У малом градићу шумовитог Орегона, четири пријатеља су у потрази за несталим телом једног тинејџера. Желећи да један пред другим, а и пред целим градићем испадну хероји, крећу на незаборавно дводневно пешачење које се претвара у праву одисеју. Иако се праве важни међусобно, када ствари крену другим током, држе се заједно. Када наиђу на локалну банду наоружану ножевима која је такође у потрази за несталим телом, дечаци у себи откривају снагу коју нису ни помислили да имају.

Alice, the only relatively normal member of the eccentric Sycamore family, falls in love with Tony Kirby, but his wealthy banker father and snobbish mother strongly disapprove of the match. When the Kirbys are invited to dinner to become better acquainted with their future in-laws, things don't turn out the way Alice had hoped.

Working in Dr. Cranley's laboratory, scientist Jack Griffin was always given the latitude to conduct some of his own experiments. His sudden departure, however, has Cranley's daughter Flora worried about him. Griffin has taken a room at the nearby Lion's Head Inn, hoping to reverse an experiment he conducted on himself that made him invisible. But the experimental drug has also warped his mind, making him aggressive and dangerous. He's prepared to do whatever it takes to restore his appearance.

Марти Макфлај добија писмо (старо седамдесет година) од свог пријатеља, доктора Брауна, који га обавештава да се повукао у претходни век да би живео мирније на Дивљем западу. Доктор му открива да је сакрио делорен аутомобил-временску машину у напуштеном руднику надомак града. Када Марти открије да је доктор умро одмах после писања писма, он одлучује да нађе аутомобил и спасе свог пријатеља. У међувремену, доктор се заљубио у мештанку из градића у коме живи и схвата да не може да се крије у прошлости од проблема које је проузроковао у временском току у претходне две авантуре. Он одлучује да се врати у садашњицу са Мартијем, али пре тога морају да реше неколико 'ситница'.

The murder of her father sends a teenage tomboy on a mission of 'justice', which involves avenging her father's death. She recruits a tough old marshal, 'Rooster' Cogburn because he has 'true grit', and a reputation of getting the job done.

A happily married woman lets her catty friends talk her into divorce when her husband strays.

In the French harbor city of Le Havre, fate throws young African refugee Idrissa into the path of Marcel Marx, a well-spoken bohemian who works as a shoe-shiner. With innate optimism and the tireless support of his community, Marcel stands up to officials pursuing the boy for deportation.

Лаура је прва и једина жена менаџер у најмоћнијем светском конгломерату индустрије драгуља. Када буде открила да је поново прескочена за унапређење, прилази јој послужитељ компаније Хобс и нуди јој да му се придружи као партнерка. Он жели да опљачка фирму. Она прво одбија, а затим прихвата кад сазнаје да планирају да јој дају отказ. Првобитни план је био да украду онолико драгуља колико им се дугује. Али, испразнили су цео сеф...

Robert Tisdall finds on the beach the corpse of a woman he knew. Others wrongly conclude that he is the murderer. Fleeing, he desperately attempts to prove that he is not the killer. A young woman becomes embroiled in the effort.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

This is the crazy bet of a mother ready to do anything to help her 12-year-old son, Louis, wake up from his coma. After Louis' accident, Thelma decides to do for him the "10 things to do before the end of the world" that he had written in his diary. By listening to these adventures, Louis will see how beautiful life is and that he must come back! By fulfilling a teenager's dreams at the age of forty, Thelma will experience an incredible journey that will take her farther than she ever imagined.

After inheriting the family mortuary, a pyrophobic mortician accidentally exposes hundreds of un-cremated bodies to toxic medical waste. As the corpses re-animate, the mortician's inheritance-seeking younger brother unexpectantly shows up, stumbling upon a full zombie outbreak!

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

Based on Molière's play. The children of Harpagon, Cléante and his sister Elise, are each in love but they still haven't spoken to their father yet. Harpagon is a miser who wants to choose the right man and the right woman for his children. When Cléante, at last, tries to speak to Harpagon, the old man informs the family that he wants to marry Marianne, the young girl loved by Cléante. Unaware of his son's sorrow, Harpagon doesn't understand why Cléante has become so angry with him.

Након што је у Саинт-Тропезу постао прави јунак, коњички начелник у локалној полицији Лудовиц Крушо добија ново признање: са својим колегама представљаће Француску на Међународном конгресу полиције који се ускоро одржава у Њујорку. Поносни Крушо и његов помоћник Џером Гербер крећу са својим колегама Берликотом, Трикартом, Мерлотом и Фугасом на пут у САД верујући да ће тамо достојно представити своју земљу. Но, невоље почињу већ на прекоокеанском броду!

Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.

Werner, Andi and Eckat play dice to determine the next king of the trio. When Werner is crowned king, he decides for all of them to skip work and start for Korsika.

The odd-couple courtship saga continues of wealthy, middle-aged retiree Qin Fen and serious-minded young air hostess Xiaoxiao. After an amusing prelude in which Qin presides over a lavish divorce ceremony for an amicably splitting married couple, he and Xiaoxiao decide to address their own relationship barriers — her youth and beauty, his cynical, childish sense of humor — by entering into a trial marriage while on a trip to the country's tropical southeast.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

Our favourite police men are called together to deal with a gang who rob banks and jewelers. Using their various talents as well as their extraordinary luck, the crooks stand no chance against our men and women in blue.