تدور احداث الفيلم عن الأحداث الحقيقة في عام 1987 والتي أشعلت “انتفاضة يونيو الديموقراطية“ التي أطاحت بالحكم العسكري و أسست للجمهورية السادسة الكورية وهي القائمة حتى يومنا هذا. تأججت الأحداث من مقتل طالب جامعة سول“ بارك جونج تشول“ الذي لقى مصرعه إثر تعذيب وحشي وصعق بالكهرباء بالرغم من محاولات الحكومة التستر على مقتله زاعمة أنه جراء سكتة قلبية.

Two apathetic police academy recruits who become best buddies through the tough training together witness a woman being abducted right before their very eyes. As they were taught in the academy, they quickly report the incident to the police, but the police are in no hurry to jump on the case. So the duo decide to take the matter into their own hands and rescue the woman.

A man aids his friend by assisting him in disposing of the body of his ex-girlfriend.

In Japanese-occupied Korea, three freedom fighters are assigned a mission to assassinate a genocidal military leader and his top collaborator. But the plan goes completely awry amidst double-crossings, counter-assassinations, and a shocking revelation about one of the assassins' past.

A romantic comedy of a young man and woman that is told in the background of hotel 'Emross'. It has stories of people who met each other at Hotel Emross during the New Year holidays. Each one has his own memory to relate and create relationships or just going nostalgic.

In this world, there are many people who seem to be wandering along a relationship border-lining friends and lovers. This borderline is also commonly known as the friend zone. It is a special area for those who are stuck in the middle where they cannot really stay friends with their close friends, nor move forward to be their friends' lovers.

A reverse comedy that tells the story of a perfectionist assassin who falls and hits his head in a sauna, giving him amnesia. When a down-and-out actor switches locker keys with him, they switch lives until the hit-man, who soon becomes an action hero on TV, starts to remember things.

When a British-born actor abandons his Hollywood career to volunteer to Join the Kurdish YPG to fight ISIS in Syria, many see him as a selfless hero battling America's most insidious enemy. But others think he's a hot-tempered narcissist, staging a publicity stunt to further his career - and when his service ends, neither the UK nor the US welcome him back. Through incisive interviews with the actor, his supporters, his detractors, and top-tier experts - and featuring the actor's own jaw-dropping helmet-cam video of deadly battles with and interrogations of ISIS fighters - Heval gives viewers unprecedented access into a war against evil and one man's controversial role in it.

The story of 12-year-old Ali and his three friends. Together they work hard to survive and support their families, doing small jobs in a garage and committing petty crimes to make fast money. In a turn of events that seems miraculous, Ali is entrusted to find hidden treasure underground. He recruits his gang, but first, to gain access to the tunnel, the children must enroll at the Sun School, a charitable institution that tries to educate street kids and child laborers, close to where the treasure is located.

يتعرض مبنى سكني حديث للانهيار إثر خسف أرضي سببته مياه الأمطار الغزيرة، فيكافح الناجون لإنقاذ حياتهم والخروج منها.

Masaya is a university student, but he attends a school that's not his ideal school. His days are generally gloomy. One day, he receives a letter from serial killer Haimura. He was convicted for nine murders and received the death penalty. Back when Haimura was committing his murders, he ran a bakery store. At that time, Masaya was a middle-school student and a customer at his bakery store. According to the letter, Haimura confesses to having committed eight murders, but he insists that he did not commit the last murder. Masaya begins to investigate the last murder case involving Haimura.

في إطار من الدراما، وبعد فترة طويلة من العزلة والعيش في وحدة بعيدًا عن البشر، تُعيد امرأة النظر في قراراتها وحياتها من جديد؛ حينما تعلم بوفاة جارها وحيدًا بشقته.

Three orphans grow up to become art thieves under the tutelage of a crime boss. Romance complicates matters when the trio are double-crossed.

تنخفض منصة النفط بشكل كبير على الساحل النرويجي، ويحاول الباحثون معرفة ما حدث عندما يدركون أن هذا مجرد بداية لشيء أكثر خطورة.

Convicted felon Jimmy gets early parole after serving twelve years for armed robbery. Upon his release, he vows to give Annie, his childhood love, now dying from cancer, the best last year of her life – unfortunately it’s not that simple.

يتناول العمل قصة نحاتة تستعد لتقديم معرض جديد لمنحوتاتها، وتحاول الموازنة بين عملها الفني الناجح، ومشاكل العائلة والأصدقاء التي تمر بها.

A year after the mysterious disappearance of an 8 year-old girl, we meet her grieving family as they return home from her memorial service in their small town. Later that evening, strange lights appear in the nearby forest and the family is exposed to an inexplicably strange phenomenon that rattles them to the core. The origin of the lights appear to be visitors from another world that seemingly terrorize the family. What they don't realize is that these 'beings' will lead the family to the truth behind the little girl's disturbing disappearance.

Four friends pledge to commit suicide together but while standing on the ledge, only one of them actually jumps. Her ghost begins to haunt the remaining friends until the pledge is fulfilled.

A prostitute looking for her next meal hitches a ride with a trucker that leaves her praying for her next breath.