Three girls drive around Hollywood without paying much attention to the road.
A satirical take on the mundane absurdities of life in modern-day Iran, these nine vignettes illuminate the lighter side of enduring under authoritarian rule. Whether choosing a name for a newborn, graduating from grade school, getting a driver’s license, applying for a job, or seeking approval for a film script, if you live in Iran, you best come fluent in Orwellian discourse. Progressing along a rough timeline from birth to death, each story is shot in a static camera angle as a single petitioner negotiates with an authority figure hovering just outside of frame, who is practiced in the language of doublespeak.
Signe a Thomas sú mladý pár so vzájomne nezdravou súťaživosťou, ktorá naberie nebezpečný smer, keď sa Thomas náhle presadí ako súčasný umelec. Signe v reakcii na to, urobí zúfalý až sebazničujúci pokus o znovuzískanie svojho postavenia tým, že sa úmyselne stane chorou, aby prilákala na svoju stranu pozornosť a súcit.
A family fired by a company owned by LVMH (Group owned by French billionaire, Bernard Arnault) seeks reparation from their previous employer with the help of the movie director.
Mirko and Manolo are best friends and live in the suburbs of Rome. They both live in poor conditions with their single parents, are still in school and struggle with occasional odd jobs to make ends meet. Together they share dreams of women, of sex and money, of a better life to come. Then, after killing a man in a hit-and-run one night, they get involved with the local mafia and their lives change dramatically.
Je september 1945 a všetci obyvatelia horskej dedinky v srdci úchvatných savojských Álp oslavujú koniec vojny. Sebastián vyrástol a stal sa z neho desaťročný chlapec. Spoločne s divokou psou kamarátkou Bellou netrpezlivo čaká na návrat Angeliny, ktorá preňho vždy bola ako jeho druhá matka. Lenže namiesto nej dorazí do Saint Martin strašná správa: lietadlo, ktorým cestovala, sa zrútilo a Angelina sa stratila v hlbokom lese. Ale Sebastiánov skúsený starý otec vie o niekom, kto by im mohol pomôcť Angelinu nájsť. Chlapec a jeho veľký horský pes budú musieť prekonať celý rad prekážok a niekoľko ťažkých skúšok a čeliť tajomstvu, ktoré navždy zmení Sebastiánov život.
Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.
Two men at a remote Arctic base begin mistrusting each other after an important radio message.
Sidney Prescottová, teraz autorka novej svojpomocnej knihy, sa vracia domov do Woodsboro, ktoré je poslednou zastávkou jej turné k vydanej knihe. Tu sa opäť spojí so šerifom Deweym a Galeom, ktorí sú teraz manželia a jej sesternicou Jill a tetou Kate. Nanešťastie jej návrat priláka starého Ghostfacea a tým sa Dewey, spoločne s Jill, jej kamarátmi a celým mestečkom Woodsboro dostávajú do nebezpečenstva.
A documentary about unemployed people who bought fruit and vegetables at moderate prices at the wholesale market and sold these in the streets of Frankfurt. Since they had no permits they were constantly with their bulky carts on the run from the police. One part of the film was shot at the fairgrounds in front of the wholesale market. Newspaper and lottery ticket vendors, propagandists offering their ware for a few pfennigs, all convey the mood of a time when need made people inventive.
Mike Kendall, a disgraced ex-cop, is fighting a losing battle with the bottle. When he finds a woman left for dead at the side of a road, Kendall turns private eye to track down her killers, taking one last shot at redemption.
Billy a Nick sú predajcovia zo starej školy, ktorí polovicu života strávili zdokonaľovaním svojich predavačských fígľov. Svoju prácu povýšili na umeleckú disciplínu, ale aj tak skončili na dlažbe. Obidvaja sú produktom svojej generácie, ktorá verila v americký sen - kto tvrdo pracuje a dodržuje pravidlá, toho úspech neminie. V snahe dokázať, že nepatria do starého železa, sa im podarí takmer nemožné a získajú stáž v prestížnej firme Google. Problém nastane, keď zistia, že tam nie sú sami. Súboj o niekoľko voľných pozícií nebude jednoduchý. Billyho a Nicka čaká neľútostný súboj s elitou národa, v ktorom musia porušiť všetky pravidlá, aby na konci šialenej cesty za získaním práce snov dosiahli to, po čom celý čas túžili. Aby získali povýšenie z Noodlerov na Googlerov, teda zo stážistov na zamestnancov, Billy a Nick musia prekonať generačnú bariéru a všetkým predviesť ich skvelú zásobu nacvičených predajných trikov.
Ultra Music Festival 2015. In the middle of the pouring rain. Dash Berlin wrote history surprising the crowd with one of the most emotional, powerful and energetic sets the festival has ever seen and proved to be right at home at the big main stage.
Once again tampering with mother nature to disastrous results, Dr. Herbert West continues his research while serving time in a maximum security prison for his previous exploits. West's limited prison-cell experiments are suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a new prison doctor and the brother of the girl who suffered from West's experiments 13 years earlier.
Loïc Le Tallec nikdy nebol svojmu synovi Yannovi veľmi dobrým otcom. Synova smrť pri dopravnej nehode ho preto veľmi zasiahne a rozhodne sa vypátrať príjemcu, ktorému transplantácia Yannovho srdca zachránila život. Keď zistí že, príjemcom je dvadsaťročný chlapec menom Hugo, má pocit, že život mu dal ešte jednu šancu napraviť to, čo pri Yannovi zanedbal...
A financial schemer finds himself in the middle of an international scandal after he becomes a political adviser to the new Prime Minister of Israel.
The larger than life true story of how a barmaid in a poor Welsh mining village convinces some of her fellow residents to pool their resources to compete in the "sport of kings" with a racehorse they would breed and raise.
A married doctor lands in trouble when his flirtatious ways lead a woman to fall for him.
A male lion, right next to bars that are about 6 or 8 inches apart, keenly watches a uniformed zoo attendant toss small morsels of food into the cage. The lion alternates between finding the food on the cage floor and reaching through the bars to swipe at the man, who stays alarmingly close to the beast. In the background are the large rocks and brick wall at the back of the lion's habitat.