Where We Are: celoten koncert s 23 skladbami, posnet na stadionu San Siro v Milanu junija 2014, ter 24 minut dodatne vsebine, vključno s posnetki skupine One Direction in njihove ekipe iz zakulisja.
Še nikoli videno filmsko potovanje, ki je nastajalo deset let in zajema celoten Marvel Cinematic Universe. Na velika platna nam prinaša končni, najsmrtonosnejši obračun vseh časov. Maščevalci in njihovi zavezniki superjunaki morajo biti pripravljeni žrtvovati vse, da bi lahko premagali mogočnega Thanosa, preden ta s svojim rušenjem in uničenjem pokonča celotno vesolje.
Lynn, a brilliant student, after helping her friends to get the grades they need, develops the idea of starting a much bigger exam-cheating business.
An old man is found dead, and his housekeeper is charged with the murder. Her defense attorney is surprised to learn the only witness to the crime is a teenage girl with autism.
A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…
A former serial killer with Alzheimer's fights to protect his daughter from her mysterious boyfriend who may be a serial killer too.
Pietro Zinni is asked by the police to revive the old gang to create a task force that will stop the spread of smart drugs.
Peter Parker je mlad in sramežljiv študent, ki je živel s svojo teto Majo in stricem Benom od smrti njegovih staršev, ko je bil zelo mlad. Peter je zaljubljen v svojo lepo sosedo, a zaradi pomanjkanja karizme v srednji šoli ne postane zelo priljubljen. Nekega dne ga ugrizne pajek, ki je bil gensko spremenjen, naslednji dan odkrije, da ima nenavadne moči: ima moč in okretnost pajka. Pustolovščine Spider-Man, ki temeljijo na znanih stripih Stan Leeja in Stevea Ditka, so pometale ameriško blagajno in podrle rekordne posnetke njegovega prvega vikenda: 114 milijonov dolarjev, kar je prvič v zgodovini uspelo prebiti 100 milijonov dolarjev ovire na običajen konec tedna.
Spiderman se vrača. Navdušen nad vsem, kar je doživel z Maščevalci, se mladi Peter Parker vrača domov k teti May, kjer je tudi pod budnim očesom novega mentorja Tonyja Starka. Peter se skuša vrniti k normalnemu vsakdanjemu življenju, čeprav mu to preprečuje misel, da se mora še vedno dokazati kot pravi superjunak. Mogoče bo pravi trenutek za to nastopil veliko prej, kot si Peter misli, potem ko se v mestu pojavi nov zlikovec, Vulture.
After marrying a successful Parisian writer known commonly as Willy, Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette is transplanted from her childhood home in rural France to the intellectual and artistic splendor of Paris. Soon after, Willy convinces Colette to ghostwrite for him. She pens a semi-autobiographical novel about a witty and brazen country girl named Claudine, sparking a bestseller and a cultural sensation. After its success, Colette and Willy become the talk of Paris and their adventures inspire additional Claudine novels.
Mothra's dark counterpart, Battra, emerges to eliminate humanity on behalf of the Earth. Two tiny fairies called the Cosmos offer their help by calling Mothra to battle the creature. Unfortunately a meteorite has awoken a hibernating Godzilla as a three way battle for the Earth begins.
Eddie Brock se še vedno trudi sobivati s parazitskim, obliko spreminjajočim vesoljcem. Ko tudi psihopatski serijski morilec Cletus Kasady postane žrtev simbiota, morata Eddie in Venom odložiti nesoglasja in preprečiti vladavino groze.Tom Hardy se na filmska platna vrača kot eden najbolj nenavadnih in zapletenih likov iz stripovskega sveta založbe Marvel. V iskanju naslednje senzacionalne novinarske zgodbe ima Eddie Brock to srečo, da na intervju z njim pristane na smrt obsojeni psihopatski serijski morilec Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson). Po naključju odkrije Eddiejevo skrivnost in tudi sam postane žrtev parazitskega nezemeljskega simbiota po imenu Carnage, ki z nenasitnim tekom in uničevalnostjo predstavlja nevarnost za človeštvo in ves svet.
Morioh, 1999—a normally quiet and peaceful town has recently become a hotbed of strange activity. Jōtarō Kūjō, now a marine biologist, heads to the mysterious town to meet Jōsuke Higashikata. While the two may seem like strangers at first, Jōsuke is actually the illegitimate child of Jōtarō's grandfather, Joseph Joestar. When they meet, Jōtarō realizes that he may have more in common with Jōsuke than just a blood relation. Along with the mild-mannered Kōichi Hirose and the boisterous Okuyasu Nijimura, the group dedicates themselves to investigating recent disappearances and other suspicious occurrences within Morioh. Aided by the power of Stands, the four men will encounter danger at every street corner, as it is up to them to unravel the town's secrets, before another occurs.
When a border guard with a sixth sense for identifying smugglers encounters the first person she cannot prove is guilty, she is forced to confront terrifying revelations about herself and humankind.
In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.
Heart set on becoming a princess, Lisa Simpson is surprised to learn being bad might be more fun.
Hit man Cleve approaches writer/cop Dennis about a story for his next book: How Cleve made a living, working for one of the most powerful politicians in the country. To get the story right, they travel around the country to gather statements and evidence, while strong forces use any means they can to keep the story untold.
Če kdo na svetu kaj ve o kolesih, je to Rudi Taburin, uradni mojster za popravljanje koles v ljubki vasici na jugu Francije. Rudi ima izjemen talent, popravi lahko vsako še tako odpisano kolo, in svoje delo opravlja z veliko strastjo. A kolesarski mojster že od otroštva hrani veliko skrivnost, ki je iz globokega sramu nikdar nikomur ni zaupal. Rudi ne zna voziti kolesa brez pomožnih koleščkov. Skrivnost ga grize vse življenje, a njegov sram je tako močan, da je ni zaupal niti svoji ženi – ljubezni svojega življenja, ki ga od vseh ljudi na svetu najbolje pozna.
After Porn Ends 3 continues to explore whether a career as an adult performer is inherently damaging to the balance of a perfomer's life once retired.
Lorenzo is a lawyer who files a lawsuit against the zoo of his town but after winning it he has to take home a gorilla.