Spanning the years 1945 to 1955, a chronicle of the fictional Italian-American Corleone crime family. When organized crime family patriarch, Vito Corleone barely survives an attempt on his life, his youngest son, Michael steps in to take care of the would-be killers, launching a campaign of bloody revenge.

After his classmate and crush is diagnosed with a pancreatic disease, an average high schooler sets out to make the most of her final days.

At a tiny Parisian café, the adorable yet painfully shy Amélie accidentally discovers a gift for helping others. Soon Amelie is spending her days as a matchmaker, guardian angel, and all-around do-gooder. But when she bumps into a handsome stranger, will she find the courage to become the star of her very own love story?

A young neurosurgeon inherits the castle of his grandfather, the famous Dr. Victor von Frankenstein. In the castle he finds a funny hunchback, a pretty lab assistant and the elderly housekeeper. Young Frankenstein believes that the work of his grandfather was delusional, but when he discovers the book where the mad doctor described his reanimation experiment, he suddenly changes his mind.

Prvi veliki uspeh Sergia Leoneja, s katerim je žanru špageti vesterna postavil temelje in ga tudi močno populariziral, zagotovo pomeni enega od vrhuncev v zgodovini italijanskega filma. V mehiško vas San Miguel prispe brezimni revolveraš. V vasi že dolgo tli spor med brati družine Rojo in vaškim šerifom Baxterjem. Ko bratje Rojo nekega dne postavijo zasedo regimentu mehiških vojakov, ki v vas prinese zlato za odkup orožja, brezimni revolveraš pri priči zasluti priložnost za zaslužek in se odloči, da bo z ukano zaostril odnose med sprtima stranema ter se tako sam dokopal do dobička.

Zgodba spremlja Paula Atreidesa iz hiše Atreides, sijajnega in nadarjenega mladeniča, rojenega za velike stvari, ki mora odpotovati na najnevarnejši planet v vesolju, da bi zagotovil prihodnost svoji družini in narodu. Znajde se sredi boja za ekskluzivno oskrbo najbolj dragocenega vira, ki obstaja, najdražjim elementom galaksije, ki se nahaja samo na Arrakisu in ki lahko odklene največji potencial človeštva, v katerem bodo preživeli samo tisti, ki zmorejo premagati svoj strah.

Iztrebljevalec 2049 je nadaljevanje legendarnega filma iz leta 1982, ki je za ljubitelje znanstvenofantastičnih filmov vedno na seznamu najboljših. Presežke tokrat obljublja odlična igralska zasedba, v kateri najdemo Ryana Goslinga, Harrisona Forda, Robina Wrighta, Davea Bautista in Jareda Leta. Trideset let po dogodkih iz prvega filma novi iztrebljevalec, policist K iz Los Angelesa (Gosling), razkrije dolgo zakopano skrivnost, ki bi utegnila pahniti delček družbe, ki še ostaja, v popoln kaos. To odkritje ga prisili na lov za Rickom Deckardom (Ford), nekdanjim iztrebljevalcem, za katerim so se pred 30 leti izgubile vse sledi.

Osemletni Kevin McCallister si želi, da bi njegova družina enostavno izginila. Želja se mu uresniči, ko ga starši pozabijo vzeti na božično potovanje v Pariz. Kevin sprva uživa v samoti, vendar bo njegova svoboda zahtevala določeno ceno. Ko poskušata klateža Harry in Marv vdreti v njegovo hišo, se za Kevina prava zabava šele začne. Spoprijatelji se tudi s čudaškim sosedom, ki si ne upa vzpostaviti stika z odtujenim sinom.

In a violent, near-apocalyptic Detroit, evil corporation Omni Consumer Products wins a contract from the city government to privatize the police force. To test their crime-eradicating cyborgs, the company leads street cop Alex Murphy into an armed confrontation with crime lord Boddicker so they can use his body to support their untested RoboCop prototype. But when RoboCop learns of the company's nefarious plans, he turns on his masters.

A woman’s lover and her ex-boyfriend take justice into their own hands after she becomes the victim of a rapist. Because some acts can’t be undone. Because man is an animal. Because the desire for vengeance is a natural impulse. Because most crimes remain unpunished.

A writer accidentally shoots his blackmailer and tries to hide the body.

When the boss' unlucky daughter is missing in South America, Campana is sent to watch the boss' most unlucky employee who is sent as a private detective in hopes he can duplicate the daughter's mistakes.

After a tempest, fishermen do not find only fish in their nets. That is what happens to Jafaar, a poor fisherman who lives poorly in Gaza. And what he hauls in is really upsetting: imagine that, a pig! An unclean animal judged impure not only by the Faith of Islam but also by the Jewish religion. Determined to get rid of the animal, Jafaar tries desperately to sell it, first to a United Nations official, then to a Jewish colony where Yelena raises pigs not for their meat but for security reasons. Of course, going unnoticed in the company of a "forbidden" animal, among his Palestinian brothers, past Israeli soldiers and under the scrutiny of Islamic fundamentalists is no bed of roses and a series of misadventures await Jafaar.

One year after his heroics in Los Angeles, John McClane is an off-duty cop who is the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. On a snowy Christmas Eve, as he waits for his wife's plane to land at Washington Dulles International Airport, terrorists take over the air traffic control system in a plot to free a South American army general and drug smuggler being flown into the US to face drug charges. It's now up to McClane to take on the terrorists, while coping with an inept airport police chief, an uncooperative anti-terrorist squad, and the life of his wife and everyone else trapped in planes circling overhead.

Rachel loves her life, her students, her friends, her ex, her guitar lessons. When she falls in love with Ali, she grows close to his 4-year-old daughter, Leila. She tucks her in, looks after her, and loves her like a mother... which she isn’t. Not yet. Rachel is 40. The desire for a family of her own is growing stronger, and the clock is ticking. Is it too late?

Max is an old and unsuccessful actor while Charlie is an ambitious young director, yet they are bound together by close friendship. Until the day Rose-Marie, a rather conservative young antique dealer, walks into Charlie's life. When Max's wife walks out on him, he clings to the young couple like ivy. However he soons becomes a dead weight and Rose-Marie threatens to leave if Charlie doesn't choose between her and Max.

The whole clique of Cruchot's police station is retired. Now he lives with his rich wife in her castle - and is bored almost to death. He fights with the butler, because he isn't even allowed to do the simple works. But when one of the clique suffers from amnesia after an accident, all of the others reunite and kidnap him, to take him on a tour to their old working places and through their memories. In their old uniforms they turn St. Tropez upside down.

Pierre is a clumsy, overly serious math teacher at an all-girls high school. His life is thrown into chaos after encountering a beautiful British actress and the paparazzi that follow her around.

Unlucky in love, Alfred tries to commit suicide, only to be thwarted by police efforts to prevent a simultaneous attempt by a nearby young woman. Recovering, the young lady puts him up at her house, as he has run out of places to live. He joins a Parisian sporting team and seems to have transferred his bad luck to a corrupt television boss who is attempting to manipulate the game so that Alfred's Paris team loses.