Tina's tour to promote the film "What's Love Got to Do with It."

An exploration of why Let’s Plays are so popular, as well as how the convergence of gaming and community are redefining the stages once reserved for only the biggest of rock stars.

Wenya's parents separated when she was two, and after that she lived with her father and stepmother. Her stepmother couldn't stand her and was always arguing with her father. He had little choice-he had to send Wenya to her mother's house, but her mother was fully focused on running her business and didn't have any time to take care of Wenya, so she was often shuttled off to her relatives' and friends' homes to be fostered. After so many years of a life of foster care, young Wenya felt lonely and helpless, and longed for the warmth of a home.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Shinjuku gangster Sabu and his young wife Koiko try to live a normal life, despite the interferences of gang politics and criminal deals. After she saves his life, Sabu's gang-boss, Tominaga, falls in love with Koiko, and sends Sabu into increasing dangerous situations, hoping to cause his arrest, and thus obligate himself to "take care" of Koiko while Sabu is in prison.

Shaggy and Scooby-Doo quit their Saturday morning TV series in pursuit of Hollywood stardom.

Handle With Care European Tour '89 is a live video released by Nuclear Assault in 1990. The video is a recording of a concert at the Hammersmith Odeon in London, England on October 4, 1989. Set List: 01. F (Wake Up) 02. When Freedom Dies 03. Rise From The Ashes 04. Brainwashed 05. F # 06. New Song 07. Critical Mass 08. Game Over 09. Nightmares 10. Buttfuck 11. Fight To Be Free 12. Survive 13. Torture Tactics 14. Trail Of Tears 15. Mothers Day 16. My America 17. Hang The Pope 18. Lesbians 19. Emergency 20. Funky Noise 21. Good Times Bad Times 22. Technology 23. Equal Rights

A documentary about the true story that inspired the novel Island of the Blue Dolphins, telling the story of a 12 year-old Native American girl who was left alone for 18 years on San Nicolas Island, the most remote of California's Channel Islands, during the 19th century. The 'Lone Woman' survived with her dog for 18 years before being 'rescued' and brought to Santa Barbara. She died there and is buried in the Santa Barbara Mission.

日本著名造船公司八代商船设计制造了旗下第一艘豪华邮轮爱芙罗黛谛号,为庆祝该邮轮的处女航,八代商船邀请各界名流参加,上到首相下到富豪悉数前来。铃木园子的父母也接到邀请,因行程安排铃木夫妇无法出席,园子于是邀请、毛利小五郎、小兰、柯南等一众好友同行。蓝天白云,美酒佳肴,众人无不陶醉于这美好的假期之中。但是,这注定是一次不寻常的航行。先是园子突然遭人绑架,接着八代商船的女社长贵江被人杀害,与此同时董事长八代延太郎也从船上神秘失踪。此前不久,贵江的丈夫八代英人驾车时突发心脏病冲下山崖。这一连串死亡、失踪案件似乎都与 15 年前八代商船的沉船事故有关。在层层推理调查之下,隐藏的秘密渐渐浮出水面。

A Russian investigator and a Buryat policeman are investigating the murder of a truth-seeking huntsman in the Baikal taiga.

Hüseyin Al Baldawi arrives in Brussels in August 2015. He has traveled thousands of kilometers until he got there from Iraq. A year after his arrival, he receives his residence permit and decides to go to Greece. This journey from Brussels to Athens involves the viewers on the difficulties faced by Hüseyin and thousands of other immigrants. While the story of Hüseyin is taking shape through the countries he travels, the forgotten people he meets and the selfish society of Europe give us many messages, as well.

Do, Re and Mi in this sequeal tells the tale of a group of gangsters who are planning to rob a bank. So they use this oppurtunity to con them out of it and capture them at the same time. Many comedic memorable moments are carried out through the movie.

A film illustrating the process of personality adaptation in society.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

  洛基电影的第五集。自从上一集洛基(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)击败了苏联的拳击机械人后,他决意归隐,从此过些安安乐乐的日子。阴险商人杜克(东尼•布顿 Tony Burton 饰)是拳击经理人,利用拳击手赚黑心钱,他高薪引诱洛基投到他门下,洛基不为所动,断然拒绝了他的邀请。   退隐后的洛基还是没有离开拳击,他的好友拳击教练米克死后留下了一座拳击训练馆,洛基继承了米克的事业,每天到拳击馆里训练新人。年轻拳手绰号“机枪”的涛米极具天分,洛基倾其所有传授米涛拳术,米涛在洛基的帮助很快就跻身了优秀拳手的行列。成名后的米涛被名声和金钱所蒙蔽,投到了杜克的帐下,成了杜克阴谋的一枚棋子。   怒不可遏的洛基决定用自己的手段拯救米涛!



West­ern for the SDS por­trays the de­vel­op­ment of the left as a learn­ing pro­cess among wo­m­en who shar­p­en their aware­ness in the move­ment but cont­in­ue to have no say. The con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing the film is shown in the DFFB week­ly news­reel Re­quiem for a Com­pany. The West­ern was con­fis­cat­ed by the ad­min­is­tra­tion, and eigh­teen stu­dents who sid­ed with Straschek were ex­pelled from the acade­my. The film was considered lost until its rediscovery in 2018.

During the Great Depression, a mobster muscles in on the newest speakeasy but not if the head dancer has anything to say about it in "Silk Garter Club." "Greece: Our Girls Leave It In Ruins" features EB girls Tracey, Stacey and Sally Anne on location on the Greek island of Mykonos where they laze around the picturesque location naked and occasionally tell viewers how nice everything looks. There's also the second "History of Lingerie" segment covering the 1920s to present day, other soft core shorts and the unedited verison of Helix's R rated music video for "Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'".