Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.

MTV Unplugged is the music television station's classic. In this program, top artists perform acoustically with an unusual appearance. MTV said that BTS's appearance on MTV Unplugged would later be "an unprecedented performance". They will be singing songs from the album "BE (Essential Edition)" with an intimate concept.




Soviet wartime cameramen accompanied the fighting troops of the Red Army on foot, aboard their tanks, and in their aircraft to film this epochal documentary of the Battle of Moscow that halted the vaunted and---until then, unstoppable---German war machine cold in its tracks.

经过与一十一(神木隆之介 饰)的恶战,濑文焚流(加濑亮 饰)身受重伤,命几不保。在此期间,青池里子(栗山千明 饰)随女儿小润(森山树 饰)悄然离开医院;而各国政要的一次关于简单计划的秘密会议上,自称卑弥呼的日本代表抹杀所有人,他代表SPEC持有者正式向普通人类宣战。世态险恶的当下,濑文急急出院,和当麻纱绫(户田惠梨香 饰)一同调查青池母女的行踪。而野野村组长(龙雷太 饰)则独自行动,查找简单计划病毒疫苗的下落。新的SPEC持有者交替登场,残酷的杀戮却从未停止。关于前人类的秘密昭然若揭,惨烈浩大的人种战争即将拉开序幕。 本片为SPEC系列完结篇的前篇。

人造人沙鲁战役过后,地球终于迎来了宝贵的和平,而骗子撒旦作为拯救了世界的英雄受到全人类的爱戴。世界首富钱多多为了给宝贝儿子庆生,出巨资举行了新一届的天下第一比武大会,成功晋级的选手有望和钱多多请来的四名所谓的外星人对决,最终获胜者还可以得到挑战撒旦的殊荣。此外,胜利者将得到一亿元奖金和环游世界的机会。超高的荣誉和报酬,连Z战士也坐不住了,纷纷报名参加。当然悟饭(野泽雅子 饰)、特兰克斯等人的出现,让撒旦心惊胆颤。一番较量过后,悟饭等人顺利晋级,但是等待他们的却是无比凶残和强大的宇宙人。意想不到的敌人,地球新的危机出现……

前人类和普通人类的人种战争已经到了白热化的阶段,野野村组长去世后,吉川(北村一辉 饰)、当麻纱绫(户田惠梨香 饰)和濑文焚流(加濑亮 饰)等人聚在未详总部,苦苦思索J教授的真身。谁知就在当麻刚刚弄清真相的同时,警察医院内的成年和儿童SPEC持有者遭到残忍屠戮。愤怒的当麻无法抑制体内被封印的SPEC,她狂乱暴走,继而现身御前会议。在犹大、世界(向井理 饰)、润(大岛优子 饰)的见证下,法蒂玛第三预言实现了。恐怖刺眼的蘑菇云在上空升起,成千上万的八尺乌遮天蔽日,被欲望所支配与荼毒的世界迎来了毁灭时刻。在命运的交叉点,当麻和焚流能否阻止世界的灭亡?

In the middle of the night, a drunk town guard happens to meet the daughter of a rich merchant… who drowned herself into a well 10 years ago. Soon after the town guard falls dead from the tower. This is followed by two other suspicious deaths. Doubting the existence of the ghost, Melchior has a hunch that these ‘accidents’ are part of a heinous crime. Tracking down the killer, his path will cross with heretics, old feuds and dark family secrets.


After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!



Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

A bag full of money lands in front of you. Is it luck? The answer to your prayers? Part of a predetermined plan? Or all of the above? Set in the chaotic streets of Istanbul, 40 is a story of three strangers making their way in a city of 12 million, all searching...for one bag. Shot entirely on location, '40' combines intense story telling with documentary style cinematography embarking on a synchronistic journey dealing with faith, love, luck, destiny, human trafficking...and a bag of cash that falls from the sky.

In hustle and bustle of urban life, we sometimes don't know our neighbors next door. And in the village, everyone knows each other and lives with the joys, troubles, and worries of a neighbor, like one big family. That's why a person is pulled to their small homeland, to their roots. The one who forgets their roots experiences a burdensome emptiness and dissatisfaction with their achievements in life.

Sutekh, the dark pharaoh from another dimension, sends his own puppet, Totem, to continue his quest to kill Rick and steal the magic which animates the puppets.
