Cartman-nek egy nyugtalanító álma az addig megszokott élete végét jelzi, miközben a felnőttek is küszködnek saját döntéseikkel. A mesterséges intelligencia megérkezése pedig mindent a feje tetejére állít.

Stan Butler meg akar nősülni, de nincs elég pénze, hogy lakást szerezzen. Ráadásul még akadályozza a házasságot népes családja is. Stan mindent megtesz azért, hogy ügyeit rendezze, s hogy pénzt keressen kis munkával a nagy londoni autóbusz vállalatnál. Csakhogy egy nap a buszon oroszlánok és csimpánzok veszik át az uralmat...

Feeling unhappy with his gun, Jigen is looking for the world’s best gunsmith. He finally finds out that Chiharu, who runs a watch shop, is the person he’s been seeking. Then, Jigen meets Oto, who comes to Chiharu’s shop looking for a gun. Jigen finds out about Oto's secrets and the mysterious organization that’s after her. After Oto is kidnapped, Jigen gets into a desperate battle to save her.

A szabotőr nem más, mint a jámbor mozitulajdonos Verloc, aki fiatal feleségével és annak kisöccsével él. A mozit figyelni kezdi egy fiatal nyomozó, aki zöldségkereskedőnek adja ki magát s udvarolgat a feleségnek. Verloc gyanút fog, s ezért felesége mit sem sejtő öccsével küld el egy időzített bombát a város másik végébe. A kisfiú, akinek késlekedése miatt a bomba egy autóbuszon robban fel, életét veszti. Az igazságra ráébredő feleségben vacsora közben érlelődik meg az elhatározás: megöli a férjét.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

Extraterrestrials contact earth in this delightful fable. Their message is "HELLO" in many languages, and there is a celebration.

A young woman lives sadly in a small garrison town with a soldier. Little by little, won over by boredom, sadness, total inaction, she develops a relationship with plants and starts talking to plants.

An expert hacker is targeted by a sentient AI after she realizes the threat it poses, and she must try to stay off its radar long enough to stop it.

An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.

is a creative documentary-fiction film and a film that might expand your sense of reality. It is the story about a man who enters the virtual world Second Life to pursue his personal dreams and ambitions. His journey into cyberspace becomes a magic learning experience, which gradually opens the gates to a much larger reality.

Calvin Wheeler is a scheming 13-year-old boy with everything going for him, except for an original issue of his precious comic book collection. When a prized show-dog chases him down while skateboarding one day, his owner inadvertently convinces him to adopt and train a dog of his own. However the only one available, is an uncouth stray Labrador/St. Bernard-mix named Tyko from a local animal shelter, who proves to be more than anybody can handle.

When Max (Eric Stoltz), urged on by "Risk Management," a self-help book for the hapless, decides to approach his fellow ferry-commuter Rory (Susanna Thompson), he hopes simply saying hello might change his life for the better. But Rory only accepts contact by contract. Max finds he can play along. As the two negotiate a whirlwind relationship on paper, Rory slowly lets down her guard; but when her unresolved personal life intervenes in the form of Donald (Kevin Tighe), Max must manage a little more risk than he bargained on.

Through a haze of smoke, coke, and booze; possible futures, pasts, and presents coalesce chaos inside the mind of a man drifting directionless through life. When your future calls, what will you have to say?

"a colorful poem of the first copy-motion film... the system registers images directly from a color (xerox) duplicator model 6500... an original, versatil, unique system developed by Darino" –Back Stage

James Brown was the jewel in the crown, but the throne of Cincinnati’s King Records always belonged to its irascible founder, Syd Nathan. This is the 70th anniversary of the legendary record label and studio. It closed shop nearly 40 years ago, in a now long-neglected warehouse on the neighborhood border of Evanston and Walnut Hills, but its impact still reverberates across today’s music.