A young drug dealer falls in love while facing disruption among the men in his gang, and being offered a career as a Reggaetón singer.

A group of mariachis receives a letter to be part of the National Mariachi Contest in Mexico City. In order to be able to win they will need to travel together and solve their differences since their prime was 30 years ago.

De la scenaristul/regizorul James Gunn vine filmul de aventură-acțiune cu super-eroi „Brigada sinucigaşilor: Misiune ucigaşă” cu o colecție a celor mai degenerați delincvenți din universul D.C.. Bine ați venit în iad, alias Belle Reve, închisoarea de categorie A cu cea mai mare rată de mortalitate din SUA. Aici sunt ținuți cei mai periculoşi super-ticăloși, iar câțiva dintre ei ar face orice pentru a ieși - inclusiv să se alăture super-secretului, super-enigmaticului Task Force X. Misiunea faci-sau-mori prezentă? Adunați o colecție de ticăloşi, incluzându-i pe Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Captain Boomerang, Ratcatcher II, Savant, King Shark, Blackguard, Javelin și psihopata preferată a tuturor, HarleyQuinn. Apoi, înarmați-i până în dinţi și aruncați-i, literalmente, pe insula îndepărtată, infestată de inamici, Corto Maltese.

On a remote, isolated, unnamed Lebanese village inhabited by both Muslims and Christians. The village is surrounded by land mines and only reachable by a small bridge. As civil strife engulfed the country, the women in the village learn of this fact and try, by various means and to varying success, to keep their men in the dark, sabotaging the village radio, then destroying the village TV.

A young journalist in London becomes obsessed with a series of letters she discovers that recounts an intense star-crossed love affair from the 1960s.

Siblings Dylan and Andrea set off with their new friends on a marvelous journey of discovery in search of long lost pirate loot.

Tragedy, betrayal and a mysterious discovery fuel a woman's vengeance for the loss of her tribe and family.

Nemaifiind mulțumită doar de o singură noapte anuală de anarhie și crimă, o nouă mișcare decide să facă Epurarea permanentă și astfel începe o luptă distopică pentru supraviețuire. Evadarea în Mexic pare singura cale de ieșire, dar un zid blochează drumul...

A woman with a mysterious illness is forced into action when a group of terrorists attempt to hijack a transatlantic overnight flight. In order to protect her son she will have to reveal a dark secret, and unleash the inner monster she has fought to hide.

Romance novelist Emilia is a whirlwind who blows back into the lives of her adult children, Taylor and Zach, under the pretense of a book signing arranged by her hometown's local book shop. As Emilia tries to reconnect, Taylor and Zach explore new and past relationships through an app that boasts old-fashioned human connection by way of the classified ad. Zach is given a chance to heal old wounds while Taylor matches with a woman that changes the way she's always thought about love.

Salvată când era mică de către legendarul asasin Moody, Anna este cea mai talentată ucigașă plătită din lume. Dar când Moody, bărbatul care a învățat-o tot ce știe, e ucis cu brutalitate, Anna jură că se va răzbuna.

When a charming fare named Penny climbs into his cab, Harris, a world-weary taxi driver, finds himself engaged in the only kind of courtship he can have with a passenger -- one that lasts as long as her trip. That is, right up until she disappears from the back seat without a trace. When confusion gives way to reality, he resets his meter and is instantaneously transported back to the moment when she climbed into his cab. He and Penny find themselves trapped in an endlessly looping nighttime cab ride, with only each other for company, and it changes his life forever.

Three strangers arrive one by one to a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere after enduring separate life-altering predicaments. Searching for a way out of the woods, frustrated, hungry and battling to stay warm they discover their mysterious connection and realize what they have to do in order to get out of the woods alive.

A brother and sister con-artist duo find themselves scamming a grieving billionaire by convincing him they can introduce him to God, face-to-face.

După moartea fratelui său într-un aparent accident de mașină, un luptător MMA în dizgrație preia clubul de noapte al familiei și descoperă ce s-a întâmplat cu adevărat.

A family of four is quarantined in their home as a virulent strand of the flu spreads into town and they are forced to the extreme to escape alive.

Four teenaged lads set off to get laid in order to stay alive. However, the boys have to attract the girls first in order to complete their mission. Otherwise, they will be hunted and killed by a vicious Werewolf which only seems interested in Virgins.

Valeria știe exact ce o să facă cu viața ei. Ea trece de la un bărbat la altul, fără să privească în urmă. Dar într-o zi, totul se schimbă: Marco, fostul ei iubit, care s-a despărțit de ea în urmă cu un an, reapare în viața sa.