How did a poor little black girl from Missouri become the Queen of Paris, before joining the French Resistance and finally creating her dream family “The Rainbow Tribe”, adopting twelve children from four corners of the world? This is the fabulous story of the first black superstar, Josephine Baker.

Based on the best-selling novel of the same title. Dr. Shukri Mokhtar is a renowned social psychology specialist, best known for his ability to answer the simplest questions, who decides to give one last lecture about the very simple question: "how do we love?" He gives a full description of the different stages of love by recounting four different love stories going through curves and various crises.

Charismatic, charming and complex, Sérgio Vieira de Mello was the world's go-to guy, a man who could descend into the most dangerous places, charm the worst war criminals, and somehow protect the lives of the ordinary people to whom he'd devoted his life. The documentary tells the story of his most treacherous mission ever... a mission in which his own life hangs in the balance.

אישתו של השריף מאט מורגאן נאנסת באכזריות ונרצחת. המפגע משאיר אחריו אוכף, שמורגאן מזהה כשייך לחבר מן העבר שהפך לברון בקר עשיר. מסתבר שהרוצח הוא בנו של החבר, ריק, ואביו מסרב להסגירו. אלא שמורגאן לא מתכוון לוותר בקלות ומוצא עצמו מוקף מכל עבר. מערבון קלאסי נשכח אך בהחלט ראוי.

Go backstage with French rap duo Bigflo & Oli in this intimate music documentary, then join the superstar siblings as they embark on a major tour.

דרמה קומית. נערה מתבגרת מתפללת שהנערה המקובלת וכוכבת הרשת שמציקה לה תדע איך זה להיות בנעליה. תפילתה נענית באורח בלתי צפוי, והן מתחלפות.

Tom, 16, is a sensitive teenager who is about to enter a new high school after being expelled. He intends to find his place, make friends and seduce the girl he loves. Tom needs the support of his older brother, Leo, a true mentor, who is working to make him a “cool kid”. However, Leo's fraternal benevolence hides a destructive temperament... Will Tom be able to grow up finding his own path?

A couple whose son had been institutionalized for three years are shocked to discover that the diagnosis was wrong, and that their son is, in fact, deaf.

Clay Kincaid hates the nickname 'Saint', he got for being too kind to stray animals and desperate people. Especially when it comes to women. With a rough and damaged past that has left him jaded, he doesn't do committed relationships. This is before he meets Samantha Jamieson, an heiress turned runaway in need of help. When she starts to work as a waitress at his bar, he discovers that she is someone truly special and amazing… someone that could warm his damaged heart.

To pull off a spectacular Christmas-themed wedding, a wedding planner joins forces with the co-owner of a family-run Christmas decoration and house-lighting company.

פסיכולוג שהתייאש מהחיים מנסה להתאבד. מושיע בלתי צפוי מתיידד איתו ומלמד אותו מחדש איך לחיות.

An energetic and fast-paced bio-doc that examines the story behind one of the most prolific and well-known DJs working today: Steve Aoki.

Spencer is a cat person. Laura is a dog person. Spencer is headed to a beach town to work on his thesis. Laura is coming to the same beach town to escape the shambles of her life. Their personalities couldn’t be more different, but when a reservation screw up lands them – and their pets – in the same vacation rental house, they all have to figure out how to get along with each other.

אישה הנמצאת במערכת יחסים עצובה, מוצאת מפלט מחייה האומללים במהלך חג אצל משפחה של חבר בטוסקנה.

לפני המהפכה האיראנית היה מקום בו אנשים מכל הדתות יכול לפרוח. זה הוא סיפור על משפחה יהודית משגשגת אשר נוטשת כל את הונה ורכושה מאחור רגע לפני שרוחות מהפכה מכלות גם אותה.

For years, Ollie has illicitly helped the struggling residents of her North Dakota oil boomtown access Canadian health care and medication. When the authorities catch on, she plans to abandon her crusade, only to be dragged in even deeper after a desperate plea for help from her sister.

ארוחת ערב היא סוג של הצגה: מתלבשים יפה, צוחקים, מספרים סיפורים, מעמידים פנים, חולקים זיכרונות ותוכניות לעתיד... ארוחת ערב כזו מכינים מארי לורנס ופיוטר בעלה, הם מזמינים חברים לארוחת ערב. מארי לורנס מגלה שפיוטר הזמין את המאהב שלה ומחליטה לצרף לשולחן את המורה שלה לפלמנקו, כדי לאזן בין הגברים לנשים.

This biopic follows pro golfer Ariya Jutanugarn's journey to the LPGA tour, from child prodigy to her number-one ranking in the world.

The musical, performed by the members as themselves, forming three main couples, is about love. Which is treated to the rhythm of songs where the members dance and sing representing what they feel in each specific moment.