A documentary on the life of Amy Winehouse, the immensely talented yet doomed songstress. We see her from her teen years, where she already showed her singing abilities, to her finding success and then her downward spiral into alcoholism and drugs.

Susan Morrow receives a book manuscript from her ex-husband – a man she left 20 years earlier – asking for her opinion of his writing. As she reads, she is drawn into the fictional life of Tony Hastings, a mathematics professor whose family vacation turns violent.

Katniss Everdeen has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark. Winning means that they must turn around and leave their family and close friends, embarking on a "Victor's Tour" of the districts. Along the way Katniss senses that a rebellion is simmering, but the Capitol is still very much in control as President Snow prepares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (The Quarter Quell) - a competition that could change Panem forever.

Pasaulē, kurā ģimenēs nav atļauts būt vairāk par vienu bērnu, piedzimst septiņas dvīņumāsas. Vecāki nolemj paturēt visas septiņas un tām tiek doti vārdi atbilstoši nedēļas dienu nosaukumiem. Tā viņas arī parādās sabiedrībā - katra savā nedēļas dienā. Taču negaidīti pazūd Pirmdiena...

Brian and Jenny are preparing for the grand opening of their bed and breakfast, Emily's Country Inn, when a big storm hits Buck County. Brian agrees to go back to Wall Street to boost their funds, while Jenny scrambles to keep the opening on track.

Several ordinary high school students go through their daily routine as two others prepare for something more malevolent.

A couple's relationship is tested when uninvited guests arrive at their home, disrupting their tranquil existence.

After 20 years abroad, Mark Renton returns to Scotland and reunites with his old friends Sick Boy, Spud and Begbie.

An absurdist, surrealistic and shocking pitch-black comedy, which moves freely from nightmare to fantasy to hilariously deadpan humour as it muses on man’s perpetual inhumanity to man.

On Manhattan's gilded Upper East Side, a young gay painter is torn between an obsession with his infamous best friend and a promising new romance with an older foreign pianist.

Filmas "Labirinta skrējējs" turpinājuma sākumā Tomass (Dilans O'Braiens) un pārējie izdzīvojušie meklē norādes par kādu noslēpumainu, ietekmīgu organizāciju. Drīz vien viņi nonāk svelmainā tuksnesī, kas ir pārpilns ar neiedomājamiem šķēršļiem, kā arī tur viņus gaida šokējošs pārsteigums. Vai viņiem izdosies vēlreiz izdzīvot šausminošos pārbaudījumos?

The haunted Lambert family seeks to uncover the mysterious childhood secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit world.

Hilarious and outgoing, Brittany Forgler, is everybody’s best friend ― except her own. Her partying, underemployment and toxic relationships are catching up with her. She receives a startling wake-up call when a visit to the doctor reveals how unhealthy she is. Motivated to lose weight, but too broke for a gym and too proud to ask for help, Brit is at a loss, until her neighbor pushes her to run one sweaty block. Soon, she sets an almost unthinkable goal: the New York City Marathon.

In order to make his little sick brother's dream come true, Leo and his best mates organize a fake score...but on the d day, they make a mistake and the fake score becomes a real hold up.Here starts the extraordinary adventure of PUBLIC Amis.

A twisted new tale of terror begins for a teenage girl and her family, and revealing more mysteries of the otherworldly realm, 'The Further'.

Liams Nīsons atgriežas kā bijušais slepenais aģents Braiens Milzs, kura izlīgums ar bijušo sievu traģiski apraujas, kad sievieti brutāli nogalina. Dusmu pārņemtais un par nepatiesu noziegumu apsūdzētais Braiens bēg no CIP, FIB un policijas, kas min viņam uz papēžiem. Vēl vienu reizi Milzam ir jāizmanto savas "īpašās prasmes", lai atrastu īstos slepkavas, atriebtos viņiem un pasargātu savu vienīgo dārgumu - savu meitu.

The widow of a wise professor stumbles upon one of his inventions that's able to record and play a person's memory.

Detektīvi no rēgu patruļas izmeklē aizkapa pasaules pretējā pusē notiekošos noziegumus un vajā kādu pārmēru veiklu mošķi. Jauns policists, kurš gājis bojā no nezināma ļaundara rokas, ierodas citā pasaulē, kur apmaiņā pret palīdzību savas slepkavības izmeklēšanā, viņš apņemas turpmākos simts gadus veltīt dienestam rēgu patruļā.

Before horror enthusiast Max can break things off with his girlfriend Evelyn she dies in a bus accident. In time, Max meets another woman only to have Evelyn resurface as a zombie ready to resume their relationship.

A woman and her childhood friend seek out revenge on those who victimized and abused them.