შობის ღამეს ქურდი შეიჭრა კირასა და ხუანის სახლში. მფლობელები კრიმინალს ყველა ძვირფას ნივთს წინააღმდეგობის გარეშე აძლევენ და მშვიდობიანი შედეგის იმედი აქვთ, მაგრამ ბოლო მომენტში მძარცველი სახლში აღმოაჩენს პატარა გოგონას, რომელიც მას სანტა კლაუსისთვის მიჰყავს. არ სურს ბავშვის იმედი გაუცრუოს, სანტას მატყუარა გადაწყვეტს პატარა გოგონას საუკეთესო შობა აჩუქოს.

Dennis Rosen disappeared on September 19th, 2020, while filming an episode for his urban exploration channel 'Dennis the explorer'. He was exploring Darkbluff, Maryland, a town that authorities discovered abandoned during their search for Dennis. They also discovered a camera. This footage was on that camera.

On Halloween night, a young girl has no one to go trick-or-treating with....until The Jester offers to tag along.

A young woman dreamed of a military career. In 2020, however, after telling her mother she was being sexually harassed on the Fort Hood army base, Guillen was murdered by a fellow soldier. Her story sparked an international movement of assault victims demanding action. The project follows her family’s fight for historic reform, a journey that takes them to the Oval Office.

When world renowned climber Alex Lowe was tragically lost in a deadly avalanche, his best friend and climbing partner went on to marry his widow and help raise his three sons. This profoundly intimate film from eldest son Max, captures the family's intense personal journey toward understanding as they finally lay him to rest.

საშინელებათა თრილერი, კოლეჯის სტუდენტი გოგონას შესახებ, რომელიც ოჯახური მიზეზების გამო მოგზაურობს, მოულოდნელად თოვლის ქარიშხალში მოხვდება და ახლა იძულებულია თავშესაფარი ეძებოს გზის იზოლირებულ მონაკვეთზე უცხო ადამიანების ჯგუფთან ერთად.

Hunting Souls is the story of an American couple who are dealing with the hardships of caring for their sick child. They discover that they are being hunted by a demon.

When Keira Woods' daughter mysteriously vanishes in the cellar of their new house in the country, she soon discovers there is an ancient and powerful entity controlling their home that she will have to face or risk losing her family's souls forever.

Life is pretty dull for farmer Earl and his brother Joel: Wake up, feed the cows, and sit on the porch until it's time to turn in. Until one night when a mysterious object from outer space crash-lands in their pasture killing their best bull and milking cow.

დრამატული თრილერი, რომელშიც მოვლენები ველურ დასავლეთში ვითარდება და ცოტა ხნის წინ აშენებულ ბერმაში მცხოვრები ახალგაზრდა ოჯახის შესახებ მოგვითხრობს, სადაც გმირები სასტიკი თავდასხმის ობიექტები გახდებიან, და ახლა დაუცველი ოჯახი მთელი ძალებით უნდა შეებრძოლოს ბოროტმოქმედების ბანდას, რომლებიც ატერორებენ მათ.

A woman grieving over the death of her daughter loses grip of reality when she begins to think her girl may still be alive.

Famed highway robber Dick Turpin finds himself on the run in the English countryside having accidentally kidnapped the Earl of Pembroke's feisty daughter, Elizabeth. As her fiance Winthroppe attempts to track them down, Elizabeth begins to fall for the dashing highwayman, leaving Turpin with no choice but to face off against Winthroppe in a fight for Elizabeth's heart - and her fortune.

Oliver, former European champion in the decathlon, came out after the end of his sporting career and divorced his wife Carolin. Since then he has had little connection to his 15-year-old daughter Alma. Oliver now lives in Hamburg with Felix, the owner of an outdoor shop. When Oliver's ex-wife dies after a car accident, Alma moves in with them at the request of her aunt Franziska. Full of mistrust of her homosexual father, the traumatized girl tries to initiate conflicts between Oliver and Felix and to break them up. Alma's friend Johannes also has reservations about gays. His family provides Alma with emotional support. Because Felix also shows a lot of understanding for Alma's needs, Oliver gets caught between the fronts.

Chris, a wealthy divorcee, lives in a high-tech house of his own design in Montana. His life changes when he meets Sky, a mysterious young woman who draws him out of his shell and moves in after Chris is injured.

Ivan Beckman, Hollywood's most sought-after talent agent, the darling and crown prince of La La Land, is dead. How and why did it happen? Was it drugs, murder, or perhaps something altogether more mundane? We begin with an ending and then catapult back a number of days to the apex of Ivan's brilliant career as he bags international megastar Don West onto his company's books. We then follow Ivan through the highs, lows, and extreme excesses of his final days.

When two friends return from a girls weekend vacation in Mexico, they find themselves stranded at the airport. Trying to get home safely, they board an airport shuttle for the short trip. But once their feet cross the threshold of the shuttle, a night that had started like any other turns terrifying, and the ride home becomes a descent into darkness.

Mona, her man Theo and daughter Hanna live in an idyllic villa on the outskirts. When the attractive daughter of a friend comes to visit, the problems and fragility of the small family are revealed and a tragic downward spiral continues.

Afflicted with a mysterious disease after surviving an overdose, a woman returns to her childhood home to confront her personal demons but instead discovers a real one.

Campers at an LGBTQ+ conversion camp endure unsettling psychological techniques while the campsite is stalked by a mysterious killer.