When the gang goes on safari, they encounter a variety of freaky, glowing demon animals.

Four men decided to enter in the oldest Fight Club of the History, The Florentine Football tournament. A father and son, a black guy, an old champion and outsider clerk will enter in an arena of the time to win their fears, to go over their limits, to be heroes for a day.

The year is 2030 and six years have passed since a criminal known only as "The Laughing Man" swept through top medical nanotechnology firms committing acts of cyber-terrorism, kidnapping, and espionage leaving no known suspects. New information is revealed, as Section 9 enters the hunt for a suspect capable of unfathomable actions in this compilation of Stand Alone Complex content.

Irako ir Turkijos pasienyje esančio Kurgistano kaimelyje gyvenantys žmonės desperatiškai trokšta sužinoti karščiausias naujienas. Vienintelis jų išsigelbėjimas yra 13-metis Soranas, kuris meistriškai instaliuoja palydovines antenas ir jau gavo "Satelito" pravardę. Berniukas organizuoja visus bendraamžius rinkti minas, kurių pilna aplinkiniuose laukuose, o po to ragina jas pardavinėti ir tokiu būdu užsidirbti pragyvenimui. Soranas įsimyli į kaimelį užklydusią benamę merginą liūdnomis akimis, kuri keliauja su nuo klastingo sprogimo nukentėjusiu broliu Henkovu ir aklu 3-jų metų berniuku. Kadaise užlipęs ant minos ir praradęs abi rankas Henkovas pasižymi neįtikėtina nuojauta. Jis visiškai neabejoja, kad greitai prasidės karas. Karas, apie kurį niekas neįspėjo Irako žmonių!

With the Gyaos re-emerging, Gamera's ties to humanity have been severed with his bond to Asagi broken. Nagamine and Asagi investigate while an orphaned girl named Ayana discovers a new creature she names Iris. Nagamine and Asagi must reach Ayana before she takes her revenge on Gamera, who she blames for the death of her family.

Rigso ir Merto persekiojamas BMW patenka į avariją, jo bagažinėje randamas lagaminas su Pietų Afrikos auksinėmis monetomis. Viršininkas jiems paveda liudytojo Leo Getso apsaugą. Paaiškėjus, kad Leo turėjo verslo reikalų Pietų Afrikoje, tolesni įvykiai klostosi žaibišku greičiu.

SHREK'S THRILLING TALES is the ultimate Halloween DVD compilation for your family. Shrek's Thrilling Tales review Featuring the scariest, ugliest, and funniest characters from DreamWorks Animation's successful SHREK and MONSTERS VS. ALIENS franchises. DVD includes 'The Pig who Cried (Were)Wolf' and 'The Ghost of Lord Farquaad' from the Shrek movies, and 'Night of the Living Carrots' from Monsters vs. Aliens, featuring B.O.B.

New summer adventure of the Crocodiles, who set up their detective skills to find out who is behind the accidents of the factory where Ollie and Mary's parents work , which could mean the closure of the plant, the move of the family and the dissolution of the gang.

After his young lover, Gitone, leaves him for another man, Encolpio decides to kill himself, but a sudden earthquake destroys his home before he has a chance to do so. Now wandering around Rome in the time of Nero, Encolpio encounters one bizarre and surreal scene after another.

Manga artist Gengo Odaka lands a job with the World Children's Land amusement park only to become suspicious of the organization when a garbled message is discovered on tapes. As Gengo and his team investigate, Godzilla and Anguirus quickly decipher the message and begin their own plan of action.

Twelve boys and girls gather at an abandoned hospital to die for various different reasons. There, they find the body of a dead boy. The twelve boys and girl attempt to find the person who killed the boy. During their search, the reasons why they want to die are revealed.

Blogiukas Džonas Krysis nori atkeršyti Danieliui ir Mijagiui. Pasitelkęs Vietnamo Karo viršininko pagalbą, kuris yra ir įtakingas teršalų fabriko atstovas.

Herbie, the Volkswagen Beetle with a mind of its own, is racing in the Monte Carlo Rally. But thieves have hidden a cache of stolen diamonds in Herbie's gas tank, and are now trying to get them back.

Vada Sultenfuss has a holiday coming up, and an assignment: to do and essay on someone she admires and has never met. She decides she wants to do an assignment on her mother, but quickly realises she knows very little about her. She manages to get her father to agree to let her go to LA to stay with her Uncle Phil and do some research on her mother.

The masterpiece of Shino Sakuragi, who won the 149th Naoki Prize for "HOTEL ROYAL" in 2013, is now a motion picture. A lawyer burdened with an inexpiable sin, and an accused woman who seals her past and keeps it a secret. In Kushiro, Hokkaido, the pair who chose a faraway town as the terminal station of their lives encounters and develops a moving drama by starting new lives. Koichi Sato enters new territory his performance, while Tsubasa Honda plays a serious character which creates a new image for herself. Machiko Ono, Shidou Nakamura, Shigeru Izumiya and other talented cast members join in the film.

Transfer student Biito “Beat” Mizorogi, talented in fashion design, bring classmates together to stage a fashion show for the school's annual festival.

Policijos akademijos komendantas Lazaras ketina pasitraukti į atsargą. Už didelius nuopelnus jam suteikiamas geriausio dešimtmečio policininko vardas. Apdovanojimas bus įteiktas Majamyje 50- ojo kasmetinio Policijos vadovų suvažiavimo metu. Kapitonas Haris norėtų gauti Lazaro postą, todėl jis taip pat vyksta į Majamį, kad atkreiptų aukščiausių pareigūnų dėmesį. Deja, jo planui nelemta išsipildyti, kadangi Lazaras oro uoste sukeičia lagaminus. Spalvingą Policijos akademijos kompaniją papildo dar keli nauji personažai: Lazaro sunėnas Matas, gražuolė karate ekspertė Dženet Džeins ir brangenybių vagis Rene.

18-year-old Jenny Taylor is ecstatic when she finds out that her favorite rock star, Jason Masters, is a guest at the tropical resort where she is working for the summer. When they are both thrown overboard during a Caribbean cruise, she saves his life and they find themselves stranded on a remote beach. Deliriously in love with the idea of time alone with him, she manages to hide the fact that they're a stone's throw away from their resort.

Gauja terorizuoja miestą, apiplėšinėja bankus ir parduotuves. Kovoti su nusikaltėliais skiriami Policijos akademijos studentai. Linksmoji kompanija, kurios patikimiausias ginklas mėlyna uniforma ir sėkmingai susiklosčiusios aplinkybės, nepalieka jokių šansų patiems talentingiausiems vagims.

While making his nightly rounds in the neighborhood, Patti's pet cat D.C. finds himself the carrier of a call for help from a kidnap victim. Patti enlists skeptical law enforcement help to find the victim before it's too late.