Stella is 6 but she is going to school for the first time. Happy, exuberant (maybe too much) she is a lovely child, but is often absent. Her parents say she is fragile. She tells her teacher, Céline, she fell when asked why she has a few bruises. Is it child abuse or real immune deficiency? The doubt is growing in the mind of those who meet the child. Worried, Céline notes every injury until the day the family moves without telling anyone.

Zgodba govori o 10-letni srbski deklici Dari, ki so jo skupaj s starejšim bratom in materjo, ki ju kmalu po prihodu ustrelijo, ter dveletnim bratcem med drugo svetovno vojno zaprli v koncentracijsko taborišče. Dara mora tako poskrbeti za malčka, medtem ko so njenega očeta v taborišče zaprli že pred tem.

Mock documentary about Seinfeld writer Larry David featuring contributions from his friends and colleagues. Larry makes a return to stand-up comedy and prepares to film a television special for HBO. This is the original special that gave birth to the long-running award-winning HBO series.

Da bi rešili svojo sirotišnico brez denarja, skrbnik in njegovi otroci sodelujejo s kapitanom barke in tako dobijo priložnost za zmago na donosnem ribiškem tekmovanju.

Follows a litter of puppies from the moment they're born and begin their quest to become Guide Dogs for the Blind, the ultimate canine career. Cameras follow these pups through a two-year odyssey as they train to become dogs whose ultimate responsibility is to protect their blind partners from harm.

Da bi zagotovil boljše življenje svoji družini na podeželju, 18-letni Mateus sprejme službo na odlagališču v São Paulu, a postane ujet v nevarnem svetu trgovine z ljudmi.

When the Choi family lose their dry cleaning business, they learn to love each other to survive the crisis and heartaches that they cause each other.

Monte Wildhorn je nergav alkoholik in pisatelj. Zaradi prometne nesreče je pristal v invalidskem vozičku, njegova žena pa je v nesreči umrla. Nečak Henry ga čez poletje odpelje v kočo ob jezeru, kjer naj bi Monte ponovno začel ustvarjati. Njegovo edino delo je, da mora skrbeti za lastnikovega psa in se prenehati smiliti samemu sebi. Ko spozna čedno sosedo Charlotte, mati treh odraščajočih hčerk, ki je velika ljubiteljica klasične glasbe in klavirja, Monte v sebi spet začuti pozitivno čustvo in ustvarjalni navdih.

An American low-budget action film celebrated an unexpected worldwide success in 1988: "Bloodsport". With its, the world of film fans and martial arts cinema discovered a new idol: Jean-Claude Van Damme. In the 1970s there was Bruce Lee, but at the end of the 1980s a Belgian won the day. Van Damme was a karate master and had unparalleled strength and flexibility. For ten years he was one of Hollywood's hottest action stars. But excessive overconfidence and drugs bring him down again. At home in Europe he becomes a laughing stock on talk shows. Only with "JCVD" does he manage to get back on his feet, playing his character with perspective and self-irony, but without ever giving up the reputation that his action films brought him and which has been a cult for several generations. The highs and lows of his eventful life are told through archive footage and contributions from people close to the popular Belgian actor.

In her debut feature, Alexandra Pianelli captures the unique world in and around her family’s Paris newsstand, presenting a film diary that lovingly documents her time working there. Sequestered behind the cramped counter, Pianelli films the world as it passes before her with a boundless sense of curiosity and compassion. iPhone or GoPro strategically set up before her, she records idiosyncratic interactions with charming regulars who drop by for their newspapers and a chat, or the lost passers-by simply looking for directions. Le Kiosque is a tender study of humanity, as well as a bittersweet sketch of physical media’s dying days as the newsstand’s future becomes increasingly unclear.

After his best friend is killed in a shark attack, Quinn, a lovable yet tenacious seal assembles a SEAL TEAM to fight back against a gang of sharks overtaking the neighborhood. But this merry band of international seals are not at all trained for such a mission. They seek the help of a much more skillful combatant, Claggart, but even his tricks and flips can’t whip these guys into shape. However, with a little bit of ingenuity, intelligence and a lot of heart, our SEAL TEAM may actually be able to bring peace back to their undersea community.

Two high school enemies, uber-jock Harry and out-and-proud Sam, are forced to share a car ride to their Missouri hometown for a friend's engagement party on Valentine's Day. Things take a turn when Sam learns Harry has come out.

After the Cuban Revolution, Che is at the height of his fame and power. Then he disappears, re-emerging incognito in Bolivia, where he organizes a small group of Cuban comrades and Bolivian recruits to start the great Latin American Revolution. Through this story, we come to understand how Che remains a symbol of idealism and heroism that lives in the hearts of people around the world.

Two brilliant research scientists have invented a device capable of recording and playing back sensory experiences only to have devastating results when one of them records their own death.

A stressed-out police officer struggles not to give in to the paranoia that grips his small mountain town as bodies turn up after each full moon.

Rex je najslavnejši pes v Hollywoodu, ki je osvojil srca otrok po vsem svetu. Ko po ponesrečenem kaskaderskem poskusu domnevajo, da je Rex poginil, se razvajeni pes znajde v zanj tujem potepuškem svetu. Potem ko se zateče v razpadajočo stavbo, v kateri se kmalu vname požar, Rexa pred smrtjo reši gasilec Connor. Ta svojemu uporniškemu sinu Shaneu naloži, naj najde psičkovega lastnika. Čeprav nerad, Shane sprejme nalogo, ne vedoč, da mu bo psiček spremenil življenje.

A peaceful community is forever changed when a mysterious young woman moves in. As the quirky locals embrace her, their lives soon improve. But, they can't help notice that their strange new neighbor has a secret.

Edwardian England. A precocious girl from a poor background with aspirations to being a novelist finds herself swept to fame and fortune when her tasteless romances hit the best seller lists. Her life changes in unexpected ways when she encounters an aristocratic brother and sister, both of whom have cultural ambitions, and both of whom fall in love with her.

A group of toy store employees must protect each other from a horde of parasite infected shoppers.

Haymaker follows a retired Muay Thai fighter working as a bouncer, who rescues an alluring transgender performer from a nefarious thug, eventually becoming her bodyguard, protector, and confidant. The relationship leads Sasso's character to make an unexpected return to fighting, risking not only his relationship, but his life. Its a story about human dignity and love.