Four angry cadets have formed an inner circle in an attempt to beat the system and ward off the boredom and stifling confinement of the military academy, set off a chain of events that starts with a theft and leads to murder.

The best of Led Zeppelin's legendary 1973 appearances at Madison Square Garden. Interspersed throughout the concert footage are behind-the-scenes moments with the band. The Song Remains the Same is Led Zeppelin at Madison Square Garden in NYC concert footage colorfully enhanced by sequences which are supposed to reflect each band member's individual fantasies and hallucinations. Includes blistering live renditions of "Black Dog," "Dazed and Confused," "Stairway to Heaven," "Whole Lotta Love," "The Song Remains the Same," and "Rain Song" among others.

American Movie is the story of filmmaker Mark Borchardt, his mission, and his dream. Spanning over two years of intense struggle with his film, his family, financial decline, and spiritual crisis, American Movie is a portrayal of ambition, obsession, excess, and one man's quest for the American Dream.

Dolls takes puppeteering as its overriding motif, which relates thematically to the action provided by the live characters. Chief among those tales is the story of Matsumoto and Sawako, a young couple whose relationship is about to be broken apart by the former's parents, who have insisted their son take part in an arranged marriage to his boss' daughter.

Touch seuraa yhden miehen matkaa hänen etsiessään ensimmäistä rakastettuaan, joka katosi 50 vuotta sitten – ennen kuin hänen oma aikansa loppuu.

Saksan hyökkää Venäjälle 22. kesäkuuta 1941. Puna-armeijan kiväärirykmentti saarretaan rajan tuntumassa sijaitsevaan Brestin linnoitukseen, jota he yrittävät puolustaa vähäisellä resursseilla. Venäläiset sotajoukot aloittavat perääntymisen kohti Minskiä, mutta Brestin puolustajat eivät pääse pakenemaan saksalaisten puristuksesta. Rykmentti pystyi puolustamaan linnoitusta ja kasarmialuetta yhdeksän päivän ajan ennen antautumistaan ylivoimaiselle viholliselle.

An Oscar nominated documentary about a middle-class American family who is torn apart when the father Arnold and son Jesse are accused of sexually abusing numerous children. Director Jarecki interviews people from different sides of this tragic story and raises the question of whether they were rightfully tried when they claim they were innocent and there was never any evidence against them.

Kaksi hetken mielijohteesta toimivaa irlantilaisnuorta lähtevät varastetuilla polkupyörillä rannikolle etsimään kokaiinipaalia salakuljettajan kaatuneesta laivasta.

Widowed Welsh mother Anna Loenowens becomes a governess and English tutor to the wives and many children of the stubborn King Mongkut of Siam. Anna and the King have a clash of personalities as she works to teach the royal family about the English language, customs and etiquette, and rushes to prepare a party for a group of European diplomats who must change their opinions about the King.

A film of the life of the renowned musical composer, playwright, actor, dancer and singer George M. Cohan.

Billy used to be a great boxer, but he's settled into a hardscrabble life that revolves around drinking, training horses, and the one bright spot in his existence — his young son, T.J. Although Billy has had custody of T.J. since his wife, Annie, left the family years ago, her return prompts a new struggle for the former fighter. Determined to hold on to his son, Billy gets back into the ring to try and recapture his past success.

In a rural town in Louisiana, a black Master Sergeant is found shot to death just outside the local Army Base. Military lawyer, Captain Davenport—also a black man—is sent from Washington to conduct an investigation. Facing an uncooperative chain of command and fearful black troops, Davenport must battle with deceit and prejudice in order to find out exactly who really did kill the Master Sergeant.

Algiers, a few years after the civil war. Amal and Samir have decided to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary in a restaurant. While on their way, their share their views on Algeria: Amal talks about lost illusions and Samir about the necessity to cope with them. At the same time, their son Fahim and his friends Feriel and Reda are wandering about in a hostile Algiers about to steal their youth.

Kunniaton on elokuva kirjailija Truman Capotesta, joka ryhtyy tekemään kirjaa raa'asta murhasta ja miltei tuhoaa itsensä sitä tehdessään. Missä kulkee kunnianhimon ja moraalin raja? Voiko kirjailija ystävystyä murhamiehen kanssa vain materiaalia saadakseen? Jääkö siitä jälkiä?Kirjan tekeminen kestää vuosia, mutta lopputuloksena on Kylmäverisesti (In Cold Blood), uraauurtava dokumenttiromaani.Elokuvan kertoja on Capoten ystävä ja kirjailijakollega Harper Lee.Kansasin maaseudulle päätyvää New Yorkin seurapiirien lemmikkiä esittää Toby Jones, Harper Leetä Sandra Bullock ja toista murhamiestä Daniel Craig.

Travel across four continents, through 19 countries, and into dingy Cambodian karaoke bars, Amsterdam’s infamous red-light district, Moldovan orphanages, legal Nevada brothels, and the street corners and alleyways of metropolises worldwide for more than a glance at the fastest-growing organized crime industry in the world with the groundbreaking, tell-all Nefarious: Merchant of Souls.

A Japanese actress begins having strange visions and experiences after landing a role in a horror film about a real-life murder spree that took place over forty years ago.

Eletään 70-luvun loppupuolta ja New Yorkin yöelämää hallitsee kaikkien aikojen kuuluisin yökerho - Studio 54. Studio 54 on paikka, jossa pääosissa ovat kuuluisuudet, tyyli, seksi, huumeet ja tanssi. Se on paikka, jossa jokainen haluaa tulla nähdyksi.

Jessie is an aging career criminal who has been in more jails, fights, schemes, and lineups than just about anyone else. His son Vito, while currently on the straight and narrow, has had a fairly shady past and is indeed no stranger to illegal activity. They both have great hope for Adam, Vito's son and Jessie's grandson, who is bright, good-looking, and without a criminal past.

Chérif, struggling to pass the entrance exam for nursing school, takes on a side job as a security guard. On duty there, he faces off with a group of hostile teenagers who constantly harass him, and gradually ends up an accomplice to a robbery gone wrong. Caught in between two worlds, Chérif will have to find his own way out…

An ageless Demon Warrior is magically impregnated into the womb of a Parisian Kung-Fu Master's girlfriend. But what is the Demon's relationship with a new-release blockbuster fighting game?