The Catholic Jean-Louis runs into an old friend, the Marxist Vidal, in Clermont-Ferrand around Christmas. Vidal introduces Jean-Louis to the modestly libertine, recently divorced Maud and the three engage in conversation on religion, atheism, love, morality and Blaise Pascal's life and writings on philosophy, faith and mathematics. Jean-Louis ends up spending a night at Maud's. Jean-Louis' Catholic views on marriage, fidelity and obligation make his situation a dilemma, as he has already, at the very beginning of the film, proclaimed his love for a young woman whom, however, he has never yet spoken to.
From defecting to the Olympics, an underdog weightlifter powers through adversity to raise up his community in this biopic of Naim Süleymanoğlu.
Na začiatku 20. storočia bolo v Neapole viacero prekvitajúcich divadiel. Ich kráľom bol veľký komediálny herec a dramatik Eduardo Scarpetta, medzi ktorého nemanželské deti patril i budúci veľký neapolský dramatik Eduardo de Filippo. V období, kedy bol na vrchole slávy i komerčných úspechov, sa rozhodol parodovať dielo, ktorého autorom bol básnik a politik Gabriele d´Annunzio. Výsledkom bol najväčší divadelný škandál svojej doby a súdny proces, ktorý trval niekoľko rokov a mal devastačné účinky na Scarpettovu kariéru i život.
Bastien is twenty years old and has been an activist for five years in the main extreme right party. When the presidential campaign begins, he's invited by his superior to commit even further. Initiated into the art of decking himself out like a politician, he starts to dream of a career, but old demons surge forth...
In the outskirts of London, Portuguese couple and parents of three, Bela and Jota, struggle to make ends meet. When a misunderstanding arises at school with their deaf daughter, the British social services grow concerned for the safety of their children. The film portrays the tireless battle of these immigrant parents against the law to keep their family together.
Nostalgicky ladený, ľahko úsmevný príbeh o jeseni života a priateľstve, ktoré pomáha prekonávať ťažkosti života, sa odohráva v Atlante, v štáte Georgia. Začína v roku 1984, kedy Boolie Werthan najme pre svoju matku, sedemdesiatdvaročnú vdovu, vodiča Hokea Colburna. Hoci stará dáma vodiča spočiatku odmieta brať na vedomie, a keď už, tak len preto, aby mu vynadala, časom jej averzia voči sympatickému šesťdesiatnikovi poľavuje. Nepriateľský postoj sa pomaly mení v dôveru a nakoniec v hlboké priateľstvo, ktorému nebránia ani spoločenské rozdiely. Ročné doby sa striedajú a príbeh pomaly prepláva roky, nesený drobnými epizódami zachytávajúcimi premenu zvláštneho vzťahu medzi svojhlavou starou dámou a jej vodičom.
Leningrad, rok 1945. Druhá svetová vojna zničila mesto, zdemolovala budovy a doviedla obyvateľov do fyzicky aj psychicky zúboženého stavu. Hoci sa jedno z najstrašnejších obliehaní skončilo, v troskách, ktoré po ňom ostali, stále zvádza boj život so smrťou. Dve mladé ženy Ija a Maša skúšajú nájsť zmysel a nádej v snahe vybudovať svoje životy medzi ruinami odznova.
Anja a Tomas predstavujú pár, akých poznáme veľa. Obaja sú v strednom veku, v plnej sile, milujú svoje deti a veľkú rodinu. Z ich romantickej lásky už po rokoch spolužitia veľa nezostalo, žijú skôr vedľa sebe než spolu a viac energie investujú do svojej práce ako do spoločného vzťahu. Tomasov prístup dokonca hraničí s vorkoholizmom. Anja ako divadelná režisérka práve zažíva veľký kariérny triumf vďaka úspešnej premiére svojho najnovšieho predstavenia, keď jej lekári oznámia, že má fatálny neoperovateľný nádor a pred sebou iba tri mesiace života. Do Vianoc zostáva jeden deň, deťom nič povedať nechce a jediný, o koho sa môže oprieť, je Tomas. Anja sa rozhodne byť silná a bojovať.
Percy Schmeiser, a third-generation farmer, gets sued by a corporate giant for allegedly using their patented seeds. With little resources to fight a legal battle, Percy joins forces with up-and-coming attorney Jackson Weaver and environmental activist Rebecca Salcau for a monumental case that leads all the way to the Supreme Court.
