Režisora Roba Reinera romantiskā komēdija asprātīgā veidā meklē atbildi uz mūžseno jautājumu – vai sievietes un vīrieša starpā var pastāvēt tīra, seksa nesabojāta draudzība. Galvenie varoņi Harijs un Sallija (aktieri Mega Raiena un Bilijs Kristels) iepazīstas autobraucienā uz Ņujorku, kurā Harijs pacenšas atstāt ne pārāk patīkama tipiņa iespaidu...

The stranger-than-fiction true story of a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy, and a Cuban spy who teamed up in the early '90s to sell a Soviet submarine to the Cali Cartel.

Two youngsters from rival New York City gangs fall in love, but tensions between their respective friends build toward tragedy.

Stāsts par Sanfrancisko detektīvu Niku Karrenu, kurš izmeklē slepkavības lietu, taču nespēj pretoties galvenās aizdomās turamās - rakstnieces, šokējošu romānu autores Ketrīnas valdzinājumam un neremdināmajai kaislei. Notikumi savērpjas neatšķetināmā noslēpumu un noziegumu virpulī, arvien mazāk ir atbilžu, arvien vairāk jautājumu un strupceļu izmeklēšanā…

In 1909, two explorers fight to survive after they're left behind while on a Danish expedition in ice-covered Greenland.

This documentary chronicles Johnny Cash's 1970 visit to the White House, where Cash's emerging liberal ideals clashed with Richard Nixon's policies.

When two married business executives having an affair are blackmailed by a violent criminal, they are forced to turn the tables on him to save their families.

Value Shop assistant manager Maya Vargas wants only one thing for her 43rd birthday -- a promotion. While her résumé may not scream upper management, her track record certainly does; she is an innovator who listens to her customers and delivers results. When she loses the job to a college-educated candidate, Maya sets out to prove to Madison Avenue that street smarts are as valuable as book smarts -- and it's never too late for a second act.

Valdības algotajam pasūtījuma slepkavam Henrijam Brogenam pa pēdām, ar uzdevumu nogalināt, tiek nosūtīts viņa klons Juniors – par 28 gadiem jaunāka Henrija versija, kurš spēj paredzēt teju katru nākamo pretinieka soli un lēmumus. Henrijs nolemj atklāt, kas slēpjas aiz Juniora izcelsmes un, kā pasargāt viņu no lēmuma, kas var iznīcināt viņa nākotni.

A New York City money launderer desperately searches for answers after waking up with no memory, millions in stolen cash and drugs, and an insane crew of dirty cops violently hunting him down.

Clear the runway for Derek Zoolander, VH1's three-time male model of the year. His face falls when hippie-chic Hansel scooters in to steal this year's award. The evil fashion guru Mugatu seizes the opportunity to turn Derek into a killing machine. It's a well-designed conspiracy and only with the help of Hansel and a few well-chosen accessories like Matilda can Derek make the world safe for male models everywhere.

Cheri Jamison rallies the residents of her beloved Manhattan neighborhood to participate in a Christmas tree contest when her cherished local library is abruptly set for demolition. Cheri finds herself up against an ambitious developer Tony Shaughnessy, who hires Cordelia, a professional decorator, to win the contest for him. The competition is on, but as Cheri works to save the library she discovers that Tony is more than the heartless man she thought. Will her dedication to the beloved library drive Tony away...and with it a chance at true love?

Artūrs Bišops domāja, ka savu slepkavošanas darbu ir atstājis pagātnē, taču viss mainās, kad viņa ienaidnieks nolaupa Artūra mīļoto sievieti. Viņš ir spiests ceļot pa pasauli un paveikt trīs neiespējamas slepkavības, darot to, ko prot vislabāk: liekot šīm slepkavībām izskatīties kā nelaimes gadījumiem.

Ir pagājuši vairāki gadi, kopš vīrs, reiz zināms kā Tarzāns, pameta džungļus un uzsāka dzīvi Londonā kā Greistokas lords Džons Kleitons III kopā ar savu mīļoto sievu Džeinu. Vestminsteras parlaments uzaicina lordu kļūt par tirdzniecības misijas vadītāju Kongo. Viņš pat nenojauš, ka tiek izmantots kā bandinieks nāvējošā alkatības un atriebības shēmā, kuras autors ir beļģis, kapteinis Leons Roms. Tomēr Romam nav ne mazākās nojausmas, kāds spēks, kāds vīrs un kāda leģenda dodas viņa virzienā.

A revenge mission becomes a fight to save the world from an ancient threat when superpowered assassin Kai tracks a killer to Bangkok.

A man awakens in a car wreck at the bottom of a steep cliff. He can't remember who he is or how he got there, but a report over the radio fills in some of the blanks, as it describes a violent bank robbery and names a perpetrator who happens to be sitting dead in the back seat.

After a botched heist, Eddie a murderous crime boss, hunts down the seductive thief Karen who failed him. In order to win back Eddie’s trust, Karen recruits her ex-lover and premier thief Jack to steal a cargo of rare precious gems. But when the job goes down, allegiances are betrayed and lines are crossed as Jack, Karen, and Eddie face off in a fateful showdown.

Cocky young attorney Michael Gray finds himself framed for murder when an inmate he is defending violently kills himself during their interview at South River State Penitentiary. Now locked in the same nightmarish Cell 213 where his client died, he soon realizes that unnatural forces are behind a string of inmate suicides, making matters of guilt and innocence not as cut and dry as they seem.

A shady businessman ,about to be arrested after ruining his country (and more) ,has to get away from his native France ;he meets a dry cleaner,William ,who's got a private plane and they crash on an island.