Un documentar despre viața insectelor din pajiști și iazuri, folosind prim-planuri incredibile, cu încetinitorul și fotografii time-lapse. Include albine care adună nectar, gărgări care mănâncă acarieni, melci care se împerechează, păianjeni care își înfășoară capturile, un gândac scarabeu care își împinge necruțător ghemul de bălegar în sus, șiruri nesfârșite de omizi, un păianjen subacvatic care creează o bulă de aer în care să trăiască și un țânțar care eclozează.

Wim Wenders filmează un grup de muzicieni cubanezi în timpul înregistrărilor unui nou album în 1998, apoi în timpul unor concerte întreprinse de aceștia în Statele Unite și în Europa.

Life story of a charming scoundrel, with little dialogue other than the star/director's witty narration. As a boy, only he survives a family tragedy when he's deprived of supper (poisonous mushrooms!) for stealing...concluding that dishonesty pays. Through years of dabbling in crime and amusing adventures, two women appear and reappear in his life, a dazzling blonde jewel thief and a stunning brunette gambler. Finally, he meets the mysterious Charbonnier who had saved his life in World War I, leading to the surprising next phase in his career...

A turn of the century wild west show struggling to make a living in Mexico comes into the possession of a tiny prehistoric horse. This leads to an expedition to the Forbidden Valley where they discover living dinosaurs. They capture one and take it back to be put on display, leading to inevitable mayhem.

A Melbourne family is very happy living near the Melbourne airport. However, they are forced to leave their beloved home (by the Government and airport authorities) to make way for more runways. 'The Castle' is the story of how they fight to remain in their home.

After a string of abusive relationships, Wanda abandons her family and seeks solace in the company of a petty criminal.

Sebastian, a man in his thirties, works a series of temporary jobs and he embraces love at every opportunity. He transforms, through a series of short encounters, as the world flirts with possible apocalypse.

Rawang, an immigrant from Bangladesh living in awful conditions, takes pity on a Chinese man, Hsiao-kang, who is beaten up and left in the street. Rawang lovingly nurses him on a mattress he found. When he is almost healed, Hsiao-kang meets the waitress Chyi. His love for Rawang is put to the test.

In clasica drama legala a regizorului Sydney Pollack, Sally Field este Megan, un reporter ambitios de cotidian care, in urma informatiilor primite de la un detectiv FBI, scrie un articol incendiar implicandu-l pe Gallagher-un businessman asocial interpretat de Paul Newman - in recenta disparitie a unui lider sindical. Dupa ce Gallagher o confrunta pe Megan si pune lucrurile la punct, femeia i se alatura in lupta pentru a-si dovedi nevinovatia, dar si pentru un interludiu romantic. Kurt Luedtke s-a folosit de propria sa experienta ca editorialist la un mare ziar pentru a scrie primul sau film de lung metraj.

Two Brits—inventor Hengist Pod, and Horse, a brave and cunning fighter—are captured and enslaved by invading Romans and taken to Rome. One of their first encounters in Rome leaves Hengist being mistaken for a fighter, and gets drafted into the Royal Guard to protect Cleopatra.

A seventeen year old travels from London to the Austrian Alps to attend the legendary Mozart boarding school. There, he discovers a centuries-old forgotten passageway into the fantastic world of Mozart's "The Magic Flute".

Renowned actress Joan Crawford, at the height of her career, adopts two orphans — Christina and Christopher — to fill the lonely gap in her personal life. However, as her professional and romantic relationships sour, Joan's already callous and abusive behavior towards Christina intensifies.

While on a joyride with the headlights turned off, two men hit and kill another man carrying a satchel full of money. The two men decide to take the money and throw the body into a pond and bury the money in a coal hill. The next morning the police discover the body of a kidnapped 12-year blind girl, Melody, in a warehouse near the site of the hit-and-run. They determine that the kidnapper saw the girl's father bringing the ransom to him and also witnessed the hit-and-run and the men stealing the ransom.

Sovieticii au dezvoltat un nou avion de luptă revoluționar, numit „Vulpea de Foc” (eng: Firefox). Îngrijorați că avionul va fi folosit ca armă de primă lovitură – deoarece există zvonuri că este nedetectabil de radar – britanicii îl trimit pe fostul pilot din războiul din Vietnam, Mitchell Gant, într-o misiune sub acoperire în Uniunea Sovietică pentru a fura Vulpea de Foc.

A bridegroom is possessed by an unquiet spirit in the midst of his own wedding celebration, in this clever take on the Jewish legend of the dybbuk.

Charlotte is cheating on Micha with Mélodie. Not suspecting a thing, yet feeling neglected, Micha in turn cheats on Charlotte. But also with Mélodie. For Mélodie, things are topsy-turvy. She lies to both of them. She is privy to each of their lies. And is in love with both of them at the same time.

Neil Shaw is both agent and weapon - a critical line of defense for the Secretary General of the United Nations. He does not even officially exist. As an international security expert, he must uncover an international plot in which ruthless terrorists threatened to bring down the United Nations on the eve of an historic summit with China. A mysterious chain of events leads to the murder of the Chinese U.N. Ambassador and the terrorists frame Neil Shaw, the one man they believe can stop them. Accused of the crime, Shaw goes underground — in effect, vanishing from his own life — as he tries to stop what could become World War III.

When Andrew Sterling, a successful black urbanite writer, buys a vacation home on a resort in New England the police mistake him for a burglar. After surrounding his home with armed men, Chief Tolliver realizes his mistake and to avoid the bad publicity offers a thief in his jail, Amos Odell a deal.

Tourists take a boat to a remote island, where they find that most of the people have disappeared, and something is stalking them. They find a hidden room in the big mansion on a hill, and an ancient diary, which gives them clues to the source of the terror.

A young woman is assigned to teach school in a secluded valley whose inhabitants appear stern, secretive and anti-pleasure. Following two children who disappear to play in the woods, she finds that this is actually a community of extraterrestrials with mild paranormal powers who are attempting to repress and deny their heritage for fear of arousing prejudice and hatred in their human neighbors. Based on a series of novels by the late Zenna Henderson.