Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.
Don Birnam, a long-time alcoholic, has been sober for ten days and appears to be over the worst... but his craving has just become more insidious. Evading a country weekend planned by his brother and girlfriend, he begins a four-day bender that just might be his last - one way or another.
American Movie is the story of filmmaker Mark Borchardt, his mission, and his dream. Spanning over two years of intense struggle with his film, his family, financial decline, and spiritual crisis, American Movie is a portrayal of ambition, obsession, excess, and one man's quest for the American Dream.
Intelektuálne založená Ester cestuje so svojou sestrou Annou a Anniným sedemročným synom Johannom neznámou krajinou. Zastavia sa v pochmúrnom meste, plnom vojakov, tankov a ľudí, ktorí rovnako ako sestry cestujú odnikiaľ nikam. Ester je ťažko chorá a musí zostať ležať v hotelovej izbe, kde je odkázaná na starostlivosť personálu. Okrem choroby ju sužuje aj lesbická fixácia na živočíšnu Annu. Tá však na sestru reaguje len tichou ľahostajnosťou, vyrazí do mesta a do hotela sa vráti s náhodným milencom. Malý Johann citlivo vníma mlčanie medzi matkou a tetou. Je odkázaný sám na seba a počas nekonečných potuliek po hotelových chodbách uniká do sveta vlastnej fantázie.
A woman narrates the thoughts of a world traveler, meditations on time and memory expressed in words and images from places as far-flung as Japan, Guinea-Bissau, Iceland, and San Francisco.
A fading celebrity decides to use a black market drug, a cell-replicating substance that temporarily creates a younger, better version of herself.
A cargo aircraft crashes in a sandstorm in the Sahara with less than a dozen men on board. One of the passengers is an airplane designer who comes up with the idea of ripping off the undamaged wing and using it as the basis for a replacement aircraft they need to build before their food and water run out.
A traveling performer arrives at a remote South American port town where the head of an air freight service must risk his pilots' lives to earn a major contract.
Two thirtysomethings, unemployed former alcoholic Joe and community health worker Sarah, start a romantic relationship in the one of the toughest Glasgow neighbourhoods.
In 1953, an innocent man named Christopher Emmanuel "Manny" Balestrero is arrested after being mistaken for an armed robber.
Letecký inžinier Jim odjakživa sníval o tom, že sa stane astronautom, ale neuspel pri testoch organizovaných Európskou vesmírnou agentúrou. Napriek tomu sa odmieta vzdať a pokúsi sa zostrojiť amatérsku raketu, ktorá by ho mohla vyniesť do vesmíru.
After a serial killer strangles several women with a necktie, London police identify a suspect—but he claims vehemently to be the wrong man.
After his brother's death, Larry Talbot returns home to his father and the family estate. Events soon take a turn for the worse when Larry is bitten by a werewolf.
Barcelona, Spain, in the late sixties. Eugenio, a young jeweler who has fallen in love with Conchita, a singer, to the point of learning to play the guitar to accompany her in her performances, will first have to learn to overcome his stage fright.
In a Paris hotel room, Jack Whitman lies on a bed. His phone rings; it's a woman on her way to see him, a surprise. She arrives and the complications of their relationship emerge in bits and pieces. Will they make love? Is their relationship over? (A prequel to The Darjeeling Limited, 2007.)
Na začiatku šestnásteho storočia zúri kdesi v západnej Európe jedna z mnohých šarvátok podporovaných doposiaľ ešte stále neutíchajúcou morovou nákazou. Taliansky šľachtic Arnolfini sa snaží za každú cenu dostať späť svoj hrad a sľúbi bande žoldnierov niekoľko hodín plienenia, pokiaľ sa im podarí ho dobyť. Lenže žoldnieri sú horšie ako svorka vlkov a tak sa rozhodne svoj sľub zmeniť. Odoberie im zbrane aj korisť a pár ich pre výstrahu nechá zavesiť. Malá skupina z nich vedená Martinom sa ale rozhodne svoju krivdu napraviť lúpením. A aké je ich prekvapenie, keď sa im do koristi pripletie aj pekná nastávajúca manželka Arnolfiniho syna Stevena Agnes. A netrvá dlho a Martin sa zamiluje.
Phoenix cop Ben Shockley is well on his way to becoming a derelict when he is assigned to transport a witness from Las Vegas. The witness turns out to be a belligerent prostitute with mob ties—and incriminating information regarding a high-ranking figure.
A small-time conman has his loyalties torn between his estranged mother and his new girlfriend, both of whom are high-stakes grifters with their own angles to play.
Led by Kim Philby, Plan Aurora is a plan that breaches the top-secret Fourth Protocol and turns the fears that shaped it into a living nightmare. A crack Soviet agent, placed under cover in a quiet English country town, begins to assemble a nuclear bomb, whilst an MI5 agent attempts to prevent its detonation.