Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

While people's artist of the USSR Sergey Cherkassky "fights" with the role of king Lear, trying to understand the psychology and actions of Shakespeare's character, his own large family presents him with one riddle after another. His daughter Elena, who broke off her unsuccessful marriage, falls in love with rock musician Dean Makarov. The grandfather does not know that the son of his late daughter - in-law Sonia is gay, who is madly in love with the same Dean. All Sonya's daughter, Lala, "twists" the love with a student Vakhtangov school, the future actor Misha, but dreams of a luxurious life abroad. Son of Sergei Andreevich, father of Vitya and Lyali - Andrey - General, Hero of Russia, serving in Chechnya.

Naruto Uzumaki, Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno, and Rock Lee are assigned to protect the prince of the Land of the Moon, Michiru, during his world trip; other escorts had been hired, but quit due to being treated poorly. The Land of the Moon is a very wealthy nation, so Michiru tends to buy whatever he wants, and has a very materialistic worldview. His Hikaru, also acts in much the same manner.

Set in the golden era of Grand Prix Racing '1' tells the story of a generation of charismatic drivers who raced on the edge, risking their lives during Formula 1's deadliest period, and the men who stood up and changed the sport forever.

Fantozzi opäť potvrdzuje svoju povesť najväčšieho smoliara na svete - jeho dcéra je tehotná! Našiel sa totiž dobrodruh, ktorý jej v tom pomohol. Fantozzi sa rozhodne pre rázne riešenie, ale nanešťastie je pri návšteve nemocnice radikálny zákrok vykonaný jemu. Po intervencii u prezidenta mu ale lekári prišijú odrezaný úd späť. Navyše Fantozziho, športovca telom i dušou, čaká podniková olympiáda.

Box is a story of two people who meet at a crossroad. Two different destinies, two different lives, face to face in a game of sweat, blood and tears. Rafael (19) is a young boxer who dreams to conquer the world; Cristina (33) is a single mother who lost her balance. Two lives; one running very close to the earth, the other trying to fly high up, too high.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Po 30 rokoch vo veľkej spoločnosti odchádza Hugo Fantozzi do dôchodku. Energický smoliar, ktory je schopný dostať sa v priebehu niekoľkých minút do viac problémov než večšina ostatných ľudí za cely život, má náhle vela volného času. Vo svojej činorodosti hladá spôsob, ako zaplniť všetky všedné dni nového života. Pomáha manželke Pine s nakupovaním, v úlohe pestúnky sa stará o vnučku Hugu, vydá sa na cestu do Benátok, uči sa golf. Lenže nič z toho mu neprináša uspokojenie. Postupne sa z neho stáva hypochonder a je na tom už tak zle, že ani nechce vyuziť príležitosť k sexuálnemu dobrodružstvu so svojou bývalou kolegynou, slečnou Silvaniovou. Nakoniec sa rozhodne sfalšovat svoje osobné dokumenty a získať novú prácu. A to znamená nielen vela nových malérov, ale aj výzvu pre jeho manželku Pinu. Ta sa rozhodne prijat dalšiu prácu, aby mohla platiť svojmu šefovi za to, že prijme Fantozziho do práce aby ho dostala z domu. A keď ani to nevyjde, sú na rade dalšie, ešte zúfalejšie opatrenia.

After his revival in a hospital morgue, Jason fixes his vengeful attention on the Jarvis family and a group of hitherto carefree teenagers.

Boj o život prebieha nad Jigsawovým hrozným dedičstvom a skupina preživších, ktorí utiekli z rúk šialeného vraha teraz hľadá spasenie u svojho kolegu Bobbyho Dagena, muža, ktorého vlastná temná minulosť rozpúta novú vlnu teroru.

Realizing that she cannot take down Fisk alone, Sayen teams up with an underground resistance group with a plan to expose and end Fisk's unchecked plundering once and for all.

Ugo Fantozzi je skrátka smoliar. Za jediný deň sa dokázal dostať do väčšieho množstva problémov, ako priemerný človek za celý rok. A teraz umrel. Niekto by si povedal, že sa konečne dožil kľudu. Opak je však pravdou. Fantozzi umrel, ale do neba sa nedostal. Tam je už plno a pre nebohého pána účtovníka nezostalo žiadne voľné miesto, takže bol poslaný späť, a to až dovtedy, kým sa nejaké uvoľní. Fantozzi plný energie a odhodlania sa rozhodne využiť čas naviac k tomu, aby si života poriadne užil a dohnal všetko, čo stratil. S neterou navštívi novú diskotéku, dá jej peniaze na moped a obratne sa zoznámi s krásnou neznámou prostredníctvom erotickej telefónnej linky. Lenže pri svojej príslovečnej smole všetky jeho aktivity razom končia malérom. Neter sa neteší z mopedu dlho, pretože je ukradnutý. Jeho posadnutosť sexom po telefóne značne ruinuje rodinný rozpočet, takže jeho manželka si musí začať privyrábať práve na jednej takej linke...

Pätica študentov - Billy, Cuz, Lita, Gus a Julian - vyráža na Halloweena na hudobný festival vo Fairlake v Západnej Virgínii. V meste vrcholia prípravy na festival a celú akciu sleduje televízia. Televízna reportérka Kaleen si ide zabehať, ale je prepadnutá a ubodaná trojicou kanibalských zabijakov, ktorých vedie sériový vrah Maynard. Pätica študentov pokračuje autom na festival a cestou omylom zrazí po ceste idúceho Maynarda.

Lorenzo Caruso is a piscologist who lives in a provincial town with his daughter Giulia, the only company since the death of his wife. Suddenly Lorenzo's life is upset by the discovery that Giulia is part of a baby gang: she steals in supermarkets, she has already collected several complaints. Everything Lorenzo has always believed in: communication, understanding, freedom with your daughter is in crisis.

Ludstvo stoji na prahu 3-ho tisicrocia, ale niektorym sa cnie skor po svete, aky bol predtym. Napriklad vojvoda Balabam je nestastny z toho, ze zamestnanci uz nemaju taky respekt ako kedysi a on sam sa k nim musi spravat slusne. Cnie sa mu po casoch, kedy mohol svojich ludi ponizovat a vykoristovat. Tiez po Fantozzim, ktory bol priamo vzorom usluzneho a snaziveho uradnika. Balabamova firma sa zaobera genetickym klonovanim. Jej vedenie sa rozhodne poziadat Fantozziho vdovu Pinu o pramienok vlasov po zosnulom manzelovi a pokusi sa ho naklonovat. Experiment sa podari. Uctovnik Fantozzi je opat tu a s nim prichadzaju aj nove malery, ktore ho stretavaju na kazdom kroku, ci uz je vrhnuty do role vychovavatela sefovho syna, alebo prepadne stavkovaniu a musi predstierat, ze vyhral hromadu penazi, alebo su pri oslave Silvestra aj s manzelkou omylom povazovani za albanskych utecencov a su deportovani spat do Albanska. Ako by to nestacilo, zamiluje sa jeho skareda vnucka do podleho striptera.

A group of friends try to defeat an evil king, and meet some quirky characters along the way.

Radiation oncologist and choreographer Dr. Niraj Mehta seeks to heal cancer through movement.