After being involved in a traumatic incident, 17-year-old Gong-ju is forced to change schools. Uncared for by her parents, her previous teacher arranges for her to hide away at his mother's place. It takes time for her past to catch up with her, but when it does the revelation is devastating.

Ekscentriškas multimilijonierius pasirašo sutikimą pabaigti jo gyvenimą. Rinkdamasis karstą savo laidotuvėms jis sutinka jauną moterį, pasirašiusią tokią pat sutartį. Tačiau tikrosios problemos prasideda tuomet, kai jie pamilsta vienas kitą ir bando nutraukti pasirašytas sutartis.

When 7-year-old Jocelyn Shaker is mysteriously abducted from a resort in the Colombian rainforest, her rich Columbian stepfather and American mother are accused of being involved.

Benoit has his life all planned out before him. Unfortunately, he had totally forgotten to include his military service. Inevitably called into duty, he tries everything he can to avoid it, eventually launching into a hedonistic lifestyle—out of control with drugs, alcohol, and nightclubs.

Aging King George III of England is exhibiting signs of madness, a problem little understood in 1788. As the monarch alternates between bouts of confusion and near-violent outbursts of temper, his hapless doctors attempt the ineffectual cures of the day. Meanwhile, Queen Charlotte and Prime Minister William Pitt the Younger attempt to prevent the king's political enemies, led by the Prince of Wales, from usurping the throne.

Tomas gyveno paprastą vidutinio amerikiečio gyvenimą. Ne itin prestižinis darbas Čikagos telekomunikacijų kompanijoje, ne itin prašmatnūs, bet patogūs namai, kuriuose laukia žmona Megė ir sūnus Džeikas, seniai sudilusios svajonės apie geresnį gyvenimą už Čikagos priemiesčio ribų. Kaip ir daugelis mūsų, Tomas buvo realistas. Tačiau per vieną vakarą viskas pasikeitė. Tą vakarą Tomas sutiko, kad svainė Lisa jį užhipnotizuotų. Tuomet netikėtai paaiškėjo, kad skeptiko vyriškio protas yra atviras. Bet vieną kartą atidarius sąmonės duris, ne taip paprasta jas uždaryti. Tomą užvaldo nuojauta apie įvykdytą žmogžudystę. Greitai vyras suvokia, kad jo protas tapo vartais į paralelinį pasaulį, į anapus. Čia ramybės neranda vieniša siela, desperatiškai bandanti su juo susisiekti. Ar tai ta pati paslaptingoji Samanta, apie kurią nuolat šneka sūnus Džekas? Greitai vieninteliu Tomo tikslu tampa išsiaiškinti, kas iš tiesų nutiko mergaitei, kadaise dingusiai kaimynystėje.

WWE Crown Jewel 2023 is an upcoming professional wrestling event produced by WWE. It will be the fifth Crown Jewel event held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Vignettes of the lives of several residents of a Vienna suburb during a heat wave.

Documentary about the U.S. Air Force's P-47 Thunderbolt bomber's role in the Italian Campaign during WW2.

Italian film directed by Pierluigi Ferrandini. On the night of May 26, 1956, a terrible bloody event occurred within the home. In Bari at the dawn of the economic boom, the twenty-six-year-old Franco Percoco, coming from a "normal" lower middle class family, carried out a family massacre - the first after the war to have great media coverage - and was consigned to the news as the "Monster of Bari ".

Lotynų amerikietis gangsteris Viktoras Rosa, kad įgyvendintų savąją amerikietišką svajonę, turi atsikratyti nusikaltėlio praeities ir savo gyvenimo būdo – išsižadėti lengvų pinigų, kurių jis prievarta ir smurtu gaudavo Pietų Bronkse. Pradėti naują, teisėtą gyvenimą Viktorui ir jo merginai padeda žmogus iš galios ir privilegijų pasaulio – bankininkas iš prabangiosios Volstryto gatvės. Tačiau paaiškėja, kad kaina, kurią Viktoras turi sumokėti už naująjį gyvenimą, yra gerokai didesnė, nei jis tikėjosi.

On an ordinary night, in an ordinary part of town, a beautiful young woman walks into a bar. Her name is Jewel, and before long she is chatting to bartender Randy. The pair leave together, but he ends up getting into a tussle with her criminal boyfriend, who she then shoots dead, later persuading Randy to take the rap for her. But this isn't the end of it, as both Randy's cousin Carl and the detective assigned to the murder case also fall for Jewel's charms and find themselves caught up in the ensuing events. It seems that any man who meets Jewel falls instantly in love with her, and she's going to use this fully to her own advantage, leaving a trail of havoc in her wake. It also seems that she is going to get away with it - that is, until Randy decides to hire a hitman...

Jimmy Kilmartin is an ex-con trying to stay clean and raise a family. When his cousin Ronnie causes him to take a fall for driving an illegal transport of stolen cars, Detective Calvin Hart is injured and Jimmy lands back in prison. In exchange for an early release, he is asked to help bring down a local crime boss named 'Little Junior' Brown. However, he's also sent undercover by Detective Hart to work with Little Junior and infiltrate his operations. As soon as Little Junior kills an undercover Federal agent with Jimmy watching, the unscrupulous DA and the Feds further complicate his life.

A couple fall in love despite the girl's pessimistic outlook. As they struggle to come to terms with their relationship, something supernatural happens that tests it.

In an old apartment building on the wrong side of the tracks, two women, unknown to each other, live across the hall on the second floor. Galia is an assassin involved against her will with the local sex-traffic mafia. All she wants is to reunite with her little daughter that she left back home in Ukraine . Eleanor is a grocery store cashier and a battered wife. She dreams of winning the lottery and running away from her abusive husband. Galia and Eleanor don't know each other, but as neighbors they share two things: an adjoining wall and a strong need to plan their escape. As Galia disobeys her latest contract, a woman target, and Eleanor discovers that she's pregnant, the two women decide to take action against their oppressors in a fight for survival and freedom.

Pagrindinis herojus - Donas Vincenzo Cortino yra stebėtinai neorganizuotos nusikalstamos grupės bosas. Dėl šio neorganizuotumo rezultate mafijos kovoja į krikštatėvį buvo klastingai pasikėsinta - į jį šauna 47 kartus, ir tuomet Don Cortino susimasto apie gyvenimo prasmę. Baudžiamojo pasaulio patriarchui reikia vertingo įpėdinio, galinčio visiškai nuslopinti nusikalstamumą šalyje. Signore Vincenzo turi du sūnus: vienas yra drąsus karo herojus, kitas - baigtas psichopatas ir narkomanas. Ką išmintingas Donas pasirinks?

Oregon, a small town near the sea, around 1870. Henry, a grieving man who aspires to preach as a way to overcome his unfortunate past, reunites with eccentric pioneer Samuel Alabaster, who has hired him to officiate at his marriage to the precious Penelope. What Henry ignores is that both must embark on a dangerous journey through the inhospitable wilderness to meet her.

An absent-minded-professor father and his son take off in an old Pontiac to bond during a symbolic road trip through the Western U.S. This while his wife tries to overcome her neuroses to save the family.

Two Florida high school vixens hatch a murderous plan to win an inheritance, but they hadn't bargained for an escalating whirlpool of blackmail and sexual games with a sleazy insurance investigator who has his own plans for the money.

When the spoiled son and newest wife of a billionaire patriarch plot to murder him, they form a psycho-sexual bond with their brutally handsome hitman as they kill and kill (and kill) in their quest for wealth and recognition.