A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

Vacanța lui Maggie ia o întorsătură de basm când află că străinul chipeș pe care îl cunoaște este un prinț. Dar oare este ea pregătită să facă parte din lumea lui?

The story of Leon Vitali, who surrendered his promising acting career to become Stanley Kubrick's devoted right-hand man.

A documentary filmmaker interviews the now-famous Trevor Slattery from behind bars.

O aventură animată pentru toate vârstele, Smallfoot întoarce legenda „Bigfoot” cu susul în jos atunci când un tânăr yeti descoperă ceva ce credea că nu există: un om. Deși nu a întâlnit niciodată unul, strălucitul Migo este hotărât să le arate semenilor săi existența dificil de sesizat a omului. Întreaga acțiune eroică îi asigură o anumită faimă în cadrul tribului, chiar și o șansă cu fata visurilor sale. Dar misiunea extravagantă nu merge așa cum a fost planificată: descoperirea trimite comunitatea simplă de yeti într-o alertă și confuzie totală, devenind înspăimântată de creaturile care roiesc dincolo de satul lor înzăpezit. Va fi nevoie de o prietenie inteligentă și dificilă care să restabilească ordinea și să aducă pace între cele două lumi aparent ireconciliabile. Smallfoot este o poveste exuberantă despre prietenie, curaj și bucuria de a descoperi.

After a teenager's friends die in an accident, he finds running allows him to remember them perfectly. Running, however, also brings him notoriety. He is caught between keeping the past alive and making new memories in the present.

The Sheffield family reveal and go through some home truths as their middle child inherits the Foxworth mansion. The family's ghosts looming over, and more tragedies are in store as the curse lives on.

Audrey și Morgan sunt două prietene vechi din Los Angeles care se trezesc prinse în mijlocul unei conspirații internaționale, atunci când fostul iubit al lui Audrey apare la ușa ei cu o echipă de asasini nemiloși pe urmele sale. Surprinse de propriile acțiuni, fetele intră fără ezitare într-o misiune care le poartă prin toată Europa, printre agenți secreți și curse mortale, hotărâte să ducă la bun sfârșit un plan riscant de salvare a lumii. Intervenția oportună a unui agent britanic fermecător devine singurul lor atu.

Superman’s clone, Bizarro, has become an embarrassing problem. Chaos and destruction follow Bizarro everywhere as he always hears the opposite of what is said, says the opposite of what he means and does the opposite of what is right. And when the citizens of Metropolis keep confusing Bizarro with Superman, the Man of Steel decides it’s time to find a new home for him…on another planet! It’s up to the Justice League to come to terms with their backward counterparts and team up with them to stop Darkseid and save the galaxy!

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

When Ana, an influencer, crashes her car while talking on the phone, she's shipped to her grumpy grandfather's farm -- and forced into a digital detox.

After serving five years in prison, wild child Tanya looks to her buttoned-up, by-the-book sister Danica to help her get back on her feet. The feisty ex-con becomes suspicious and concerned when Danica tells her that she's in a long-distance, online relationship with a mysterious man she's never seen. As the polar opposites start to collide, Tanya soon discovers that her sibling's picture-perfect life may not be what it seems.

După viralizarea unui filmuleț rușinos, un fotomodel din New York decide să fugă de presiunea sufocantă printr-o vizită la mătușa ei din îndepărtata Australie.

Bank robber turned teacher Zeki Müller tries to get his class of misfits through the A-Levels but the usual escalations plus lack of future perspectives make it quite difficult.

Managerul unui restaurant încearcă să-și revină după un eșec în afaceri. Lumea ei va fi zdruncinată din nou, de data aceasta de un bucătar cu un trecut misterios.

Lupika, an alien princess, is in love with a tofu seller. To make him love her too (at least, announce his love. He obviously fears the social taboo of a tofu vendor marrying a princess), she needs to get a love potion, which is in a certain temple. Legend has it that the only person that can obtain this love potion is the most lecherous man in the universe. That man turns out to be Ataru Moroboshi. Lupika kidnaps Ataru to make him get the potion, and Lum and her friends go out to search for Ataru.

First day of last year for the students of a high school science, but at school there is something new: some guys have been moved from their respective classes in a section created especially for them, the section H. Students of the H section are not were chosen at random, are in fact notoriously problematic elements, too exuberant and listless. Among them is Ricky who is awake and never misses a chance to make jokes irritating that it shares on its Youtube channel, Star whose only interest is its look and Viola intelligent but always at war with the world.

After she and her husband move into a haunted house, a woman gives birth to a demonic infant that wreaks havoc.