Nicolas Philibert goes to America after killing a French aristocrat. On his return he tries to divorce his wife, Charlotte, but when he sees others trying to woo her his own interest is rekindled.
Based on a true story, Bob Zellner, grandson of a Klansman, comes of age in the Deep South and eventually joins the Civil Rights Movement.
After a road accident, a writer, Edgar, and his wife, Mylène, take up residence on an island off the coast of France to recuperate. Edgar soon recovers from his injuries and begins writing his next novel, seeking inspiration from the local people. His wife, however, has lost her voice and can only communicate through written notes. The islanders grow suspicious of the reclusive couple, their unease soon turning to aggression. Edgar is equally anxious about his neighbors, particularly a solitary widower, Ducasse, who has taken charge of a large consignment of crates. What secret project is Ducasse engaged in – and can it explain the strange behavior of the islanders?
A portrait of the myth of maternity around the story of Pepa and her daughter, who are evicted from their home and forced to wander for a place to live with no support network.
Snímka zachytáva trojdňový pobyt slávnej herečky Romy Schneider v rehabilitačnom centre v Quiberone, kde prebieha jej posledné interview pre renomovaný nemecký magazín Stern. Počas týchto dní, sprevádzaná svojou najbližšou priateľkou, odhaľuje pred novinárom a fotografom svoju dušu a neuvedomujúc si celkom následky spontánnej úprimnosti odpovedí otvára svoju 13.tu komnatu. Jedna línia filmu nám rozpráva príbeh slávnej herečky, ktorá sa napriek úspešnej kariére dostala do ťažkej životnej situácie, v druhom pláne dominuje téma bezohľadnosti médií, ktoré cynicky parazitujú na utrpení známej herečky s jednoznačným cieľom – predať „intímne detaily“ zo života celebrity bulváru.
Kto má rád pečenie, toho čaká viac dobrých vecí... Devätnásťročná Clarissa zostala bez matky, ale je odhodlaná splniť sen svojej matky. Tá si túžila otvoriť cukráreň v londýnskej štvrti Notting Hill a tento sen nedá Clarisse spať. Vie, že by bolo ťažké uskutočniť ho sama, preto spojí sily s matkinou najlepšou priateľkou Isabellou. Má aj babičku Mimi, ale problém je v tom, že sa už dlho nerozprávali. Mať vlastný obchod so sladkosťami na pôvabnom mieste a uctiť si milovanú Sáru je však niečo, čo tieto tri generácie žien spojí. Musia prekonať svoj smútok, pochybnosti a rozdiely a vydať sa na cestu, aby si s láskou a nádejou splnili voňavý, farebný sen.
Sabina has a regular life. She is satisfied with her job and her love for Franco. Lately nightmares start disturbing her, and almost in the same time she discovers to be pregnant. Step by step she remembers her childhood spent within a severe middle-class family. But a big secret is hidden within her heart. Sabina wants to contact again her brother, a University teacher in the US, to try to understand what is happened in their past. What is the secret? She is determined to bring clarity and serenity in her life. She finally manages to free herself from her "beast in the heart".
A true story of shocking violence catapults a picturesque little town into history. The close sibling relationship between the two maids takes on a new dimension as their overbearing employer discovers a sexual fever between the two sisters.
Two newlyweds, Yolanda, an adventurer, and Simón, a young bookworm, travel to Banana Island, where they enjoy the days of wine and roses of their honeymoon until a particularly ridiculous dying man gives them a simple scrap of paper, thus putting into motion a crazy treasure hunt, as fun and erotic as it is dangerous. (Filmed in 1979, lost around January 1980 and found by chance in 2018, in the vaults of the Spanish Film Archive.)
A meatball seller gets into trouble so flees Istanbul to find a new life on a beautiful island.
Two real-life lesbian actresses meet by chance when they are cast as lovers in a local stage play, and end up actually falling in love. Robin, who is married to her girlfriend for half a dozen years, and Lacie, someone who never had a lasting relationship, are both cast to play lesbian lovers in a Los Angeles stage play. Innocently, the stage director, Gabriel runs the actresses through a series of rehearsals designed to "bring out the intimacy" in each performer. Soon the two women find themselves increasingly and undeniably attracted to each other and overcome with desire. They must ask themselves whether this relationship is manufactured, created for the sake of the "girl play", or is true love.