A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.

Koyomi Araragi was turned into a vampire by the legendary vampire, Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade, and he needs to revive the weakened vampire back to her complete form to return to being human again. The only way for Koyomi to achieve his goal is to fight the three vampire hunters – Dramaturgy, Episode and Guillotinecutter.

Alexander, a journalist, philosopher and retired actor, celebrates a birthday with friends and family when it is announced that nuclear war has begun.

Polish immigrant Karol Karol finds himself out of a marriage, a job and a country when his French wife, Dominique, divorces him after six months due to his impotence. Forced to leave France after losing the business they jointly owned, Karol enlists fellow Polish expatriate Mikołaj to smuggle him back to their homeland.

A father experiences strange apparitions after his daughter is killed in a car accident.

Now aged 17, Antoine Doinel works in a factory which makes records. At a music concert, he meets a girl his own age, Colette, and falls in love with her. Later, Antoine goes to extraordinary lengths to please his new girlfriend and her parents, but Colette still only regards him as a casual friend. First segment of “Love at Twenty” (1962).

Eno leto po smrti očeta se trije ameriški bratje, Francis, Peter in Jack, ki od pogreba niso več govorili drug z drugim, podajo na vožnjo s slovitim vlakom po Indiji. Bratje se ne razumejo najbolje, a čas izkoristijo tako, da se spoznajo in načnejo nekatera boleča vprašanja medsebojnih odnosov: o tem, zakaj se ne marajo, in zakaj se njihova mati ni hotela udeležiti pogreba svojega moža. Francis, ki ima po nedavni nesreči z motornim kolesom povezan obraz, jim pove, da se je njihova mati pridružila samostanu v Indiji, in da je cilj njihovega potovanja ta, da jo poiščejo. Njihovo duhovno potovanje pa hitro skrene v drugo smer (po dogodkih z nedovoljenimi tabletami za lajšanje bolečin, indijskim sirupom proti kašlju in pekočem pršilu) in kmalu se znajdejo sami sredi puščave z enajstimi kovčki, tiskalnikom in napravo za foliranje. V tistem trenutku se zanje začne novo, nenačrtovano potovanje.

In a near future, a callous smuggler hardened by life guides a pious young woman and her child across the border to safety, unaware that their destinies are inescapably linked in this inhospitable land.

A community is under siege as three Belmont Highschool coed students go missing with no trace of their whereabouts. The pressure is on the police to capture the culprits responsible. Scouring the school hallways in search of clues, undercover female detective Maggie Rawdon (Jessica Sonnerborn) enters Belmont High as a transfer student in an attempt to solve the hideous disappearance of the students. Maggie makes a few new friends, and gets invited to a private rave in the country. Just as the group begins to suspect that they've taken a wrong turn, however, the trap is sprung and Maggie finds out firsthand what fate has befallen the missing girls.

This is a story about a city guy Nikolai, who will have to go instead of his friend on a rural business trip. A series of funny events, meetings and the beauty of the Yakut village encourage Nikolai to make an important decision in his life…

71 scenes revolving around multiple Viennese residents who are by chance involved with a senseless gun slaughter on Christmas Eve.

A wife accused of killing her businessman husband asks the young lawyer who defended her to help her find the real killer.

A tough but honest cop must clear his name after a corrupt colleague implicates him in a murder in this French thriller. Ferrot is a hard-as-nails police detective who is attracted to a beautiful woman named Sylvia. Sylvia, however, is having an affair with Ganay, who happens to be Ferrot's superior on the force; Ganay happens to be married to Therese, who is handicapped. Sylvia is found murdered, and Ferrot is assigned to investigate; Ferrot is convinced that Ganay killed Sylvia because she wanted to end their relationship, but to his dismay, Ferrot discovers that the killer has placed a number of false clues that point the blame toward Ferrot.

In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.

Ugledna nevrokirurginja Márta Vizy se po dvajsetih letih vrne iz ZDA domov na Madžarsko. Marto je življenje spremenilo, hrepeni po močni ljubezenski izkušnji, drugo ni tako pomembno, zdi se celo, da ji vse polzi iz rok … Domov se ni vrnila zaradi domotožja ali hrepenenja po domovini, niti zaradi družine, pač pa zaradi ljubezenskega dogovora, ki se zdi malodane najstniški, vendar ni tak … Sklenila ga je s kolegom, madžarskim zdravnikom, potem ko sta se spoznala in zaljubila na zdravniškem zborovanju v New Jerseyju. Dogovor je bil, da se mesec dni po zborovanju snideta na mostu Liberty Bridge v Budimpešti. Ona je obljubo izpolnila, on je ni …

Dvesto let po smrti častnice Ripley jo skupina znanstvenikov klonira, da bi ustvarila popolno orožje. Toda nova Ripleyjeva je polna presenečenj ... kot so tudi novi nezemljani. Ripleyjeva in druščina tihotapcev morajo stvorom preprečiti prihod na Zemljo.

Die Drei von der Tankstelle, meaning The Three from the Gas Station, was advertised as a German operetta when release and with it’s star studded cast would become the forerunner of Musical films. Even today the soundtrack of the comic harmonists is popular in Germany.

An archival investigation into the imperial image-making of the RAF ‘Z Unit’, which determined the destruction of human, animal and cultural life across Somaliland, as well as Africa and Asia.

A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.