After escaping across Europe from Stalag camp, Dolas's ride to Cyprus is stopped when his ship in sunk by an Italian submarine. Although he and some of his fellow sailors are rescued by an Allied ship, they find themselves conscripted into the French Foreign Legion in Beirut, Dolas becoming a cook.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

Asli thinks marriage is a scam, and says so. But when her beau Kerem unexpectedly agrees, she goes to great lengths to manipulate him into proposing.

At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.

U ovom nastavku prvog dugometražnog filma braća Elric bore se protiv najtežeg protivnika s kojim su se dosad susreli: serijskog ubojice s velikim ožiljkom na čelu.

Novinar Irwin "Fletch" Fletcher je angažiran da istraži nestanak skupocjene kolekcije umjetnina svoje zaručnice. No, tijekom istrage Fletch pronalazi leš u vlastitoj kući, a policija ga smatra glavnim osumnjičenim. Sada, Fletch mora pronaći ne samo umjetnine, već i ubojicu kako bi dokazao svoju nevinost.

A short, graphically dynamic work contrasting contradictory views of perception and interpretation, by way of society's assumptions vis-a-vis phallocentrism and fetishism.

Godine 1800. Jem Belcher postao je najmlađi svjetski prvak ikada. Ovo je njegova nevjerojatna istinita priča. Na prijelazu iz 19. stoljeća društvene promjene i napredak polako su se širili diljem Britanskog Carstva. U gradovima i selima u Engleskoj je još uvijek bilo jako puno siromaštva, ali u zabačenim uličicama Bristola živio je junak u usponu. Njegovo ime je Jem Belcher i on je transformirao primitivno šaketanje u kraljevski sport.

Ophelia, a young nun recently arriving in the town of San Ramon, is forced to perform an exorcism on a pregnant woman in danger of dying. Just when she thinks her possession has ended, she discovers that the evil presence hasn't disappeared yet. The director of the award-winning Here Comes the Devil and Late Phases adds a new twist to possession movies in one of this year's Latin American horror surprises.

Nakon što učitelj premine, njegov najbolji prijatelj, bivši policajac, zaposli se u školi u kojoj je on radio kako bi se suočio s bandom koju smatra odgovornom.

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

Wealthy Sai Moon-Kin works hard to please as many women as he possibly can. When marrying off his mentally handicapped son, he finds himself attracted to his new daughter in law, so he takes her for his own, unaware that she is the evil Mirage Woman, who wields fantastical "sucking" abilities.

Whitney Alder owns interior design firm Marietta Designs, which she runs with her friend Andi in the small town of Marietta, Montana. Whitney is designing Santa’s float for the annual Marietta Christmas Parade when a potential job opportunity comes her way: the full redesign of a landmark home by Christmas Eve.

Bivši agent specijalnih snaga, Doc Alexander, određen je da tajno posreduje u primirju s meksičkim narko-kartelom. Dok guverner Oklahome Richard Jeffs na televiziji slavi smaknuće visokorangiranog člana kartela, njegov šef osoblja i Doc obavještavaju ga o miru koji je upravo okončao. Ali, prekasno je, jer se Cuco, glavni čovjek kartela, osvetnički namjerio na Docovu kćer Dixie.

Nakon seanse spiritualizma Laura Villegas počinje da se ponaša čudno. Uznemireni zlokobnim ponašanjem kćerke, i uvjereni da je demon zaposjeo, njeni roditelji odlaze kod oca Olmeda, jednog od 15 egzorcista koje je Vatikan ovlastio da intervenišu u slučajevima opsjednutosti demonima. Sada moraju proći kroz trinaest obreda egzorcizma, od kojih je svaki strašniji i nepredvidljiviji od prethodnog.

William, sin legendarnog lovca na oluje Billa Brodyja, kao dijete je izgubio oca u tornadu. Sada kao tinejdžer u potrazi za identitetom, kreće tatinim stopama. Na tom putovanju, William pronalazi svoje obiteljsko ime na logotipu turističke tvrtke specijalizirane za lov na oluje koja koristi ostavštinu njegova oca kako bi napunila vlastite džepove. Obiteljski posao sada pripada Zaneu Rogersu, nesmotrenom turoperatoru koji vidi dolare tamo gdje drugi vide olujne oblake. Kad mu sudbina stigne u obliku jedne od najjačih zabilježenih oluja, William napušta majku i dom kako bi se udružio s očevim bivšim partnerom koji je jedva preživio tornado. Roy, stari partner Willamova oca, pokušava ga zaštititi od opasnosti, no majka priroda ima drugačije planove.

Grupa prijatelja se okupi na godišnju partiju pokera, no ove večeri ulozi su povećani te se sada radi o životu i smrti. Domaćin ovog druženja je tehnološki milijarder i nepopravljivi kockar Jake Foley. Glavna nagrada je takva da joj nitko ne može odoljeti: 25 milijuna dolara. Za sudjelovanje u igri morat će se odreći jedine stvari koju su u životu pokušali sačuvati… svoje tajne. Kako se igra odvija, prijatelji će otkriti što je zapravo na kocki.

The twilight of a sacred monster, Jules Maugin, an actor at the height of his glory. Beneath the famous personality, the big mouth, and the social shell, lies the intimate portrait of a man laid bare.

Marilou and Philippe decide to show their grandchildren their new holiday home in Portugal. But once there, they discover to their horror that the house is still under construction. This is just the beginning of the problems for the grandparents, because soon they will lose their children. They have only two days left to find them, before their parents join them.