
A firefighter develops a fear of heights and has strange visions after his wedding proposal goes up in smoke. Will a teacher he meets later cure his vertigo and mend his broken heart?

David Samaras, "el Griego", is the general producer of the popular talk show "Hoy se arregla el mundo", where supposedly ordinary people resolve relationship, couple, friendship, work, parent and child conflicts. The most enduring bond in his life is Benito, his 9-year-old son, the fruit of a casual relationship. The story changes completely when he learns that Benito is not his son. The search for the real dad will lead them to a crossroads much bigger than the one they set out to face.

尽管安娜贝尔(布蕾克·莱弗利 Blake Lively 饰)满心的不愿意,但她还是在母亲的强势逼迫之下去参加了德克萨斯州小姐的竞选,然而,一场突如其来的意外夺取了她年轻的生命,就这样,安娜贝尔以一具尸体的形式同埃尔维斯(麦克思·明格拉 Max Minghella 饰)相遇了。   埃尔维斯想要做一名遗体美容师,可是,家中没有一个人理解他的这个奇怪理想,并且想方设法地阻挠他实现自己的理想,这让埃尔维斯感到很不自由。让埃尔维斯怎么也意想不到的是,躺在他面前的女子的尸体竟然奇迹般的复活了!就这样,一个诡异的开始发展成为了一段奇妙的情缘,在安娜贝尔和埃尔维斯之间,浪漫的故事就此展开。



When a mother is hit by a rare condition that sees her lift off the ground at a slow but ever increasing rate, her husband and daughter are forced to come to terms with losing her.


When housewife Frances Hannon is abducted and buried alive, detective Madeline Foster is brought in. With only 24 hours before Frances' oxygen runs out, Madeline pursues the trail laid by a killer calling himself Harry Houdini. After capturing him, Madeline brings Harry back to the police station, but is unable to get him to confess where Frances is buried. As time runs down, Harry gets inside the head of unstable, alcoholic Madeline.

Anna Fox隐居在纽约家中,酗酒、看老电影、回忆曾经的美好,以及暗中监视她的邻居们。当罗素一家三口搬来后,Anna 某晚透过窗户看到了不该看的东西,她的世界开始支离破碎,令人震惊的秘密开始显露出来。

A failed treasure hunter tricks his girlfriend into going on a vacation to Mallorca, hoping to both fix the relationship and find the legendary Ghost Dagger, with deadly consequences.


As a penalty for fighting fellow classmates days before graduating from West Point, J.E.B. Stuart, George Armstrong Custer and four friends are assigned to the 2nd Cavalry, stationed at Fort Leavenworth. While there they aid in the capture and execution of the abolitionist, John Brown following the Battle of Harper's Ferry.

Denis Hopkins, a pilot, lives with his pregnant wife Valerie and has a comfortable lifestyle. When a gang of criminals led by the sadistic Ricky Barnes breaks into his home, he offers whatever the criminals want to protect his wife and unborn child, but the evil Ricky kills Valerie anyway. Their baby is saved, and later Barnes is arrested and sentenced to life in the maximum security prison, Sullen Voe. Denis fakes his own suicide, then assaults a police car in order to get himself arrested and sent to prison with the intention of tracking down and killing Ricky Barnes. He does not reveal his true name and is called John "What" by the prisoners and guards. Denis escapes from successive prisons, forcing his eventual transfer to Sullen Voe. When he reaches his objective, Ricky Barnes schedules a confrontation, but things do not quite turn out the way Denis had expected.

在一家天主教医院里发现了一个肮脏、凶残、野性的少女达琳(Lauryn Canny饰),她被带到了主教和他的顺从修女们经营的养老院,在那里她将被驯服成一个“好女孩”。然而,达琳拥有一个比她所面临的“罪恶”更黑暗的秘密,她并不是独自旅行。那个女人(波莉安娜·麦金托什饰),同样凶猛凶猛,把她抚养成人,无论谁想挡她的路,她都会出现在她身边,并下定决心要来找她……

2006年,泰国11位青年男女参加了一个名叫《Ghost Game之生还者》的电视直播节目。他们来到一个17号集中营度过“挑战鬼魂之夜”,在1986年,曾有100000名无辜者惨死营内。


When Sharon finally tracks down her missing sister Raven, she’s elated to be back together – until she begins to suspect that Raven isn’t her sister at all, but rather an opportunistic impostor.

Exploring the rapidly growing marijuana industry through an irreverent approach to the misconceptions and promises of the marijuana explosion.
