Сви су незапослени у Ки-таековој породици. Они показују велико интересовање за богате и гламурозне Паркове, све док не постану протагонисти веома чудног и неочекиваног догађаја.

Напета ратна драма прати два млада британска војника, који добијају наизглед немогућу мисију. У трци против времена морају прећи непријатељску територију и доставити поруку која ће зауставити напад на стотине војника, који немају појма да се напад спрема, а међу њима је и брат једног од двојице војника.

Members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots battle deadly wildfires to save an Arizona town.

„Пет легенди" су више од скупа омиљених легенди из детињства, они су група хероја са изванредним способностима. Кад зли дух, познат под називом Мрки, реши да сруши сва наша вољена веровања, бесмртне легенде мораће по први пут да удруже снаге и заштите наду, веровања и машту која живи у свима нама. Како би савладали Мркија, легенде ће морати да убеде Џека Мраза да се прикључи њиховим редовима, јер Мркијева кампања таме и страха прети да обузме цео свет.

From his childhood in Poland to his adolescence in Nice to his years as a student in Paris and his tough training as a pilot during World War II, this tragi-comedy tells the romantic story of Romain Gary, one of the most famous French novelists and sole writer to have won the Goncourt Prize for French literature two times.

Маверик и Гас су пилоти авиона Ф-14 и служе на носачу авиона у Персијском заливу. Маверик важи за једног од најбољих и после инцидента са руским „миговима“, шаљу га у елитну ваздухопловну школу на додатну обуку. Већ првог дана запажа девојку којој почиње да се удвара, али убрзо схвата да му је она инструкторка...

After the death of his grandmother Emma, Robin Hunzinger and his mother Claudie find a carefully preserved collection of letters which Emma received from a girl called Marcelle. In the 1920s, Emma and Marcelle met at school in Dijon. Secretly, love blossomed between the two teenage girls, but after two years they parted ways. Marcelle developed tuberculosis and was admitted to a sanatorium. Complementing the sparse photographs of the women, Hunzinger combines archive footage, avant-garde films, and music to create a sensuous, poetic atmosphere.

The amazing true story of a Uruguayan rugby team's plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes mountains, and their immense will to survive and pull through alive, forced to do anything and everything they could to stay alive on meager rations and through the freezing cold.

Louis-Philippe Fourchaume, another typical lead-role for French comedy superstar Louis de Funès, is the dictatorial CEO of a French company which designs and produces sail yachts, and fires in yet another tantrum his designer André Castagnier, not realizing that man is his only chance to land a vital contract with the Italian magnate Marcello Cacciaperotti. So he has to find him at his extremely rural birthplace in 'la France profonde', which proves a torturous odyssey for the spoiled rich man; when he does get there his torment is far from over: the country bumpkin refuses to resume his slavish position now the shoe is on the other foot, so Fourchaume is dragged along in the boorish family life, and at times unable to control his temper, which may cost him more credit then he painstakingly builds up...

Себастијан одлучује да остане да живи у планинама са Цезаром, уместо да се са оцем пресели у Канаду. У кућици у Француским Алпима има и своју псећу најбољу пријатељицу Белу, која има три мала штенета. Када се појави странац са причом да је Бела некада била његов пас, Себастијан се налази у ситуацији у којој мора да заштити своју најбољу другарицу и њене штенце.

Након што је изгубио супругу седам година раније, ексцентрични Џон Дулитл, познати доктор и ветеринар, повлачи се иза високих зидина Дулитл дворца, сам са својом групом егзотичних животиња. Али када се млада краљица тешко разболи, безвољни Дулитл је приморан да се упути у епску авантуру до митског острва у потрази за леком, користећи своју памет и храброст, док се сусреће са старим непријатељима и открива чудесна створења.

Two con artists have spent 26 years training their only daughter to swindle, scam and steal at every turn. During a desperate and hastily conceived heist, they charm a stranger into joining them, only to have their entire world turned upside down.

All the people in this countryside area, can count on Jean-Pierre, the doctor who auscultates them, heals and reassures them day and night, 7 days a week. Now Jean-Pierre is sick, so he sees Natalie, a young doctor, coming from the hospital to assist him. But will she adapt to this new life and be able to replace the man that believed to be irreplaceable?

After a job interview gone wrong, Lulu sets sail leaving her husband and three children behind. But being an adventurer is easier said than done.

Тим Морис упознао је прекрасну девојку својих снова Моли. Након кратког забављања одлучује да ризикује тако што ће је позвати на плаћени викенд одмор на Хаваје који организује његова компанија. Но, кад у авиону угледа своју бившу девојку Моли, схвати да је послао поруку погрешној девојци!

Antoine is the Head of HR of a big company. Managing people is his thing, so when his overwhelmed wife suddenly decides to go on holiday and leave him with the responsibility of the house and their four kids, he knows it will be a piece of cake for him. But Antoine has drastically underestimated the mess that four mischievous kids can cause...

François Gautier is stingy! Saving puts the joy, it causes pay sweats. His life is set for the sole purpose of never spend anything. A life that will switch in one day: he falls in love and discovers he has a daughter he did not know existed. Forced to lie in order to hide his terrible default, this will be the beginning for François problems. Because lie can sometimes be expensive. Very expensive…

French Guyana, not so long ago. Eliott, a young and naive anthropology researcher, goes on an expedition to study the Otopis, a mysterious tribe from the Amazon rainforest. It is also an opportunity for him to get away from the grip of his possessive mother, Chantal de Bellabre, an ethnologist hated by the profession for her biased and cold-hearted practices. Arriving in the forest Elliot realizes the Otopis are not the “good savages” he had imagined. Alcoholic, violent, crooked: they will turn his expedition into real hell in the jungle. Fortunately, Chantal, consumed by remorse and worried about her son, decides to abandon her own expedition and goes looking for him in the jungle, with the help of the not so helpful Lieutenant-Commander Raspailles and his men.

Галски хероји и заувек пријатељи Астерикс и Обеликс путују у Кину да помогну принцези Са Сее да спасе царицу и њену земљу од подлог принца.

A news anchor, a comedian, an actress, and a soccer player with big egos have to travel across the globe to meet the Malawa tribe for a TV show.