Prasidėjus Rusijos invazijai, Ukrainos žurnalistų komanda įstringa apgultame Mariupolio mieste ir stengiasi toliau tęsti savo darbą fiksuojant karo žiaurumus. Filmas buvo išrinktas tapti geriausiu tarptautiniu filmu apie Ukrainą 2024 m. „Oskarų“ apdovanojimuose.

Išskirtinai vizualių filmų kūrėjas Yorgos Lanthimos ir prodiuserė bei aktorė Emma Stone pristato neįtikėtiną istoriją apie fantastišką Belos Bakster (akt. Emma Stone) evoliuciją, jaunos moters, kurią sugrąžino į gyvenimą genialus ir neortodoksiškas mokslininkas daktaras Godvinas Baksteris (akt. Willem Dafoe). Tačiau Bela, akylai saugoma daktaro, trokšta mokytis. Norėdama pažinti aplinkinį pasaulį, kurio jai taip trūksta, Bela pabėga su gražiakalbiu teisininku Dankanu Vederbernu (akt. Mark Ruffalo) į uraganišką nuotykį per žemynus. Išsilaisvinusi nuo savo laikmečio išankstinių nusistatymų, Bela tvirtai laikosi savo tikslo siekti lygybės ir išsivadavimo. Romantinė mokslinės fantastikos kino juosta „Prasti reikalai“ yra trečiasis „Oskaro“ laureatės Emma Stone bendradarbiavimas su keturiems „Oskarams“ nominuotu graikų kino režisieriumi, filmų prodiuseriu, scenaristu, fotografu ir buvusiu profesionaliu krepšininku Yorgos Lanthimos.

Sporto drama pasakoja apie 1936 m. Vašingtono universiteto irklavimo komandą, kuri varžėsi dėl aukso Berlyno vasaros olimpinėse žaidynėse. Ši įkvepianti tikra istorija pasakoja apie Didžiosios depresijos įkarštyje atsidūrusią naujokų grupę, kuri atsiduria dėmesio centre ir kovoja su elitiniais varžovais iš viso pasaulio.

María José and Alfredo are about to celebrate their 20th anniversary and their children give them a trip to the hotel where they celebrated their honeymoon, but a spell will make them repeat the same day.

It follows young alchemist Amélie as she acquires a magical power: partially influencing the flow of time. But she is split in time, and Amélie from the present meets Améliw from the past, who accompanies her every step of the way.

Mark, a new and inexperienced rugby club member, finds himself drawn to Warren, a seasoned first team player. When a series of happenstances at an away fixture lead to a drunken encounter, Mark and Warren unwittingly embark on a romantic affair they struggle to hide from their partners and teammates.

Sam is a professional boxer about to get released from prison. While on parole, his past catches up with him and he has no choice but to flee. Five years later, he has rebuilt a simple life on an exotic island in Thailand with his wife and her daughter, but when he gets blackmailed by a dangerous local godfather, he must embark on a dangerous drug smuggling mission which results in a tragedy. Now he has only one purpose: to seek merciless vengeance.

After his son is wrongly accused of kidnapping, a deacon who has just lost his wife takes matters into his own hands and fights a crooked police gang to clear him.

With only 24 hours left to live, a private investigator follows a trail of confounding clues to uncover the disappearance of his childhood friend.

LAPD K-9 officer Jake Rosser has just witnessed the shocking murder of his dedicated partner by a mysterious assailant. As he investigates the shooter’s identity, he uncovers a vast conspiracy that has a choke-hold on the city in this thrilling journey through the tangled streets of Los Angeles and the corrupt bureaucracy of the LAPD.

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.

As Israel is rocked by a series of terrorist bombings, a US senator's daughter is killed in one bloody explosion. Now, ex-Mossad agent Etan must lead an elite, covert team of agents and mercenaries to find the man responsible—the elusive “Engineer.” Can they find and destroy the madman before more innocent lives are lost?

In this world of contract killers, Morgan Gaines is the best of the best. When Morgan is hired to kill six people around the world, he soon discovers all the targets are also assassins unknowingly hired to kill each other.

Good-hearted teenager William always lived in hope of following in his late father’s footsteps and becoming a storm chaser. His father’s legacy has now been turned into a storm-chasing tourist business, managed by the greedy and reckless Zane Rogers, who is now using William as the main attraction to lead a group of unsuspecting adventurers deep into the eye of the most dangerous supercell ever seen.

Lora - vieniša, Sietle gyvenanti motina. Ji seniai nebendrauja su į nusikaltimus linkusiu tėvu, tačiau kai jis išmetamas iš pagyvenusių žmonių prieglaudos, Lora sutinka nuvežti jį pas savo seserį. Kartu važiuoja protingas, tačiau sunkiai valdomas sūnus Henris. Slapta nuo dukros Džekas įkalba Henrį padėti pardavinėti gausias marichuanos atsargas kiekvienoje jų sustojimo vietoje. Tai priveda prie netikėto susitikimo su senais draugais.

1969 m. jaunuolis Judas Krendalas svajoja palikti savo gimtąjį Ladlou miestą, esantį Meino valstijoje, tačiau netrukus atranda miestelyje slypinčias grėsmingas paslaptis ir yra priverstas susidurti su tamsia šeimos istorija, kuri amžinai palaikys jo ryšį su Ladlou. Judas ir jo vaikystės draugai turi kovoti su senoviniu blogiu, kuris Ladlou apėmė nuo pat jo įkūrimo, o įgijęs galią, blogis ketina sunaikinti viską, kas jo kelyje.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.

A biological experiment goes bad, this time releasing a gaggle of mutated great white sharks with a taste for human flesh. Soon enough, shark expert Nick West is on the case, leading a crew to study them and eventually bring them back into captivity. West's plans hit a snag, however, when Australian shark hunter Roy Bishop is called in to wipe out the fishy menace.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world where a global airborne pandemic has wiped out 90% of the Earth's population and only the young and immune have endured as scavengers. For Ellie and Quinn, the daily challenges to stay alive are compounded when they become hunted by the merciless Stalkers.

Distopiniame Londone atotrūkis tarp turtingųjų ir vargšų tapo milžiniškas. Visos socialinio būsto formos buvo išnaikintos ir liko tik Virtuvė. Bendruomenė, kuri atsisako išsikraustyti iš vietos, kurią vadina namais. Čia sutinkame Aizeką, gyvenantį ten iš reikalo ir desperatiškai bandantį iškeliauti, ir dvylikametį Bendžį, kuris ką tik neteko savo mamos. Filme stebime šią porą bandant užmegzti ryšį šiame negailestingame pasaulyje.