One of the most famous Italian singers opens up about his music and his journey through love and addiction.

To inform each personally about her impending death, Mies summons her three daughters home. The three half-sisters April, May and June, each of whom has a different father, start to question their lives: "Where are we at in life? What do we still have in common? What will happen to our autistic brother Jan?"

Tara Webster egy farmon él szüleivel és minden vágya, hogy hivatásos balett táncos legyen. Ezért jelentkezik a világhírű sidney-i Táncművészeti Akadémiára. Úgy érzi, hogy eljött az ő ideje és mindent megtesz, hogy megfeleljen a felvételin. Azt gondolja, hogy mindenre felkészült, de közben nem is sejti mi vár rá. Először a felvételin kell túl lennie, de nem könnyítik meg a dolgát a társai...

Wanted for killing his boss, Manuel flees with his wife Rosa to the sertão, the barren landscape of Northern Brazil. Thrust into a primordial violent region, Manuel and Rosa come under the influence and control of a series of frightening figures.

Tired of being bullied, Cassandra Evans prays that her nemesis, Katie Sharp, the queen bee of social media, would know what it’s like to walk a day in her shoes. Her prayer is answered in an unexpected way when they get switched.

Penetrating the insular world of New York's Hasidic community, focusing on three individuals driven to break away despite threats of retaliation.

A homesick YouTuber stuck in L.A. for the holidays must rediscover the meaning of friendship and save her friends’ night from disaster after she mistakenly throws a party for the entire Internet.

As May's heart rate rises, she emits electricity. When she falls for the school heartthrob, she enlists the help of Pong, who has a crush of his own.

A kávézó tulajdonos Sam Jensonnak különleges szokása van: párt próbál találni egyedülálló vendégeinek. Így próbál segíteni az épp faképnél hagyott újságírónőnek, Allie Morgannek is, csakhogy az események nem várt fordulatot vesznek…

Camila Mendes is a pop star who only thinks about her fame. However, her life changes completely when she suddenly wakes up in 2004, as a not at all popular girl.

Jack Whitehall hits the stage with hilarious tales about happy couples, life in hotels, human stupidity and his well-traveled father.

Miután egy csínytevés miatt atomjaira hullik egy szorgalmas végzős gimnazista élete, a fiú listát ír arról, hogy mit kellett volna másképp csinálnia.

Based on true events (mostly), Freddie, a 15-year-old runaway becomes intimately acquainted with California’s “Murder City” after being released from jail, just shy of midnight. Absurdly self-reliant, completely broke and 120 miles away from her friends she has nothing to depend on but her wit and youthful charm.

Mi történik akkor, ha a hazugságaink valóra válnak? A tizenöt éves Jack Parker ezt hamarosan megtudja, minden úgy alakul, ahogy arra szüksége van. Az iskolában kedvelik, és otthon is könnyedén teljesít. Van azonban egy kis bökkenő... sikereit a hazugságoknak köszönheti, azok pedig egy nap valósággá válnak.

A young man living a sheltered life develops a crush on a stripper and joins her Alcoholics Anonymous group just so he can be in the same room with her.

A sikeres tévésorozat filmes folytatásában a Svenen túllépett Lolle épp házasságra készül a legjobb barátjával, Harttal, azonban Sven felborítja a terveit.

An army recruit was found dead during a 24km road march. After the death of the recruit, strange things started to happen, haunting all the soldiers in the barracks.

The story follows five teenage girls as they try to discover themselves but they face a lot of troubles and difficulties during high school.

To celebrate Ms. O's 100th anniversary, the agents go back in time to witness her last case as an agent. However, something goes wrong and they change the future for the worse.