الحياة والحرية والسعي وراء الانتقام. بمساعدة صياد جوائز ألماني ، ينطلق عبد محرر لإنقاذ زوجته من مالك مزرعة وحشي في ولاية ميسيسيبي.
After a fateful encounter in the summer of 1966, the lives of two brothers from a middle-class Roman family take different directions, intersecting with some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history in the following decades.
حياة بلا خوف إلى الأبد المغني فريدي ميركوري وعازف الجيتار بريان ماي وعازف الدرامز روجر تايلور وعازف الجيتار الجهير جون ديكون يأخذون عالم الموسيقى عن طريق العاصفة عندما شكلوا فرقة الروك أند رول كوين في عام 1970. الأغاني الناجحة تصبح كلاسيكية فورية. عندما يبدأ أسلوب حياة ميركوري الجامح بشكل متزايد في الخروج عن نطاق السيطرة ، سرعان ما تواجه كوين أكبر تحد لها حتى الآن - إيجاد طريقة للحفاظ على الفرقة معا وسط النجاح والفائض.
يرصد الفيلم قصة رون وودروف (ماثيو ماكونهي)، رون كان مدخنًا ومعاقرًا للخمر وللمخدرات بالإضافة إلى أنه كان كثير العلاقات وعنصريًا. بعد أن يصاب رون في العمل يذهب للمستشفى وهناك يخبره الأطباء بأنه مصاب بمرض نقص المناعة المكتسبة (الإيدز) وربما سيموت خلال شهر. في البداية يعيش رون في حالة إنكار ممزوجة بالغضب ويكتشف أنه لن يقدر تحمل تكلفة الدواء. يقرر رون بذل كل السبل المتاحة من أجل إنقاذ حياته ليجد نفسه يساعد من كان يبغضهم.
دراما سيرة ذاتية تركزت على التنافس بين سائقي الفورمولا 1 جيمس هانت ونيكي لاودا خلال موسم سباق السيارات للفورمولا 1 عام 1976.
This documentary follows various migratory bird species on their long journeys from their summer homes to the equator and back, covering thousands of miles and navigating by the stars. These arduous treks are crucial for survival, seeking hospitable climates and food sources. Birds face numerous challenges, including crossing oceans and evading predators, illness, and injury. Although migrations are undertaken as a community, birds disperse into family units once they reach their destinations, and every continent is affected by these migrations, hosting migratory bird species at least part of the year.
A documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world's foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers.
Greg Palast has been following the Bush family around for years as an investigative reporter for the BBC. This is some of the information he has found, as recorded in his book "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy".
This year, over 5 million American kids will be bullied at school, online, on the bus, at home, through their cell phones and on the streets of their towns, making it the most common form of violence young people in this country experience. The Bully Project is the first feature documentary film to show how we've all been affected by bullying, whether we've been victims, perpetrators or stood silent witness. The world we inhabit as adults begins on the playground. The Bully Project opens on the first day of school. For the more than 5 million kids who'll be bullied this year in the United States, it's a day filled with more anxiety and foreboding than excitement. As the sun rises and school busses across the country overflow with backpacks, brass instruments and the rambunctious sounds of raging hormones, this is a ride into the unknown.
In Greenwich Village in the early 1960s, gifted but volatile folk musician Llewyn Davis struggles with money, relationships, and his uncertain future.
المغامرات الطريفة المليئة بالحوادث المتعثرة التي خاضها دب بيروفي فتي، يسافر إلى لندن بحثاً عن موطن له.
تحاول عائلة منع الأرواح الشريرة من محاصرة ابنهم دالتون بعد دخوله في غيبوبة عقب حادثة غامضة وخارقة للعادة حدثت له في القبو، فهل ستنجح العائلة في استعادة الابن؟
After 6 years of brutal murders, the West Yorkshire Police fear that they may have already interviewed The Ripper and let him back into the world to continue his reign of terror upon the citizens of Yorkshire. Assistant Chief Constable of the Manchester Police, Peter Hunter, is called in to oversee the West Yorkshire Police's Ripper investigation and see what they could have missed.
After the Chicago Cubs blow an opportunity to reach the World Series in 2003, Cubs fans blame the team's misfortune on fellow fan Steve Bartman, who interfered with a foul ball and prevented Moises Alou from making a catch.
The true story about legendary explorer Thor Heyerdahl and his epic crossing of the Pacific on a balsa wood raft in 1947, in an effort to prove it was possible for South Americans to settle in Polynesia in pre-Columbian times.
Three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified ad seeking a companion for time travel.
After leaving the asylum, Vincent van Gogh settles in the home of Doctor Gachet, where he keeps painting amidst the torments of his failing mental health. He begins an affair with his host’s daughter, however, she soon realizes that he doesn’t love her and that his heart beats only for art.
في إحدى المخيمات الجامعية الواقعة في واحدة من القرى الأمريكية الصغيرة، يعيش البروفيسور في حقل الفلسفة آبي لوكاس (خواكين فينيكس) في أزمة وجودية بالغة، ولا يعرف ما الهدف من الحياة، لكنه يحاول أن يجد لنفسه هدفا جديدا في الحياة بعد أن يدخل في علاقة مع فتاة من اللاتي يدرسن لديه (إيما ستون).
While investigating the kidnapping and murder of a little girl, a detective spots a piece of graffiti that depicts the crime scene perfectly—but the graffiti was drawn a month before the crime took place, and that the artist knows more than he is telling.
The time: the 22nd century. The place: the Confederacy, a matriarchy where men are enslaved and impotent. The hero: Dylan Hunt, a handsome, vigorous 20th-century scientist awakened from suspended animation - just the "breeder" a Confederacy dominatrix has been waiting for! Can Hunt defy the Confederacy and free his downtrodden fellow males, or is he doomed to slavery on Planet Earth? A sequel to Gene Roddenberry's Genesis II.