Dr. Emmett Brown(Christopher Lloyd) leiutab autost ajamasina, millega ta saaks reisida tulevikku, kuid ööl, mil ta seda imepärast leiutist katsetab lastakse Dr. Brown maha, temaga kaasas olnud 17-aastane Marty McFly(Michael J. Fox) põgeneb ajamasinaga Emmetti tapjate eest ja satub aastasse 1955, kus ta segab kogemata ära tema vanemate esmakordse kokkusaamise ning juhtub ka selline keeruline asi, et Marty ema armub temasse. Nüüd on ajalugu sassi löödud ning tal tuleb abistada George McFly'd(Crispin Glover), et ta saaks kokku Lorraine Bainesiga(Lea Thompson), sest muidu ei sünni Marty't. Muidugi pole asi lihtne ning ega tagasi 80-ndatesse tagasi pöörduda, sest ajamasina tööks on vaja väga võimast jõudu ja Marty peab abipalvega pöörduma noore Dr. Emmett Browni poole. Marty ülesanded pole kerged, sest kaalul on tema enda elu.

Lõvikutsikas Simba otsib oma kohta suures eluringis. Kui tema lõvikuningast isa õnnetuses elu kaotab, haarab Simba salakaval onu võimu. Põgenema sunnitud noor lõvi kohtab mangust Timonit ja tüügassiga Pumbat, kellest saavad tema parimad sõbrad. Aga kord koidab päev, mil Simba nõuab tagasi lõvikuninga trooni, mis õigusega talle kuulub.

During America’s Civil War, Union spies steal engineer Johnny Gray's beloved locomotive, 'The General'—with Johnnie's lady love aboard an attached boxcar—and he single-handedly must do all in his power to both get The General back and to rescue Annabelle.

After learning that a boy their age has been accidentally killed near their rural homes, four Oregon boys decide to go see the body. On the way, Gordie, Vern, Chris and Teddy encounter a mean junk man and a marsh full of leeches, as they also learn more about one another and their very different home lives. Just a lark at first, the boys' adventure evolves into a defining event in their lives.

Nimetu mees ratsutab linnakesse, mis kannatab kahe osapoole omavahelise sõja tõttu. Nimetu mees aga ei põgene ega ka sure, ta näeb hoopis võimalust Baxterite ja Rojode vihavaenust omale kasumit lõigata ja asubki selle nimel tegutsema...

Whilst on a short weekend getaway, Louise shoots a man who had tried to rape Thelma. Due to the incriminating circumstances, they make a run for it and thus a cross country chase ensues for the two fugitives. Along the way, both women rediscover the strength of their friendship and surprising aspects of their personalities and self-strengths in the trying times.

Kuzco is a self-centered emperor who summons Pacha from a village and to tell him that his home will be destroyed to make room for Kuzco's new summer home. Kuzco's advisor, Yzma, tries to poison Kuzco and accidentally turns him into a llama, who accidentally ends up in Pacha's village. Pacha offers to help Kuzco if he doesn't destroy his house, and so they form an unlikely partnership.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

In 2257, a taxi driver is unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity.

Kena, moodne ja jõukas Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) on peaaegu täiuslik. Ainukese pisiasjana võib üldmuljet veidi rikkuda see, et tegu on sarimõrvariga. Kuid tema öisest tegevusest ei aima keegi midagi. Mees on rahu ise ja sobib ideaalselt New Yorki igapäevaeluga kokku. Kuid ajapikku on tal üha raskem oma öise ja päevase elu vahele joont tõmmata. Film põhineb kõmuliselt Bret Easton Ellise romaanil.

Indiana Jones on Hong Kongis sõlmimas vahetust kohalike gangsteritega. Kuid neil pole kavatsust Indianat sealt elusalt minema lasta. Lennukiga põgenedes on ta sunnitud lennukist koos kaaslastega lahkuma. Maandudes väiksesse külla, näitab sealne hõimupealik enda rikutud küla. Pealiku väitel on neilt varastatud võlukivid, millega läksid kaasa ka külaelanike lapsed. Juhuslikult avastab Indiana küla all oleva koopa, mis viib läbi keerdkäikude vanasse kaevandusse.

When teen Sarah is forced to babysit her half-brother Toby, she summons Jareth the Goblin King to take him away. When he is actually kidnapped, Sarah is given just thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue him.

Leaving the safety of their nursery behind, Wendy, Michael and John follow Peter Pan to a magical world where childhood lasts forever. But while in Neverland, the kids must face Captain Hook and foil his attempts to get rid of Peter for good.

Lugu imelisest väikesest tüdrukust, kes on juhtumisi geenius ja tema suurepärasest õpetajast kõigi aegade halvimate vanemate ja kõige halvema koolijuhi puhul, mida võib ette kujutada. Matilda Wormwood on peen ja intelligentne väike tüdruk. Kahjuks mõistab Matilda perekond teda valesti, sest ta erineb nende eluviisidest väga palju. Aja möödudes läheb Matilda lõpuks kooli kus on lahke õpetaja, ustavad sõbrad ja sadistlik direktor. Pidevast julmusest tüdinedes hakkab Matilda mõistma, et tal on telekineetiliste jõudude anne. Pärast mõnepäevast harjutamist keerutab Matilda ootamatult laudasid, et vanematele vastu astuda ja direktor üle kavaldada.

Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable existence, what opportunities he wasted in his youth, his current cruelties, and the dire fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways. Scrooge is faced with his own story of growing bitterness and meanness, and must decide what his own future will hold: death or redemption.

Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

Annie's life is a mess. But when she finds out her lifetime best friend is engaged, she simply must serve as Lillian's maid of honor. Though lovelorn and broke, Annie bluffs her way through the expensive and bizarre rituals. With one chance to get it perfect, she’ll show Lillian and her bridesmaids just how far you’ll go for someone you love.

Four friends find themselves trapped in their small hometown after they discover their friends and neighbors going quickly and horrifically insane.

Julius and Vincent Benedict are the results of an experiment that would allow for the perfect child. Julius was planned and grows to athletic proportions. Vincent is an accident and is somewhat smaller in stature. Vincent is placed in an orphanage while Julius is taken to a south seas island and raised by philosophers. Vincent becomes the ultimate low life and is about to be killed by loan sharks.

It has taken 10 years, two little Fockers with wife Pam and countless hurdles for Greg to finally get in with his tightly wound father-in-law, Jack. After the cash-strapped dad takes a job moonlighting for a drug company, Jack's suspicions about his favorite male nurse come roaring back. When Greg and Pam's entire clan descends for the twins' birthday party, Greg must prove to the skeptical Jack that he's fully capable as the man of the house.