Hard to imagine, but true: According to current estimates, out of 500,000 active male football professionals worldwide, under ten (10) are openly homosexual. While homosexuality hardly plays a role in other areas of life today, the topic seems to be completely taboo in professional football. The feature-length documentary THE LAST TABOO lets those who broke exactly this taboo tell their very personal stories alongside Thomas Hitzlsperger. Like the British professional footballer Justin Fashanu (*1961 in London; † 1998 in London), who broke this taboo for the first time in 1990 and paid for it with his life. His niece Amal tells his story. Marcus Urban, on the other hand, was about to make the jump to the Bundesliga as a teenager and, by deciding to come out, he also went against his big dream. The stories of the US professional Collin Martin and the British player-coach Matt Morton, on the other hand, suggest that normality is not far away.

Two young kids dream about being professional baseball players.

In order to advance her career in the dynamic world of publicity in Mexico City, Raquel tries to reunite with her high school friend Cecy who has become the queen of social media. But unlike followers, friendships do not come instantly.

Okupované Francúzsko, 1942. Gilles je spolu s ostatnými židmi zatknutý vojakmi SS a poslaný do tábora v Nemecku. Len o vlások unikne poprave pretože prisahá dozorcom, že nie je Žid, ale Peržan. Táto lož ho dočasne zachráni, no pridelia mu úlohu na život a na smrť: učiť perzštinu veliteľa tábora Kocha, ktorý sníva o tom, že si po vojne otvorí reštauráciu v Iráne. Koch je zo dňa na deň nedôverčivejší a Gillovi je jasné, že svoje tajomstvo už dlho neudrží…

Claude Massoulier is murdered while hunting at the same place as Julien Vercel, an estate agent who knew him and whose fingerprints are found on Massoulier's car. As the police discover that Marie-Christine Vercel, Julien's wife, was Massoulier's mistress, Julien is the prime suspect. But his secretary, Barbara Becker, while not quite convinced he is innocent, defends him and leads her private investigations.

15 year-old Lyz, a high school student in the French Alps, has been accepted to a highly selective ski club whose aim is to train future professional athletes. Taking a chance on his new recruit, Fred, ex-champion turned coach, decides to make Lyz his shining star regardless of her lack of experience. Under his influence, Lyz will have to endure more than the physical and emotional pressure of the training. Will Lyz’s determination help her escape his grip?

While gathering evidence to support closing a tropical U.S. Air Force base, a congressional aide warms to its generous captain.

Mladá vedkyňa Meng Li vynájde špičkový systém varovania pred sopečnými výbuchmi a vracia sa na tropický ostrov, kde tragicky zahynula jej matka, v nádeji, že sa jej podarí zabrániť ďalším úmrtiam. Na ostrove sa teraz nachádza jediný sopečný zábavný park a letovisko na svete, ktoré vymyslel jeho bezohľadný majiteľ Jack Harris. Čoskoro vypukne chaos, keď doteraz spiaca sopka začne hrozivo dunieť. Nastáva strhujúci boj s prírodou o záchranu holých životov, zatiaľ čo zo sopky prší ohnivý dážď, ktorý spôsobuje smrtiacu skazu...

1920. Georges Clémenceau just lost the french presidential elections to the unknown Paul Deschanel, an idealistic who wants to change the country. But, one day, Deschanel falls from a train and disappear. At daybreak, France is looking for its president, a great chance for the « Tiger » Georges Clémenceau.

The Belgian and French police investigate the activities of Michel Fourniret, a serial killer who was active on both sides of the border.

1956. Algeria is a French colony. Fernand and Helene are madly in love. Fernand is an activist, fighting for independence alongside the Algerians. Helene is fighting for Fernand’s life. History will irrevocably change the course of their destiny.

The mayor of Lyon, Paul Théraneau, is in a delicate position. After 30 years in politics, he is running out of ideas and is faced with a feeling of existential emptiness. To overcome this, Paul hires a young and brilliant philosopher, Alice Heimann. Then follows a dialogue between two diametrically opposed personalities who will turn their certainties upside down.

Desaťročná Cécile sa spolu s matkou Louise presťahuje do dedinky na juh Francúzska. Začleniť sa medzi ostatné deti nie je jednoduché, Cécile však začne robiť starosti aj čosi ďalšie. Zistí, že v cirkuse, ktorý sa usadil neďaleko, týrajú poníka Poly. Rozhodne sa zviera zachrániť a naplánuje útek. Prenasledované obávaným vedúcim cirkusu a záhadným Victorom sa Cécile a Poly vydávajú na útek plný zvratov, na cestu dospievania, ktorá ukáže silu skutočného priateľstva.

Daniel, a biologist studying the disappearance of fish, is haunted by paternity. It is by looking for a woman who could be the mother of his children that he will come across a strange fish and discover what he really lacks: love.

Policajt z protigangovej jednotky Richard Vronski dostane za úlohu vyšetriť masaker, ktorý spáchali muži z klanu Orsoni. Jeho brigáda má neortodoxné metódy, nie je však jediná. Majú rivalov v jednotke pre problematické akcie, ktorej velí major Mario Costa. V tom čase prichádza nový riaditeľ, divízny komisár Ange Leonetti, a ten má upratať Marseille a upokojiť divoké psy vo svojom tíme. Všetci si rýchlo uvedomia, že bez obetí a riskovania nič nezískajú. Zvlášť, keď sa dcéra komisára stretáva s antigangom, severné mesto útočí na Korzičanov, kľúčový svedok je vo väzbe zavraždený a polícia vyšle toho najzahorknutejšieho agenta. Vronski a jeho muži si musia zachrániť kožu a zvolia jednu z najnebezpečnejších ciest.

Tajomná mladá žena Katie sa s dcérou presťahuje do iného mesta, aby unikla minulosti. Rýchlo nadviaže priateľstvo s Angelou Morganovou, matkou, ktorá túži po väčšej rodine. Ich životy sa vzájomne preplietajú. Angela a jej manžel Brian navrhnú Katie, aby bývala v domčeku pre hostí a pracovala pre nich ako detská opatrovateľka. Časom sa kvitnúce priateľstvo medzi dvoma ženami mení na nebezpečnú posadnutosť, lebo Katie sa príliš naviazala na dcéru Morganovcov. Angela s Brianom čelia nekonečným klamstvám a manipulácii, až si uvedomia, že sladká Katie sa v skutočnosti snaží zničiť ich rodinu zvnútra.

Everyday, three sex workers cross the border from France into Belgium to practice their trade. At the end of one particularly hot summer, all three share a secret that will bind them together forever.

Traja policajti majú za úlohu odprevadiť nelegálneho prisťahovalca na letisko Charlesa de Gaulle, kde musí nastúpiť na lietadlo a vrátiť sa späť do vlasti. Keď však policajti zistia pravdu, stoja pred ťažkou dilemou, ako sa rozhodnúť.

Arthur, 15, has a crush on Ouassima, who does not even look at him... While he has never been upset, she goes out with Matt, the handsome kid from college. To get closer to her, Arthur gathers a group of single losers and offers to give them lessons in fishing, at 10 euros per lesson. In the changing rooms of the swimming pool, a long intimate and collective learning begins on "girls and love: instructions for use".