How did a poor little black girl from Missouri become the Queen of Paris, before joining the French Resistance and finally creating her dream family “The Rainbow Tribe”, adopting twelve children from four corners of the world? This is the fabulous story of the first black superstar, Josephine Baker.

Based on the best-selling novel of the same title. Dr. Shukri Mokhtar is a renowned social psychology specialist, best known for his ability to answer the simplest questions, who decides to give one last lecture about the very simple question: "how do we love?" He gives a full description of the different stages of love by recounting four different love stories going through curves and various crises.




Tired of being bullied, Cassandra Evans prays that her nemesis, Katie Sharp, the queen bee of social media, would know what it’s like to walk a day in her shoes. Her prayer is answered in an unexpected way when they get switched.

Tom, 16, is a sensitive teenager who is about to enter a new high school after being expelled. He intends to find his place, make friends and seduce the girl he loves. Tom needs the support of his older brother, Leo, a true mentor, who is working to make him a “cool kid”. However, Leo's fraternal benevolence hides a destructive temperament... Will Tom be able to grow up finding his own path?

A couple whose son had been institutionalized for three years are shocked to discover that the diagnosis was wrong, and that their son is, in fact, deaf.


To pull off a spectacular Christmas-themed wedding, a wedding planner joins forces with the co-owner of a family-run Christmas decoration and house-lighting company.


An energetic and fast-paced bio-doc that examines the story behind one of the most prolific and well-known DJs working today: Steve Aoki.

Spencer is a cat person. Laura is a dog person. Spencer is headed to a beach town to work on his thesis. Laura is coming to the same beach town to escape the shambles of her life. Their personalities couldn’t be more different, but when a reservation screw up lands them – and their pets – in the same vacation rental house, they all have to figure out how to get along with each other.

这部电影是电视导演 Joanna Hogg 的电影处女作,故事情节简单,通过一次渡假,表现了城市中产的家庭关系的矛盾与暗流。这是法国电影的专长,在英国电影中算是一部异品。


 泰莎·汤普森、莉莉·詹姆斯联袂主演独立新片《小森林》(Little Woods,暂译)。本片是集导演与编剧于一身的尼阿·达科斯塔的导演处女作。影片被形容为是一部现代西部片。故事讲述在北达科他州一座新兴石油城市中,一对姐妹奥莉(汤普森饰)、黛博(詹姆斯饰)为谋求更好生活而不惜干起了违法勾当。

故事发生在浪漫之都法国。每年夏天,这里都要举行盛大而又欢乐的音乐节,每逢此时,整个城市都会沉浸在快乐的海洋之中。很多人选择在音乐节来临前夕报名舞蹈培训班,增长一下自己的舞技,以便更为充分的享受这个节日。著名的女律师马莉(嘉莲·维雅 Karin Viard 饰)和丈夫皮耶特(丹尼·伯恩 Dany Boon 饰)即使其中的两员。在培训班中,夫妻两人结识了很多志同道合的朋友们,他们决定举办一个家庭聚会,来庆祝他们新收获的友谊。朱丽叶(玛丽娜·汉斯 Marina Hands 饰)、莎拉(艾玛纽尔·塞尼耶 Emmanuelle Seigner 饰)、阿兰(帕特里克·布鲁尔 Patrick Bruel 饰)和艾万(帕特里克·薛內斯 Patrick Chesnais 饰)都收到了邀请,然而,当他们结束了狂欢准备离开时,却发现大门被锁住了。

这部传记片讲述了职业高尔夫球手艾莉雅·茱塔努冈如何一步步踏入 LGPA 巡回赛,记录了她从天才少女成长为世界排名第一球手的历程。

The musical, performed by the members as themselves, forming three main couples, is about love. Which is treated to the rhythm of songs where the members dance and sing representing what they feel in each specific moment.