Uta — the most beloved singer in the world. Her voice, which she sings with while concealing her true identity, has been described as “otherworldly.” She will appear in public for the first time at a live concert. As the venue fills with all kinds of Uta fans — excited pirates, the Navy watching closely, and the Straw Hats led by Luffy who simply came to enjoy her sonorous performance — the voice that the whole world has been waiting for is about to resound.

Twins Phoebe and Max are enjoying their superhero lifestyle, but when one 'save' goes awry, the Thundermans are sent back to Hiddenville. While Hank and Barb enjoy their return, and Billy and Nora look forward to a normal high school life, Max and Phoebe are determined to regain their superhero status.

Mirco von Juterczenka's novel "Wir Wochenendrebellen" is the story of a father and his ten-year-old son, who is Asperger's autistic. The boy has set his mind on finally finding his favourite football club. But his selection criteria are very specific and besides, he wants to experience all the clubs (no matter in which league they play) live in the stadium.

По време на династия Корьо таоистите опитват да вземат мистериозен меч. В днешни дни извънземни се появяват на Земята. Скоро се появява времеви портал между късната династия Корьо и днешни дни. Това води до хаотични ситуации.

After the death of his father, a brilliant college student returns to his family home where he learns that the horrors from his childhood aren't as dead and gone as he once thought.

In C.E.75, the fighting still continues. There are independence movements, and aggression by Blue Cosmos... In order to calm the situation, a global peace monitoring agency called COMPASS is established, with Lacus as its first president. As members of COMPASS, Kira and his comrades intervene into various regional battles. Then a newly established nation called Foundation proposes a joint operation against a Blue Cosmos stronghold.

Когато мистериозен обаждащ поставя бомба под седалката на колата му, Мат Търнър (Нийсън) започва високоскоростно преследване из града, за да изпълни определена серия от задачи. С децата си, хванати в капан на задната седалка, и бомба, която ще избухне, ако излязат от колата, обикновеното пътуване се превръща в извратена игра на живот и смърт, докато Мат следва все по-опасните инструкции на непознатия в надпревара с времето, за да спаси семейството си.

While settling into married life with Akiko, Ryu is brought into a case involving a woman named Katsuragi Aoi, a member of a pickpocketing ring with most of her teammates murdered from unknown masked vigilantes that Ryu fought as Accel. As the details of the case begin to unravel, Ryu is framed and Akiko believes that he may not be faithful to her. As the clock ticks down, Ryu must solve the case, clear his name, and save his marriage before everything comes to an explosive end!

На път към САЩ след дълга военна мисия, младата Кели очаква с нетърпение да се завърне отново в малкото и тихо градче в което е отраснала. След месеци прекарани в опасна военна зона, единственото което тя иска е да усети отново удобствата на нормалния начин на живот - килимът под краката й, студената бира пред телевизора и допира на малкото й бебе. Но бавно и постепенно, Кели осъзнава че ежедневието и отношенията в градчето се различават от това което тя си спомня. Въпреки това, тя е твърдо решена да намери своето място в обществото и отново да заживее по достоен начин.

Не можете да ги видите, но те виждат всичко.След като се губи в непозната и мистериозна гора в Ирландия, 28-годишната художничка Мина се опитва да открие пътя към дома. В стремежа си да намери изход, момичето се озовава в капан, заедно с още трима непознати. Всяка нощ страховити същества ги наблюдават и преследват, подлагайки живота им на карта.

Cooler has resurrected himself as a robot and is enslaving the people of New Namek. Goku and the gang must help.

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

The main character of the film is an outstanding physicist who was invited to Armenia from Russia to head a lab. He comes across many troubles in his homeland, but nevertheless finds his true love there.

"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.

A horror short with no dialogue (Advised to watch with headphones)

Леприконът се завръща отново, когато група момичета неволно го събуждат, разрушавайки стара колиба, за да построят нова къща за тяхното сестринство.

After reading an article about hypnotic regression, a woman whose maternal grandfather died when she was only three years old contacts the hypnotic subject named in the article believing that he is the reincarnation of her grandfather, and hoping that she can learn the truth about how he died.

After great whites, known as "Air Jaws", vanished from their hunting grounds in South Africa, photographer Chris Fallows and filmmaker Jeff Kurr seek a new location in New Zealand.