An overview of the day-to-day operations of a Michelin 3-star restaurant in central France.

Augusto and Paulina have been together for 25 years. Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Both fear the day he no longer recognizes her.

The film accompanies the investigation of the historian Sidney Aguilar after the discovery of bricks marked with Nazi swastikas in the interior of São Paulo. They then discover a horrifying fact that during the 1930s, fifty black and mullato boys were taken from an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro to the farm where the bricks were found. There they were identified by numbers and were submitted to slave labour by a family that was part of the political and economic elite of the country and who did not hide their Nazi sympathizing ideals.

Between 1998 and 2005, a wave of murders targeting elderly women hit Mexico City, triggering the hunt for — and capture — of a most unlikely suspect.

Catalina is a young, beautiful girl living in extreme poverty with her brother Bayron and her mother Hilda. She becomes obsessed with getting breast implants to get social status and money. She leaves her boyfriend Albeira and becomes a prostitute for drug dealers. In this way she will enjoy all the luxuries that she lacks. Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend Albeira and her mother Hilda begin a relationship behind her back.

Kai bibliotekininkė Taylor Harris staiga netenka darbo, ji persikelia į savo mažąjį gimtąjį miestą Montanoje. Ten ji įsitraukia į kovą, kad padėtų išgelbėti savo brolio mažo miesto viešbutį nuo magnato Joelio Sheenano, kuris nori jį atnaujinti.

When a young soldier, newly returned from war, gets caught up in a drug bust, he is recruited by the authorities to go undercover in a notoriously dangerous prison in order to figure out what is really going on.

Two real-life daredevils test the limits of their love and trust by illegally scaling one of the world's tallest buildings to perform an acrobatic stunt.

After leaving his prestigious post at the University of Toronto, Gabriel embarks on a new journey with Julia, and he is eager to become a father. However, Gabriel's idyllic vision is jeopardized when Julia's intensive program becomes all consuming. When Julia is granted a prestigious opportunity to deliver an academic lecture at Oxford, Gabriel challenges her about the subject of her presentation, which clashes with his own research. In Oxford, their past resurfaces, including an old nemesis determined to humiliate Julia and expose one of Gabriel's well-guarded secrets. Emotions run high, alliances are tested, and the couple must confront the shadows of their shared history in a battle for love, truth, and redemption.

When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun, once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.

Amazonės džiunglėse kartu su mokslininkais tėvais gyvenanti šešiametė Ema susidraugauja su jaguaro jaunikliu. Brakonieriams sumedžiojus jo mamą, juodas kaip angliukas jaguaras lieka visiškai vienas. Geros širdies mergaitė priglaudžia bejėgį „kačiuką“ ir pavadina jį Houp vardu. Deja, netrukus brakonieriai tampa atsakingi ir už pačios mergaitės šeimoje įvykstančią tragediją - likęs vienas Emos tėtis nebegali būti džiunglėse ir kartu su dukra sugrįžta į gimtąjį Niujorką. Mieste mergaitė pamažu pratinasi prie civilizacijos, tačiau džiunglių grožio ir laisvės pamiršti negali. Taip praeina aštuoneri metai. Tačiau netikėtai senas šeimos draugas praneša, kad brakonieriai vėl kėsinasi į vienintelį džiunglėse likusį Emos jaguarą. Paauglė net nesudvejojusi nusprendžia vykti į savo vaikystės namus ir padaryti viską, kad apsaugotų savo ,,viltį”.

An epic about one of the most turbulent times in the recent history of the Buenos Aires suburbs. In this context, a group of idealists emerges who are specifically called: "The bastards."

A mentally challenged girl proves herself to be every bit as capable as her "perfect" sister when she moves into an apartment and begins going to college.

In war-torn Balkans, bogus monster hunter Harlan Draka is hired by soldiers who happen to be under attack by an army of actual vampires, uncovering the hidden truth about his past in the process: he is half-human and half-vampire... a Dampyr.

Based on true events, Grace, her boyfriend Adam, and her younger sister, Lee, are on holiday in Northern Australia when they decide to take a tour down a river. As they drift into a swamp, their boat suddenly capsizes. Stranded in the flooded swamp, the three tourists must figure out what to do to survive as they realize they are being watched through the black water.

A squad of Ultramarines answer a distress call from an Imperial Shrine World. A full Company of Imperial Fists was stationed there, but there is no answer from them. The squad investigates to find out what has happened there.

A reporter Lanie Kerrigan interviews a psychic homeless man for a fluff piece about a football game's score. Instead he tells her that her life has no meaning and is going to end in just a few days, which sparks her to action, trying to change the pattern of her life...

Gangsteris Dragna (Robertas De Niro) pasikviečia samdomą žudiką Džeką (Johnas Cusackas) vienai misijai atlikti. Džekas turės paimti siuntinį ir saugoti jį motelyje, kol pasirodys Dragna. Gangsteris pabrėžia: kad ir kas benutiktų, krepšio atidaryti negalima. Džekui ši užduotis atrodo labai paprasta, todėl vyrukas bando išsiaiškinti daugiau informacijos, tačiau užsakovas tik dar kartą pakartoja pagrindines taisykles. Nurodytame motelyje Džekas sutinks aukštą prostitutę, porą sutenerių ir kitų įtartinų tipelių. Netrukus pasirodys FTB agentai ir Džekas supras, kad ši misija – ne tokia jau paprasta, mat paslaptingojo krepšio trokšta daugybė nedraugiškai nusiteikusių veikėjų. Tik kas slepiama krepšio viduje?

Mike and Kate, a young couple, get the once-in-a lifetime chance to win a cool five million dollars. The challenge: Live for 50 days in a blank space. Sticking it out for thirty days, and the five million are theirs. How difficult can it be?