As the deceased soul Ja-hong and his three afterlife guardians prepare for their remaining trials for reincarnation, the guardians soon come face to face with the truth of their tragic time on Earth 1,000 years earlier.

Pirmo reizi Zirnekļcilvēka filmu sērijas vēsturē mūsu draudzīgā apkaimes varoņa maska ir noņemta un viņš vairs nespēj nošķirt savu parasto dzīvi no riskantajām supervaroņa gaitām. Kad viņš lūdz palīdzību Doktoram Streindžam, likmes kļūst vēl augstākas, liekot viņam aptvert, ko patiesībā nozīmē būt Zirnekļcilvēkam.

Stāsts par nīgru atraitni vārdā Oto Andersons, kura vienīgais prieciņš ir ķīvēšanās ar izmisušajiem kaimiņiem un viņu kritizēšana. Kad viņam blakus durvīs ievācas kāda jauna ģimene, asprātīgajā grūtniecē Marisolā viņš sastopas ar līdzvērtīgu pretinieci. Šī satikšanās izvēršas par negaidītu draudzību, kas apvērsīs Oto pasauli kājām gaisā.

Vēsta par Kiju – pamestu meiteni, kura pieaugusi viena pati bīstamajā Ziemeļkarolīnas dumbrājā. Gadiem ilgi tuvējā pilsētiņā Bārklijkovā klīst baumas par „purva skuķi”, kas nošķir Kiju no sabiedrības. Kad viņa piesaista divu vietējo puišu uzmanību, Kija atver sirdi jaunai un pārsteidzošai pasaulei, bet kad viens no puišiem iet bojā, visu aizdomas nekavējoties krīt uz purva vientuļnieci.

Otrā pasaules kara pēdējās dienās, vientuļš ogļracis sastopas ar nacistiem, atkāpjoties no iznīcinātās zemes Somijas ziemeļos. Kad nacisti nozog viņa zeltu, viņi ātri atklāj, ka nav iekūlušies parastā kalnrača rokās. Lai gan nav tieša tulkojuma somu valodas vārdam "sisu", šis leģendārais bijušais komandieris iemieso to, ko nozīmē sisu: baltu drosmi un neiedomājamu apņēmību, papildinot to ar nepārvaramu spēku. Un, lai arī ko nacisti viņam mestu pretī, viņš vienpersoniski darīs visu iespējamo, lai atgūtu savu zeltu - pat ja tas nozīmēs nogalināt visus.

A novelist fed up with the establishment profiting from "Black" entertainment uses a pen name to write a book that propels him into the heart of hypocrisy and the madness he claims to disdain.

When five women take part in a corporate hiking retreat and only four come out on the other side, Federal Agents Aaron Falk and Carmen Cooper head deep into the Victorian mountain ranges to investigate in the hopes of finding their whistle-blowing informant, Alice Russell, alive.

At the end of World War II, a German soldier is looking for his daughter while an SS troop is looking for a Jewish treasure.

An international heist crew, led by Cyrus Whitaker, race to lift $500 million in gold from a passenger plane at 40,000 feet.

LAPD K-9 officer Jake Rosser has just witnessed the shocking murder of his dedicated partner by a mysterious assailant. As he investigates the shooter’s identity, he uncovers a vast conspiracy that has a choke-hold on the city in this thrilling journey through the tangled streets of Los Angeles and the corrupt bureaucracy of the LAPD.

A cranky, retired author reluctantly embarks on a final book tour to help out a young publisher.

Three British teenage girls go on a rites-of-passage holiday—drinking, clubbing and hooking up, in what should be the best summer of their lives.

An unexpected promotion at a cutthroat hedge fund pushes a young couple's relationship to the brink, threatening to unravel not only their recent engagement but their lives.

A disgraced internet personality attempts to win back his followers by livestreaming one night alone in a haunted house. But when he accidentally pisses off a vengeful spirit, his big comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life.

Summer 2019. Just graduated from Sciences Po, Madeleine leaves to prepare the orals of the ENA in Corsica with Antoine, her lover with whom she shares very left-wing political convictions. On a small deserted road, an unexpected encounter will seal their fate.

An immigrant in search of the American dream is forced to take a room in a boarding house and soon finds herself in a nightmare from which she can't escape.

Suddenly, Clara, Mónica's daughter, falls into a deep coma. With Clara left to die, a mysterious man proposes Monica to make a pact: Clara will be saved if Mónica does something for him.

A WWII pilot traveling with top secret documents on a B-17 Flying Fortress encounters an evil presence on board the flight.

A Black woman's meticulously crafted life of privilege starts to unravel when two strangers show up in her quaint suburban town.

After running out of money while backpacking in a tiny, male-dominated town in the Australian outback, two friends resort to a working holiday at the Royal Hotel. When the locals' behavior starts crossing the line, the girls find themselves trapped in an unnerving situation that grows rapidly out of their control.