Baggage handlers Bud and Lou accidentally stumble upon Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula and the Wolf Man.

A recently released patient from a mental institution returns home with her sister, only to face disturbing events between her stepmother and the ghosts haunting their house – all of which are connected to a dark past in the family's history.

Madison on halvaantunut järkyttävistä näyistä liittyen kaameisiin murhiin. Hänen kärsimyksensä syvenee, kun hän ymmärtää, että näyt käyvät oikeasti toteen.

On Halloween, a group of friends encounter an extreme haunted house that promises to feed on their darkest fears. The night turns deadly as they come to the horrifying realisation that some nightmares are real.

After a bizarre and near fatal encounter with a serial killer, a newswoman is sent to a rehabilitation center whose inhabitants may not be what they seem.

A group of cold case investigators stay at the Carmichael Manor, site of the grisly and unsolved murders of the Carmichael family back in the eighties. After four nights, the group was never heard from again. What is discovered on their footage is even more disturbing than anything found on the Hell House tapes.

An adaptation of Angela Carter's fairy tales. Young Rosaleen dreams of a village in the dark woods, where Granny tells her cautionary tales in which innocent maidens are tempted by wolves who are hairy on the inside. As Rosaleen grows into womanhood, will the wolves come for her too?

Stranded in the suburbs, student filmmaker Chloe begins to make a documentary about her family's troubled past. Whilst filming, she and best friend Ed, witness an hysterical girl appearing to escape from a neighbour's house, only to be quickly dragged back inside again. Is she a recovering drug addict like the neighbours say? Or is she really in danger from those who claim to be caring for her? Chloe and Ed begin to run surveillance, but as they dig deeper, they find themselves caught up in a world of strange beliefs, old religions, and dark witchcraft. Their search for the truth will climax in a live webcast that will terrify and make those watching question the very authenticity of what they are seeing. Webcast is inspired by a wealth of films from both the horror and thriller genres, including Rear Window, The Wicker Man, The Blair Witch Project, Rosemary's Baby, Paranormal Activity, and Race with the Devil.

Ben Carson on entinen poliisi, joka yrittää saada elämäänsä järjestykseen. Hän saa työpaikan hylätyn tavaratalon yövartijana ja alkaa pian ymmärtää, että rakennuksen menneisyydessä piilee jotain kammottavaa. Rakennuksen peilit näyttävät olevan portti pahoille voimille, jotka ovat ottaneet Benin ja hänen perheensä tähtäimeensä...

In July 2017, an experienced outdoor enthusiast vanished in Northern Nevada while on an outdoor excursion. After an extensive search, he was never located. On the three-year anniversary of his disappearance, friends and loved ones recall the events leading up to his vanishing, and for the first time, speak about the horrifying conclusion of his fate.

Kun kaksi hyväkäytöksistä, mutta kapinallista nuorta löytää hylätyn poliisiauton, joka on piilotettuna suojaisaan paikkaan rämeiköllä, pojat päättävät käyttää tilaisuutta hyväkseen ja lähteä ajelulle. Tämä huono päätös herättää paikallisen sheriffin huomion ja johtaa odottamattomiin seurauksiin.

Extraordinary behind-the-scenes access reveals a drug company's fevered race to develop the first FDA-approved Viagra for women - and offers a humorous but sobering look inside the cash-fueled pharmaceutical industry.

Tohtori Kira FosterKira on uusi tulokas kansainvälisellä avaruusasemalla, ja puoliksi amerikkalainen, puoliksi venäläinen miehistö toivottaa hänet tervetulleeksi joukkoonsa. Hän tutustuu aluksella vallitseviin elinolosuhteisiin ja miehistön jäseniin, oppii päivittäisistä toiminnoista ja siitä, mitä voi tehdä rentoutuakseen. Kira on tuskin aloittanut toisen päivänsä tutkimustyössään, kun miehistö havaitsee Maassa suuren räjähdyksen. He epäilevät sen olevan massiivivnen tulivuoren purkaus, mutta hetken kuluttua kauhea totuus paljastuu - Maassa on puhjennut ydinsota. Aluksen Yhdysvaltaisen miehistön komentaja Gordon ja hänen venäläinen kollegansa Nicholai saavat molemmat käskyn ottaa haltuunsa asema keinoja kaihtamatta. Kaikki aluksen kuusi tiedemiestä voisivat yrittää selvittää, voivatko he luottaa toisiinsa ja luoda uudelleen yhteyden tuhoutuneeseen maailmaan, mutta sen sijaan helvetti pääsee irti.

Tony's father Sam, abducted by aliens three years earlier, returns to earth and seeks out his wife and son, but Rachel has since been living with Joe and the reunion is awkward. Joe doesn't trust Sam, and Rachel can't quite decide what her feelings are for her two men. Sam is not the same as when he left, and he begins affecting Tony in frightening ways.

Aurinko paistaa päivä toisensa jälkeen yli Nebraskan maissipeltojen. Sato kuivaa ja kuihtuu olemattomiin. Maanviljelijät rukoilevat sadetta turhaan. Pikkukaupunkiin saapuu eräänä päivänä poikasaarnaaja, jonka mukaan vain ihmisveri saa maan hedelmälliseksi ja voi pelastaa sadon. Kolme vuotta myöhemmin nuori pari eksyy autollaan Nebraskan erämailla ja ajaa lapsen päälle. Kauhukseen he huomaavat, että tämä on jo kuollut. Kurkku on viilletty auki...

Eight years after the opening night tragedy of HELL HOUSE LLC, many unanswered questions remain. Thanks to an anonymous tip, an investigative journalist is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside the abandoned Abaddon Hotel. She assembles a team to break into the hotel in hopes of discovering the truth. But the source of the tip and the secrets of the Abaddon Hotel are more horrifying than any of them could have imagined.

A documentary filmmaker turns his lens on an enigmatic conspiracy theorist who claims he's found the entrance to a vast underground city populated entirely by monsters.

A young aspiring musician preparing for a competition, is incredibly confidant and gets herself involved in a frightening trap that she has to find her way out of. It raises the question: If an insane person is telling a story, is it real?

This follow-up to the George Romero/Stephen King-launched anthology series features five new tales of horror and a wraparound. The main stories deal with alternative realities ("Alice"), possessed communication devices ("The Radio"), vampires and serial killers in lust ("Call Girl"), mad inventors ("The Professor's Wife"), and hauntings from beyond the grave ("Haunted Dog").

Struggling with a horrific past, Claire Rhodes must confront a stalker turned murderer of her youth in order to win her life - but will her own demons help the killer exact his vengeance?