In 2016, after Glenn Frey died, the Eagles went on a hiatus as Don Henley decided that the band would not play again. However, Henley reversed his decision and it was announced in March 2017 that the Eagles would perform in two festivals featuring classic rock bands organized by their manager Irving Azoff, starting with The Classic West festival held at the Dodger Stadium in July that year. Henley brought in Frey's son Deacon to perform with the remaining members of the Eagles in these shows after he saw Deacon performed Glenn Frey's songs at his memorial service.

A philosophical and poetic portrait of the famous (or maybe infamous?) Baron Munchhausen. His crazy, yet very merriment, stories, views and behavior is what sets him apart from others. He becomes alienated from the society that failed to grasp his brilliance. In fact, his brilliance is what underlines the faults with the society itself. It's a beautiful yet tragic story that is filled with dense and intellectual dialogue.

10-year-old Eli finds himself at summer camp.

Veteran comedy writer Charlie Berns, who is slowly but surely losing his grip on reality, befriends a talented young New York street singer Emma Payge. Together, they form an unlikely yet hilarious and touching friendship that kicks the generation gap aside and redefines the meaning of love and trust.

През 90-те години на 20-ти век играта Го става хазартен феномен. Гуи-Су бива изоставен без пукната пара от баща си когато е бил още момче, защото таткото загубил всичко на Го. Гуи-Су не след дълго намира учител по Го, който прекарва момчето през редица изпитания и усилени тренировки, за да превърне малчугана в най-големия майстор на Го. Сега той решава да се опълчи на света, взел му всичко, но...

Действието се развива в края на 18 век в отдалечено кътче, напомнящо Парагвай. Дон Диего де Сама е офицер на испанската корона, роден в Латинска Америка. Той чака писмо от краля, което да оповестява преназначението от града, в който се намира, на по-хубаво и престижно място. Ситуацията му е деликатна. Той трябва да направи така, че нищо да не попречи на трансфера му. В същото време е принуден да изпълнява без възражения задачите, които всеки нов губернатор му възлага. Годините минават, а писмото от краля така и не пристига. Когато Сама решава, че всичко е изгубено, той се включва в група войници, които са по следите на опасен бандит.

Това е красивата, деликатна, интимна и забавна история на крехката, но витална връзка между Л. С. Лаури – един от великите художници на XX в., и неговата немощна, нещастна и контролираща майка. Увлекателен и забавен, Г-жа Лаури и син предлага уникален майсторски клас по актьорско майсторство, в който майка и син се надиграват, разделени от изкуството и амбицията.

Class Action Park explores the legend, legacy, and truth behind the 1980s water park in Vernon, New Jersey that long ago entered the realm of myth. Known for its dangerous, unsupervised rides and lack of regulation, guests of Action Park expected to walk away with injuries and were lucky if they made it out alive. Shirking the trappings of nostalgia, the film uses investigative journalism, original animations, recordings, and interviews with the people who lived it to reveal the true story of Action Park.

A single mother and a childless morgue technician are bound together by their relationship to a little girl they have reanimated from the dead.

A documentary on the last remaining Blockbuster Video in Bend, Oregon.

Двойка, която не може да спре стълкновенията по между си се впуска в последен отчаян опит да закрепи брака си, а именно - да превърнат конфликтите си в песни.

Salaam Namaste is about two Indians who have left their houses to make a life on their own, and how they meet and how they tackle their own relationships and problems and overcome them themselves without their families

Животът на две различни семейства се преобръща, когато децата им започват връзка, която води до трагичен инцидент.

A troubled woman meets her father for the first time and their encounter goes from awkward to alarming when they witness a man swallow a little girl whole.

Fed up with her cheating husband, Louise, 45, takes off for a weekend in Corsica. But after a wild night of unbridled passion with a man who winds up dead, Louise is unwittingly mistaken for his secret, longtime girlfriend by his Corsican fearsome but loving mother.

Дейвид Куевас е семеен мъж, който работи като колектор на данъци в банди за високопоставени членове на бандите в Лос Анджелис. Работата му е из целия град с партньора му Крийпър. В града се завръща стар враг и застрашава всичко ценно за Дейвид.

A dark rainy night, an empty house, a stranded couple and an unknown man. A sleek game of the cat and the mouse starts playing on, as the three of them find a dead body in the basement.

Following the launch of her new novel, 35-year-old writer Kate Conklin is invited to speak at her alma mater by her mentor and former professor. After accepting the invitation, Kate finds herself deeply enmeshed in the lives of an eccentric group of college students.

Amy is ravaged by the notion that she is going to die tomorrow, which sends her down a dizzying emotional spiral. When her skeptical friend Jane discovers Amy’s feeling of imminent death to be contagious, they both begin bizarre journeys through what might be the last day of their lives.

Plauto, the clown, tells us the story of the Circo de las Alegrías. Doña Alegría, owner of the Circus is determined that her son Palevhi, maintain the classic line of the show, which begs for a complete renovation. During the last years, the Circus has been dragging like a dying man until the threat of bankruptcy and unemployment has led his workers to anguish. One night in September, Palevhi decides to inform the big family of the circus the final closure. Tears of frustration give way to the search for solutions.