Epska saga nastavlja se kad Luke Skywalker, u nadi da će poraziti zlo Galaktičko Carstvo, od ostarjelog majstora Yode uči načine Jedija. Ali Darth Vader odlučniji je no ikad prije da uhvati Lukea. U međuvremenu, pobunjenička vođa princeza Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca i droidi C-3PO i R2-D2 nađu se u različitim fazama izdaje i očaja.

A group of working-class friends decide to enlist in the Army during the Vietnam War and finds it to be hellish chaos -- not the noble venture they imagined. Before they left, Steven married his pregnant girlfriend -- and Michael and Nick were in love with the same woman. But all three are different men upon their return.

Rupert Pupkin poremećeni je komičar spreman na sve kako bi se proslavio. Udruživši se s jednako neuravnoteženom ženom, Pupkin otima svog idola, voditelja talk showa Jerryja Langforda. Otkupnina? Pupkinovo gostovanje u Langfordovoj emisiji.

Dr. Malcolm Sayer, a shy research physician, uses an experimental drug to "awaken" the catatonic victims of a rare disease. Leonard is the first patient to receive the controversial treatment. His awakening, filled with awe and enthusiasm, proves a rebirth for Sayer too, as the exuberant patient reveals life's simple but unutterably sweet pleasures to the introverted doctor.

Priča o igračkama 2 započinje kad Andy krene u Kaubojski Kamp, prepuštajući svoje igračke sebi samima. Stvari se ubrzo zahuktavaju kad opsesivni sakupljač igračaka po imenu Al McWhiggin, vlasnik Als Toy Barna, otme Woodyja. U Alovom stanu Woody otkriva da je on u stvari vrlo vrijedna kolekcionarska figurica. Tamo također upoznaje i druge igračke iz kolekcije. Za to vrijeme na poprištu zločina Buzz Lightyear i ekipa iz Andyjeve sobe kreću u akciju kako bi spasili svog prijatelja i spriječili da postane muzejski izložak. Igračke srljaju iz jedne nevolje u drugu u odvažnoj potjeri da vrate Woodyja kući prije nego se Andy vrati...

Nakon osobne tragedije od koje se još uvijek nije oporavio, Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) nevoljko se vraća u rodni gradić Manchester u Massachussettsu. Tamo ga dočekuje 16-godišnji Patrick, koji je nenadano ostao bez oca pa je Leeju povjerena skrb nad nestašnim tinejdžerom.

André, 19, lives in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and works as a photocopier operator. He likes to see his neighbor Sílvia with a pair of binoculars. She works selling clothes. Becoming attracted to her, he tries to get nearer, and goes to her shop to buy something, but finds out that he can't afford it. So he puts the photocopier to other uses, and begins to envisage fishy schemes to earn some money.

Glavni junak Woody oduvijek je bio uvjeren u svoje mjesto na svijetu i da mu je prioritet brinuti se za svoju djecu (Andy ili Bonnie). Kada se Bonniejeva omiljena igračka Forky proglašava "smećem", Woody uzima stvari u svoje ruke te pokazuje Forkyju zašto bi trebao prihvatiti tko on zapravo je. Kada Bonnie okupi cijelu bandu na izlet na obiteljskom putu, Woody završava na neočekivanoj avanturi koje uključuje ponovno druženje s njegovom davno izgubljenom prijateljicom Bo Peepom. Nakon višegodišnjeg lutanja, Bo-ov avanturistički duh i život na cesti kvari njenu nježnu porculansku vanjštinu. Kada Woody i Bo shvate da su svjetovi odvojeni kada se oživi kao igračka, tada i otkrivaju da im je to najmanje briga.

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

Priča je bazirana na istinitim događajima koji su se u periodu od 1977. do 1979. dešavali u jednoj kući u engleskom gradu Brimsdownu. Radi se o jednom od najvažnijih dokumentiranih paranormalnih slučajeva u svijetu koji su pogodili obitelj Hodgson, a Ed Warren je ovaj slučaj naveo kao jedan od najstrašnijih iskustava tokom njegove karijere.

As the president of a trashy TV channel, Max Renn is desperate for new programming to attract viewers. When he happens upon "Videodrome," a TV show dedicated to gratuitous torture and punishment, Max sees a potential hit and broadcasts the show on his channel. However, after his girlfriend auditions for the show and never returns, Max investigates the truth behind Videodrome and discovers that the graphic violence may not be as fake as he thought.

Umirovljeni detektiv angažira Edgara Allana Poea, oštroumnog kadeta s West Pointa, da mu pomogne riješiti jezivo ubojstvo u toj američkoj vojnoj akademiji.

Rat zbog droge na granici SAD-a i Meksika eskalira, jer su karteli počeli trgovati teroristima diljem američke granice. Kako bi pobijedio u ovome ratu, savezni agent Matt Burns (Josh Brolin) će se morati udružiti sa živahnim Alejandrom (Benicio Del Toro).

Follow a group of children who are evacuated to a Yorkshire village during the Second World War, where they encounter a young soldier who, like them, is far away from home.

Set in the golden era of Grand Prix Racing '1' tells the story of a generation of charismatic drivers who raced on the edge, risking their lives during Formula 1's deadliest period, and the men who stood up and changed the sport forever.

Priča o drvenom lutku koji sanja da postane pravi dječak. Pinokio ima svoju želju, no ima i sklonost izvrtati istinu, a svaki put kada to učini nos mu se produži.

Godina je 1933. Prošlo je osam godina otkad su se hrabri legionar Rick O'Connell i neustrašiva egiptologinja Evelyn borili za život protiv 3000 godina starog neprijatelja zvanog Imhotep. Rick i Evelyn sada su u braku te žive u Londonu sa svojim sinom Alexom. Niz događaja prouzročit će uskrsnuće Imhotepove mumije u Britanskome muzeju te će on još jedanput kročiti zemljom u potrazi za besmrtnošću. Međutim, jedna druga sila također je puštena na svijet, sila stvorena u najmračnijim obredima drevnoga egipatskog misticizma, i čak moćnija od Imhotepa. Kada se ove dvije sile sukobe, sudbina svijeta visjet će o niti, a O'Connellovi će krenuti u očajničku utrku za spas svijeta od neopisivog zla te spas svoga sina prije nego što bude kasno.

"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.

In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their story...in a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.

A group of sorority pledges are stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. That is until the young women discover that the killer is part of an underground campus conspiracy.