Kljub temu, da njegova družina že več generacij vztrajno prepoveduje ukvarjanje z glasbo, Miguel vseeno sanja o tem, da bi postal odličen glasbenik, kot je njegov idol Ernesto de la Cruz. V obupanih poizkusih pokazati svoj talent, se Miguel po nizu skrivnostnih dogodkov znajde v fantazijsko pisanem svetu mrtvih. Medtem spozna šarmantnega prevaranta Hectorja in skupaj se odpravita na veličastno potovanje odkrivanja prave zgodbe o zgodovini Miguelove družine.

Dramski triler režiserja Todda Phillipsa spremlja legendarnega stripovskega zlikovca v izvirni samostojni zgodbi o izvoru, kakšne še nismo videli na velikih platnih. Mučna in tragična pripoved se vrti okrog umsko trpinčenega komika Arthurja Flecka, v fantastični predstavi Joaquina Phoenixa, ki si prizadeva, da bi se uveljavil v razdeljeni družbi velemesta Gotham, ki ga zapostavlja in odriva na socialni rob. Živi sam z duševno bolno materjo, podnevi dela kot najeti klovn za oglaševanje lokalov in si želi postati zvezda komičnih stand-up predstav, vendar so vse šale ponavadi le na njegov račun. Ujet v krogu životarjenja med apatijo in krutostjo Arthur sprejme slabo odločitev, ki povzroči verižno reakcijo nasilja in smrti. Bolečina ga naposled pahne v soočenje s svojim drugim jazom, poznejšim Batmanovim največjim sovražnikom: Jokerjem.

V novi razburljivi filmski zgodbi Varuhi galaksije je naša najljubša družba neprilagojenih videti nekoliko drugače. Peter Quill, ki še vedno žaluje zaradi izgube Gamore, mora zbrati svojo ekipo za obrambo vesolja in zaščito enega od svojih. Misija, ki bi lahko, če ne bi bila uspešno zaključena, pripeljala do konca Varuhov, kot jih poznamo.

The night after another unsatisfactory New Year's party, Tim's father tells his son that the men in his family have always had the ability to travel through time. They can't change history, but they can change what happens and has happened in their own lives. Thus begins the start of a lesson in learning to appreciate life itself as it is, as it comes, and most importantly, the people living alongside us.

During the Napoleonic wars, a Spanish officer and an opposing officer find a book written by the former's grandfather.

Zdi se, da je Hirayama povsem zadovoljen s svojim preprostim življenjem čistilca stranišč v Tokiu. Zunaj svojega zelo strukturiranega vsakdana uživa v svoji strasti do glasbe in knjig. Obožuje drevesa in jih fotografira. Vrsta nepričakovanih srečanj postopoma razkrije več o njegovi preteklosti.

Uspešna nemška pisateljica Sandra, njen francoski mož Samuel in njun slabovidni enajstletni sin Daniel živijo odmaknjeno življenje v odročnem kraju v francoskih Alpah. Nekega dne pa Samuela najdejo mrtvega v snegu pod njihovo hišo … Je skočil? Padel? Ali pa ga je ubila žena?

Based on the long running play by Jang Jin, the story is set in Korea during the Korean War in 1950. Soldiers from both the North and South, as well as an American pilot, find themselves in a secluded and naively idealistic village, its residents unaware of the outside world, including the war.

Highly intelligent computer major Zoey Miller is uninterested in romantic love, but her life is turned upside down when Zack, the school's soccer star, gets amnesia and mistakes Zoey for his girlfriend.

Bea in Ben bi lahko na prvi pogled bila idealen par, toda po čudovitem prvem zmenku se zgodi nekaj, kar nenadoma ohladi njuno gorečo privlačnost - dokler se usoda ne poigra z njima, ko se nepričakovano srečata na poroki v Avstraliji. In skleneta naredit, kar bi naredila vsaka zrela odrasla dvojica: pretvarjata se, da sta par.

Potem ko smo v prvem in drugem delu srhljivke spremljali družino, ki se je privajala na tišino znotraj in zunaj doma, sicer so tvegali, da jih ob najmanjšem zvoku napadejo pošasti, se v novem delu vračamo na prvi dan, ko bomo spoznali, zakaj in kako je do tega sploh prišlo. Ko New York napadejo nezemeljska bitja, ki lovijo po zvoku, se ženska po imenu Sam bori za preživetje...

Kaj, ce bi vas nakljucno sporocilo privedlo do ljubezni vašega življenja? V tej romanticni komediji Mira Ray, ki preboleva smrt svojega zarocenca, pošlje vrsto prisrcnih sporocil na njegovo staro telefonsko številko – vendar ne ve, da je bila ta številka dodeljena novemu službenemu telefonu novinarja Roba Burnsa. Roba takoj prevzameta iskrenost in ganljive izpovedi sporocil. Ko mu narocijo, naj napiše prispevek o zvezdnici Celine Dion (ki igra samo sebe v svoji prvi filmski vlogi), jo prosi za pomoc, da ugotovita, kako bi lahko osebno spoznal Miro ... in osvojil njeno srce.

Ko skupina prijateljev nepremišljeno prekrši sveto pravilo branja tarota – nikoli ne uporabljaj kart, ki so last nekoga drugega, nehote sprostijo nepojmljivo zlo, ujeto v zakletih kartah. Drug za drugim se soočijo z usodo in se znajdejo v bitki s smrtjo, da bi ubežali prihodnosti, ki so jim jo napovedale karte.

Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...

In the year 50 BC, Gaul is occupied by the Romans - nearly. But the small village of Asterix and his friends still resists the Roman legions with the aid of their druid's magic potion, which gives superhuman strength. Learning of this potion, a Roman centurion kidnaps the druid to get the secret formula out of him.

Taking its title from a popular 1960s dance craze, this digital video comedy concerns the exploits of a particularly odd fictional talk-show host, portrayed by real-life French talk-show sensation Edouard Baer. Baer -- who also directed and co-wrote the film -- plays a sarcastic TV personality who decides to gather together the panel members from his live show before they shoot the program so that they have a chance to rehearse. To this end, the absurd group -- including a lawyer, a transvestite, and a grown woman who acts like a child -- rents a villa for a month. It doesn't take long for resentment to fester among the motley crew.

When Vicki Maloney is randomly abducted from a suburban street by a disturbed couple, she soon observes the dynamic between her captors and quickly realises she must drive a wedge between them if she is to survive.

The Newton family live in their comfortable home, but there seems to something missing. This "hole" is filled by a small puppy, who walks into their home and their lives. Beethoven, as he is named, grows into a giant of a dog... a St Bernard. Doctor Varnick, the local vet has a secret and horrible sideline, which requires lots of dogs for experiments. Beethoven is on the bad doctor's list.

Newly appointed CEO of Robinson Tech, Wes Robinson, is looking for new ideas to boost the company's sales. Vivian Blair, a program developer, shares a dating algorithm she has been working on called My Perfect Match. Wes sees potential and an opportunity to turn the company around and launches the service. When the pair is challenged to use My Perfect Match themselves to find love, this algorithm shows some interesting results.

Isabelle Nanty is a Paris concierge, four children to look after and a fifth in gestation with a loutish and uncaring husband who runs off with the girlfried of one of the lodgers in her building. This same lodger called Le Bison has rather strange hours and both he and Dorine ( the concierge ) get on each other's nerves because each makes noise at the "wrong" time for the other ! The fact that their respective mates have run off together nevertheless bring the two together and with Dorine's children getting very attached to Le Bison, there are the makings of an "idylle" between the two of them which the return of the two offending mates fails to break