.
Novo nadaljevanje franšize KING'S MAN nas pripelje do začetka zgodbe, pred akcije, ki so se zgodile v nadaljevanjih Kingsman: Tajna služba in Kingsman: Zlati krog. Zgodba je postavljena v čas okoli leta 1900 in sledi družbi največjih umov, tiranov in kriminalcev tistega časa, ki načrtujejo vojno, s katero bi pogubili milijone ljudi. Da bi jih ustavili, je ustanovljena neodvisna obveščevalna služba, ki jo vodi Duke of Oxford.
A young man tries to make things right again in his relationship after he and his girlfriend get in a fight.
Kenneth Branagh se vrača kot režiser in detektiv Hercule Poirot v priredbi istoimenske klasike Agathe Cgristie, ki si je zaslužila naziv enega njenih najboljših romanov. Vstopnico za to morilsko popotovanje po Nilu si je prislužila tudi Gal Gadot, poznana po glavni vlogi v globalni uspešnici Čudežna Ženska. Mlada, bogata in čudovita Linnet Ridgeway ima pravzaprav vse. Tisto, česar nima, vzame! Na primer zaročenca svoje najboljše prijateljice Jackie. Ko se Linnet in njen novi izbranec odpravita na medene tedne s popotovanjem po reki Nil, nič ne more zaščititi Jackie pred njenimi demoni. In nihče, niti zloglasni detektiv Hercule Poirot, ne more preprečiti zločina iz strasti.
What will happen if, as a result of biological warfare, almost the entire male population dies out? Women will grieve (for a short time), and then they will unite and create a new better world - with eco-towns, renewable energy, opportunities to do whatever they want, even science and biohacking, even yoga and self-development. Reproduction now occurs by artificial insemination, and only girls are born in the new world. But not everyone likes such a world order. Some of the surviving men and women loyal to them go to live in abandoned cities, begin to steal electricity, enjoying freedom and traditional sex. The tranquility of the ideally arranged female world is threatened when teacher Rada from the eco-city "Two Hills" meets the young "primate" Hera outside it.
The film is set during 1962 in Sevastopol, Crimea, then a secret Navy Base in the Soviet Union. General Serov hires Viktor, a cadet from the Kremlin Guard to work as his private chauffeur. In a jet-black "ZIM" limo, Viktor is chauffeuring the General's disabled daughter Vera. Viktor is oblivious to the hidden agenda of the KGB agent Saveliev, who manipulates everyone behind the scenes in the old rivalry between the Army and KGB.
V Detroitu leta 2028 je policist Alex Murphy, ljubeči mož in oče, hudo ranjen med opravljanjem dolžnosti. Vodilno podjetje za robotiko OmniCorp izkoristi priložnost in ustvari prvega na pol robotskega varuha zakona.
A suburban housewife learns that she has psychic connections to a serial killer, and can predict this person's motives through her dreams.
In the near future on a colony of state-of-the-art robots, a private investigator is hired by the colony's creator to bring his missing daughter home.
A breed of humans with dangerously powerful telepathic abilities -- the scanners -- are being recruited by a corrupt police commander, John Forrester, in his crusade to take over the city.
A group of friends decide to spend a weekend together at a country house, but an unexpected accident forces them to stop at a strange and remote estate. In this abandoned and eerie place, a rare antique camera is discovered. Slowly the camera draws them into a mystical and tragic chain of events that none of them could have seen coming. Anyone who has their picture taken by the camera sees a photo revealing their death. Many of them lose their lives in excruciating ways, as they race to solve the mystery of the camera.