The Bu Broto Inn in Yogya is managed by Pak Broto and Bu Broto and their children; Pur, Sri, and Tarjo. This successful and warm-looking lodging hides problems and conflicts. Pur, the eldest, could not escape the shadow of the sorrowful death of her future husband. Sri, dreams of becoming a band singer, which is currently hindered by the responsibilities given by Bu Broto at the Inn. Meanwhile, Tarjo is very difficult to find his college motivation. All these pent-up conflicts exploded during the scandal. Broto Family members should be able to solve this problem together according to their Inn motto: Family is Home.
Based on actual events that took place at Gwangju Inhwa School for the hearing-impaired, where young deaf students were the victims of repeated sexual assaults by faculty members over a period of five years in the early 2000s.
In a small Tokyo apartment, twelve-year-old Akira must care for his younger siblings after their mother leaves them and shows no sign of returning.
Tylusis Hirajama atsikelia auštant, apsivelka darbo rūbus, nusiperka skardinę gėrimo iš automato, sėda į savo mikroautobusą ir vyksta į miestą. Jis valo viešuosius Tokijo tualetus taip, tarsi jie būtų šventa vieta, o jo darbas primena ritualą. Kartais Hirajama sėdi parke ir valgo sumuštinį, kartais kantriai padeda lengvabūdiškam kolegai. Po darbo, pakeliui namo, vyras stabteli pirtyje, automobilyje klausosi Patti Smith ir Vano Morrisono, prieš miegą skaito Williamą Faulknerį ir Patricią Highsmith. Kitą rytą keliasi auštant ir vėl daro tą patį, tačiau nuo Hirajamos veido niekad nedingsta palaiminga šypsena, nes jis tiesiog mėgaujasi gyvenimu.
In real life, Kwon Yoo is unemployed, but in the virtual game world he is the best leader. Kwon Yoo is then framed for a murder. With the help of hacker Yeo-Wool, he tries to uncover the truth behind the murder case.
A young woman leaves the city to return to her hometown in the countryside. Seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, she becomes self-sufficient in a bid to reconnect with nature.
An American travels to Bhutan searching for a valuable antique rifle and crosses paths with a young monk who wanders through the serene mountains, instructed by his teacher to make things right again.
Pregnant out of wedlock, an educated young woman is pressured by her father into an arranged marriage with a lonely farmer in this drama set during WWII.
The films spans two decades as the story unfolds in a series of flashbacks that begin when Qiyue and Ansheng were just thirteen. The two became inseparable until they met a boy who ended up tearing their lives apart.
An unexpected love triangle, a seduction trap, and a random encounter are the three episodes, told in three movements to depict three female characters and trace the trajectories between their choices and regrets.
A recently released patient from a mental institution returns home with her sister, only to face disturbing events between her stepmother and the ghosts haunting their house – all of which are connected to a dark past in the family's history.
Desperate to go to the U.S. to win back his girlfriend, Yim hires a tutor to teach him English. But things don't go according to plan.
Elė su trim vaikais gyvena ankštame Los Andželo bute. Ji savo sesers nematė jau daugybę metų, tad Elė labai nustemba, kuomet sesuo Betė apsireiškia prie jos namų durų. Žinoma, nuostabą greitai pakeičia džiaugsmas dėl susvetimėjusios sesers sugrįžimo – juk nepaisant visų gyvenimo sunkumų, šeima yra svarbiausia. Vis tik žodis „šeima“ greitai įgauna absoliučiai kitokią, kraupią prasmę. Elės pastato užkaboriuose seserys suranda seną paslaptingą knygą, kuri, kaip netrukus paaiškėja, savyje slepia pragarišką galią atgaivinti mirusiuosius. Kuomet į šį pasaulį ima veržtis negyvus kūnus užvaldantys demonai, seserys susiduria su kraują stingdančia, makabriška ir siaubinga šeimos bei motinystės versija.
Gurus in the late Goryeo dynasty try to obtain a fabled, holy sword, and humans in 2022 hunt down an alien prisoner that is locked in a human's body. The two parties cross paths when a time-traveling portal opens up.
Eun-yi is hired as a maid in a mansion owned by a wealthy businessman. He quickly starts seducing his employee who seemingly has little choice but to comply with his sexual advances. Soon the women of the family plot against Eun-yi who must fight an equally devious battle to protect herself.
Imperatorius. Meilužis. Tironas. Legenda. Atėjęs iš niekur, jis užkariavo viską. Naujoji legendinio režisieriaus Ridley Scotto juosta pasakoja apie intrigų, žiaurumo, drąsos ir įžūlumo pilną Napoleono kelią į šlovės viršūnę jo mylimos žmonos, imperatorės Džozefinos akimis. Šiurpą varančius negailestingus politinius žaidimus lyg kaleidoskope keičia kvapą gniaužiantys imperatoriaus mūšiai neabejotinai viename įspūdingiausių šių metų didžiojo ekrano filmų.
Returning home from a business trip to discover his wife missing, a man delves deeper and deeper into a surreal kaleidoscope of half-baked leads, seduction, deceit, and murder.
Po katastrofiškos avarijos nežinomoje planetoje pilotas Milsas greitai sužino, kad iš tikrųjų atsidūrė Žemėje prieš 65 milijonus metų. Dabar, turėdamas tik vieną galimybę išsigelbėti, Milsas ir vienintelė išgyvenusi keleivė Koa turi prasiskinti kelią per nežinomą vietovę, kurioje knibždėte knibžda pavojingų priešistorinių būtybių, ir stoti į epinę kovą dėl išlikimo.
The bear man who was once a bear become human by eating garlic and mugwort for 100 days. One day, after retirement as a policeman, a terrorist brings the deadly virus and he looks exactly the same as the bear man! With help of a detective and Youtuber, he tries to save the world now.
A mysterious informant calls a broadcast news anchor to request that the anchor report on the informant’s inevitable death.