Alle vet at storken leverer babyer, men hvor får de babyene fra? Svaret ligger opp i stratosfæren, hvor "sky folket" former babyer fra skyene og bringe dem til liv. Gus, en ensom og usikker grå sky, han er en mester i å skape "farlige" babyer. Krokodiller, pinnsvin, værer og mer - Gus sine kreasjoner er et kunstverk. Peck får en del utfordrene oppgaver. Hvordan vil Peck klare å håndtere både hans farlige last og hans venns heftig temperament?

Mer enn et tiår etter hendelsene i den første filmen, fortelles historien om Sully-familien, om tragediene som følger dem, og hvor langt de må gå for å beskytte hverandre og holde seg i live.

In the chokehold of the pangs of a morning hunger, the gluttonous Vinni-Pukh ponders the existential questions that burn the empty-bellied mind: “Why do bees exist? And why does honey exist? In order for me to eat it..”. Vinni enlists the help of his trusted, porky companion Pyatachok on a quest to perform a stratospheric honey heist - disguised as a black cloud, and with only their sky blue balloons to assist in his ascent.

A sixteen-year-old boy insinuates himself into the house of a fellow student from his literature class and writes about it in essays for his French teacher. Faced with this gifted and unusual pupil, the teacher rediscovers his enthusiasm for his work, but the boy’s intrusion will unleash a series of uncontrollable events.

In the United States for the first time, an Indian housewife with a limited command of English turns Manhattan into her personal language school.

A feature-length documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them.

Through his work at a morgue, an incarcerated young man trying to build a new life starts to come to terms with the crime he committed.

A thirteen-year-old French girl deals with moving to a new city and school in Paris, while at the same time her parents are getting a divorce.

Three friends attempt to recapture their glory days by opening up a fraternity near their alma mater.

Warwick Wilson is the consummate host. He carefully prepares for a dinner party, the table impeccably set and the duck perfectly timed for 8:30 p.m. John Taylor is a career criminal. He’s just robbed a bank and needs to get off the streets. He finds himself on Warwick’s doorstep posing as a friend of a friend, new to Los Angeles, who’s been mugged and lost his luggage.

TILT is a love story set against the backdrop of the changing political and social environment in Europe in the late 80's and early 90's. Can this love survive the challenges of emigration, a violent homeland and immoral social atmosphere thanks to a gang of adventurous friends?

Jarle Klepp er en lovende litteraturstudent som interesserer seg for kvinner, indierock og dekonstruksjon. En ung mann på 25 år, full av seg selv. Han har fått et urovekkende brev som sier at han er far til ei. Charlotte Isabel Hansen. Hun viser seg å være fruktene av et samleie på en fest i 1989, hvor Jarle lå med en døddrukken jente på 15 år. Nå sitter Charlotte Isabel på flyet for å tilbringe den uka hun fyller 7 år hos sin nye far. Kontrastene i universet er store, mellom den selvdyrkende akademiske verdenen unge Klepp beveger seg i, hvor det viktigste er Marcel Proust og Morgenbladet, og et lite barns verden, hvor det viktigste er Tamagochier og Prinsesse Diana. Og mellom ei lita jentunges behov og den omsorgen hennes selvopptatte far ikke er i stand til å gi henne. Charlotte Isabel slår ned som en atombombe i den unge akademikerens perfekte verden. Jarle Klepp må bli voksen. Kan han det? Vil han det?

Gianna Amicucci works in the house of the head of her hometown police force and enters the academy with a kickback from him. She is a beautiful woman (she generously sheds clothes during the film) and has to overcome her male colleagues prejudices, but she gains their respect through a series of brilliant operations.

After falling in love in Paris, Marina and Neil come to Oklahoma, where problems arise. Their church's Spanish-born pastor struggles with his faith, while Neil encounters a woman from his childhood.

Rich girl Angela returns to school and falls for the local hunk. But when he refuses her advances, she pretends to be in love with the principal instead.

When young Sól is sent to live with her distant countryside relatives for a summer, she becomes entangled in a dramatic rite of passage with a mysterious farmhand, Jón, and the farmer’s daughter, Ásta.

Girls' dance instructor Claudia Gambetti takes over the boy's gym class after gym teacher Martorelli breaks both his legs owing to one of his student's pranks. Soon both teachers and students are interested in learning more of Claudia's athletic dance moves. Director Fiorontori has made some debts betting on horses and wants Claudia to win a disco competition to balance the school budget, too. When the boys team are invited to face off against their superior Russian counterparts, Claudia calls in her dancing girls to be used as a secret weapon.

A couple checks into a suite in Las Vegas. In flashbacks we see that he's a computer whiz on the verge of becoming a millionaire, she's a lap dancer at a club. He's depressed, withdrawing from work, missing meetings with investors. He wants a connection, so he offers her $10,000 to spend three nights with him in Vegas, and she accepts with conditions. Is mutual attraction stirring?

In 71 BC in Rome, utter disorder reigns in the form of political corruption and bribery involving the senator Cynic (Leslie Nielsen). The situation is claimed to be similar to the “Tangentopoli” situation in Italy in the 1990s: one of the politicians involved was Bettino Craxi.