Ignacio, a professional footballer, has sentimental and labor problems. His girlfriend is about to abandon him because of the constant displays of affection that the player receives from an attractive admirer. At the same time, Ignacio discovers that two of his teammates have been bribed by another team.

A father on the search for his missing child discovers a revealing and shocking drama. The true adventures of thousands of juvenile criminals who live in a big city. They live in ghettos, in a world ful of violence, corruption and hate. They form gangs who attack and rob innocent victims, leaving a trail of terror behind.

In 13th century Italy, Francis Bernardone, the son of an Assisi merchant, renounces a promising army career in favor of a monastic life and starts his own religious order, sanctioned by the Pope.

Филмът е много вярна на оригинала възстановка на Евангелието от Матея със съответните етапи от живота на Исус Христос - раждането му, Ирод, кръщението от Йоан Кръстител, докато се стигне до смъртта и възкресението. Няма вариации по историята, нито вмешателства в текста от страна на режисьора спрямо версията на апостола. В "Евангелието" на преден план излиза една по-скоро човешка, отколкото божествена фигура; един Христос, който макар и да има много мили и кротки черти, реагира яростно на лицемерието и притворството. Пазолини обяснява: "Можех да демистифицирам реалната историческа ситуация, отношенията мажду Пилат и Ирод, можех да демистифицирам митологизираната от романтизма, католицизма и контрареформата фигура на Исус Христос, да развенчая всичко, но как да демистифицирам проблема със смъртта?"

Fujiko Mine, the devastating femme fatale whose only loyalty is to her desire, befriends a young boy whose late father hid away a fortune. A killer is on the boy's trail and it's up to Fujiko to stop him: but where do her interests really lie?

Джим Mopиc (Дeниc Kyeйд) e бил oбeщaвaщ игpaч нa бeйзбoл, нo тpaвмaтa в paмoтo e пpoвaлилa ĸapиepaтa мy oщe пpeди дa дocтигнe виcшaтa лигa. Toй cъздaвa ceмeйcтвo, cтaвa yчитeл пo xимия, тpeньop в мecтнaтa гимнaзия, нo... пpoдължaвa дa cи мeчтae. Гoдини пo-ĸъcнo, тpeньop Mopиc peшaвa дa cтимyлиpa пocтoяннo гyбeщия cи oтбop ĸaтo дaвa cъдбoнocнo oбeщaниe: aĸo cпeчeлят мecтния шaмпиoнaт, тoй щe зaпoчнe дa ce cъcтeзaвa oтнoвo. Oтбopът oт пocлeдeн cтaвa пъpви и Джим тpябвa дa изпълни oбeщaниeтo cи, ĸaтo зaбpaви вcяĸa пpeдпaзливocт и cтaнe нaй-cтapия нoвoбpaнeц във виcшaтa лигa.

In order to save an assassinated scientist, a submarine and its crew are shrunk to microscopic size and injected into his bloodstream.

Hyacinth, a former matador who lives miserably with his nephew Pepote, receives a letter reminding him that, as agreed a few days before, he must participate in a bullfight to be held that same afternoon.

BELFAST, MAINE is a film about ordinary experience in a beautiful old New England port city. It is a portrait of daily life with particular emphasis on the work and the cultural life of the community. Among the activities shown in the film are the work of lobstermen, tug-boat operators, factory workers, shop owners, city counselors, doctors, judges, policemen, teachers, social workers, nurses and ministers. Cultural activities include choir rehearsal, dance class, music lessons and theatre production.

A lawyer, married but temporarily alone at home, finds himself in the house a beautiful lady who tries to escape from her jealous husband. Fascinated by the beauty of the unexpected guest, the lawyer is determined to conquer her, in vain. But when the woman leaves, she discovers that she has been stolen some money.

Мащабен холивудски епос за живота и страстите Христови, поразяващ със своята сила и дълбочина.Рядък случай, когато образът на Спасителя не е представен сълзливо и евтино-популярно, а видимо и надеждно, като истински жив човек, наш брат и приятел.И немислима и недостижима от проста човешка гледна точка доброта, състрадание, преданост и Божествена мъдрост Го издигат над нас и правят Син Божи...

Daniela, raised in the bosom of a strict Evangelical family and recently unmasked as a fornicator by her shocked parents, struggles to find her own path to spiritual harmony.

In the 15th century, in a poor Italian village, the monks of a modest convent take up an abandoned baby. Unfortunately, for all their efforts, they prove unable to trace his parents. So they set up providing tender loving care to the little boy. Marcellino lives a happy life among the men of God but, as he grows up, he misses his mother more and more.

Ричард е индустриалец, въвлечен в жестока корпоративна надпревара с конкурентна компания. Срещу него ще се изправи Хауърд, а Клер и Рей са корпоративни шпиони, които работят за различни фирми, но имат тайна любовна връзка.

The fast-paced city life of two sisters is turned upside down when they are sent to live in the country with their father after their mother is killed.

When a young woman suspects her husband is cheating on her she gets increasingly paranoid about his actions.

Based on the novel by Dean R. Koontz, this action packed thriller features Bruce Greenwood as a private detective hired to protect a little boy from a fanatical religious cult that believe he is the antichrist fortold in the book of Revelations.