Pinky and the Pinky Police is a Newfoundland film aired at the Zedric's Film Festival 1984. It won a golden award for best flick.

At night, the streets of Harlem are haunted by lost souls. Bodies that drift around in the darkness and bear the weight of the past on their shoulders. The Haitian man Frenchie is one of them, and his accentuated stutter bears witness to exile and years of abuse. But he is more than just that in Khalik Allah's new, hypnotic film opus, which turns the American tradition of social realist street photography into its own art form.

  《一棵知道很多故事的树》是由嘉宾传媒出品的社会现实题材纪录片,讲述了一个关   于爱和陪伴的故事。湖北咸宁一座乡村小学的三个孩子,在爱的缺失或物质困顿中,   与自然、图书亲密接触,懵懂成长。   杨堡小学位于有“桂花之乡”、“香城泉都”美誉的咸宁市咸安区双溪桥镇杨堡村杨堡畈腹   地,是一所农村初级小学,设有1-4年级四个教学班,在校学生50人,教师4名,服务   区人口3900人。徐校长在农村工作了20年,一直守候着杨堡小学。不同于很多表现留   守儿童生活现状的纪录片,本片呈现了孩子们欢乐和自足的一面。对儿童成长而言,   并不只需要物质供养,更重要的是陪伴。

Have you ever wondered what happens to Autons between programmes — when they're "resting"? This is the story of one such Auton and his search for a career after the BBC threw him out onto the streets... and how he found BBV!

Four friends attempt to communicate with the spirit world in a musty candle-lit basement. After infuriating a young demon, their knowledge may be their downfall in this dark comedic thriller.

多么美好而又令人心头一暖的场面,胖胖的牛头犬马克·安东尼(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)和小猫咪相互依偎,酣然入睡,享受恬静舒适的快乐时光。这时,马克听到主人的谈话,厨房里有老鼠出现,女主人虽然担心猫儿太小,但男主人觉得有必要扔掉小猫,买一只会抓老鼠的猫回来。闻听此言,马克大惊失色,他连忙叫醒小可爱,让猫儿钻进洞里抓嚣张的老鼠。谁知老鼠竟然把小猫套在车上,驾着“猫车”去厨房偷东西。此情此景让马克更为担心,他几次三番教授猫儿捕鼠技巧,但结果事与愿违,猫儿仿佛天生甘愿成为老鼠的奴仆一般,任其驱使周游房间每一个角落。

Sonny, an eight year old boy, is sent away from home because his father believes he has characteristics that could lead to homosexuality. After twenty four years of treatment and psychiatric institutions, Sonny returns home for a funeral, and attempts to save his seven year old niece from experiencing a similar fate.

After World War II, scores of refugees leave in search of a new home. They now stand in the hall of a large mansion, waiting to receive their deeds of ownership for sections of land that the lord of the manor had left behind after he fled. Among them is young Jeruscheit who, during her travels, had to bury one of her own children. Her husband has been declared missing, and up until now she has had little purpose in life. But then she discovers it: to work, to build, and to help others. And maybe someday Jeruscheit will find her family.

Travel around the globe with Action Sports icon Shaun White from the SuperPipe in Alts Bandai to the black tops of Rwanda. It is time to see how he prepares for competition, copes with pressure and rises above the rest to be the best.

The American composer and author Paul Bowles was a man with a great deal of charisma and influence. When he moved to Tangier, Morocco, in 1949, half the world followed him to the enigmatic city. His marriage with author Jane Bowles was a loving relationship of opposites, even though both were homosexual. Based on exclusive interviews with Bowles shortly before his death interwoven with anecdotes recounted by his friends and co-workers, the film portrays a daring and visionary life as well as a relationship shaped by an interdependency that encompassed much more than sexuality.

A Western cowboy attempts to flirt with a veiled young lady sitting on a bench in the garden...

A group of wannabe ghost hunters set out to shoot a pilot in the old Hewitt house which is rumored to be haunted, faking everything, and get more than they bargain for. Eventually, things begin to happen at the house that cannot be easily explained. Is the house really haunted? Can anyone be trusted? We are at our most vulnerable when presented with our greatest desires or confronted with our greatest fears.

A documentary road-movie about 7 young women's artists on tour on a bus, all over Europe this summer, who create on stage a manifesto on feminism, sex, art and education.

In the year 2035, survivors of a now almost completely evacuated post-apocalyptic Britain compete for a government bounty to retrieve a mysterious bio weapon known only as Unit Eleven.

A short student-made documentary that details the creation and operation of the Cornish underground event management business "Pakt Events"

Forecast Video 2005 Featuring Paul Rodriguez Also Starring: Nick McLouth, Mike-Mo Capaldi, Jason Wakuzawa, Mike Barker & Ronson Lambert